Monday, December 29, 2014

Renzi: “There is no confidence but Italy will succeed. Jobs Act, I proposed to me … – The Messenger

Renzi: "There is no confidence but Italy will succeed. Jobs Act, I proposed to me … – The Messenger

“There’s a sense of concern, tiredness, lack of confidence” in the country “is not only an economic, but cultural, civil, social. But I’m sure even more than in February that not only Italy can do it but it will do it without a doubt. ” So the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in the year-end press conference. “Italy is a matter for the bike now the challenge in 2015 is to make it run,” added the premier sottolinenado that next year will be a decisive and that the Peninsula has overcome the gap that separated it from other European countries.

Renzi later confirmed to have decided he excerpt of the standard civil service by the Jobs Act, however, opening to change during the examination in parliament of the reform of public administration, reiterating want to send home loafers and reward those who work. Redundancies instead the premier noted that the Parliament does not decide on the decrees attuativ. Renzi said he was then sure that there are numbers to elect the new head of state, but we’ll talk atempo debt, he added. On constitutional reforms “will do, however the referendum.” For Europe the firm also required to discount the investments by the Covenant. But if you do happen to Italy sforerà the 3% ceiling? “We’ll find out just living …”, replied the President of the Council.

“In 2014 there was a change for me is a Copernican revolution, for others maybe it is much less: it changed the rhythm policy. The process of change that is under way and is producing concrete results is under the eyes of all “, again emphasized Renzi.

” The word of 2015 is the same as 2014: rhythm, give the sense change and urgency, to do everything to ensure that Italy to resume its role in the world, “said the prime minister again.

” I feel like Al Pacino in Any Given Sunday trying to tell its that we can do it, “he later joked Renzi.

” In the Council of Ministers, I suggested I remove the norm “Public Servant” because it made no sense to put it in a measure that speaks of another. The Jobs Act does not deal with disciplinary reports of the civil service, “for which there is a reform in Parliament, then underlined Renzi.

Just lay off those who steal from the public administration and the absentee. “As we all think that those who work in Pa, being 99% of people absolutely respectable, is entitled to see punished those who make mistakes but the Jobs Act and the Bill Madia are two different things, so I asked him to remove the reference to the public use the Jobs Act. But if it is right that a civil servant who errs, starting from theft and absenteeism coming sometimes shameful, pay, the answer is yes. On this I am ready to confrontation in Parliament, “said Renzi.


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