History Article
This article was published on December 18, 2014 at 09:11.
The last change is the December 18, 2014 at 10:07.
You slipped this morning the green light to the bill stability by the Senate Budget Committee, which resumed its work at 9.45. The landing in the House is scheduled to 14 to allow the Commission to conclude the consideration of amendments. After a long night sitting, the Budget has completed the work to the 4. The chairman Antonio Azzollini, yesterday admitted that a part of the package of amendments submitted by the Executive last week (80 amendments), asked the groups to go meet this morning in committee after a skimming of the proposed amendments. Although the Commission does not complete the examination, the measure would start still today its process in the House.
Towards confidence in classroom
remain the last knots dissolve. Among the issues not yet examined the remains of the Provinces. The executive then rush to save as many proposed changes badged Government, including the stop already announced increases in 2015 of Tasi and IMU or fee Rai. And to recover the standard use of ‘scenic weapons’. Maybe also because varandola would effectively blocked the next James Bond film that should be shot in Rome. The commitment of the various groups is to reappear in committee with very few amendments. In all cases, it is now assumed that the government will put the question of confidence in Parliament.
Government beaten during the night
And in the night yesterday there have been surprises. The government, for example, has “ stumbled” on an amendment of Sel and was beaten despite opposition to allocate 5 million to schools in Sardinia damaged by bad weather. Among the new development also stop at Tasi for homes destroyed by the earthquake in L’Aquila. The Government, however, has had to let go of 5 amendments and we have seen declare inadmissible by Azzollini other four proposals. Minister Lupi has been nothing on at least three measures that were withdrawn: that relating to the fees of drilling and two proposals for procurement. Especially one that involved the extension of anticipation firm price contract and the other measure which again saw the rules on the progress of the work for the purpose of payments during construction.
At the start of the cut “investments”
government and the majority, however, have found a meeting point to start the plan Cottarelli on the subsidiaries: must be closed or merged companies investments that have less than 10 employees or more directors employees and those with turnover below € 100 thousand. Penalties for failure to cut both the administration both managers
Tax credit for pension funds and pension funds
Among the changes approved yesterday morning by the Budget Commission, outstanding tax credits of 9% and 6% recognized, respectively, pension funds and pension funds calculated on the returns of the investments made in the real economy (see Il Sole 24 hours yesterday). A bonus that aims to compensate for the expected increase of taxes on returns for funds to 26% (from 20% at present) and for pension funds to 20% (from 11.5%).
Down IRAP of self
For subjects IRAP without an independent organization and therefore no labor costs, get a tax credit of 10% that IRAP allows them to recover what was lost with the abolition of cutting the rate from 3.9 to 3.5% in May and willing abolished by stability. To finance the measure, which affects 1.4 million people, will be 140 thousand VAT numbers that have compensation of employees and assimilated. The cumulation of these incomes with ones self, to access the new flat-rate scheme, can not be more than 20 thousand euro.
More funds for bargaining second level
They are then restored 30 million to boost local agreements. Green light to cut reduction for charitable institutions, which now becomes 35 million and the fund for salaries of productivity declined from 238 million to 208. The return of the funding (40 million) for the urban enclaves.
The time schedule
The time to dissolve all the nodes are still tight. The green light of Palazzo Madama is expected Friday morning, with a new confidence vote. The Stability Law and the Law of Budget will land in the House Chamber at Sunday 21 December, with the final vote on Monday 22 in the evening. As laid down by the Conference of leaders of Deputies. It is, however, is specified, a hypothetical timing, tied to the times of the Senate.
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