Sunday, December 21, 2014

Renzi: “Corruption is fighting with the laws Investments unlocked, but … – TGCOM

Renzi: "Corruption is fighting with the laws Investments unlocked, but … – TGCOM


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– “In Rome were made crap crazy, the challenge of our government is to stop them from stealing.” He said the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi interviewed by Fabio Fazio also promising new laws against corruption. And the economy Renzi, for once, is less optimistic: “I do not know if 2015 will be a year down, but I know that we have the leg, the energy and drive to withstand even the climb.”

“There is an Italy more beautiful Craps” – “Modernising I never thought it was easy, but I think it is possible. If there are the thieves response of decent people is not discouragement. In Rome were made crap crazy, because not only steals, but steals over the weak. But after 300 days I have the energy of the first day in the mean time we change respectable. But c ‘ is an Italy finest of crap, “said Renzi. The Prime Minister also spoke of the Olympics in 2024 for which Rome is a candidate: “I proposed the Olympics in 2024. Immediately long faces, people who say ‘you can not’ do, steal ‘. But the challenge of our government is to stop them to steal, do not do the big events. “

The rap magistrates – Promising for next year new laws against corruption Renzi has also pulled a loud rap on the judiciary “Scribe judgments, not press releases. In Italy there are all thieves. If one has stolen, has to pay and, if it is public official, should no longer have to deal with the public”.

To the EU ask unlock investment – “In 2015, investments need to be removed from the calculation of 3% for the deficit-GDP”. And “in 2015 we will try to keep all of our commitments and the EU will work because investments are unlocked from the Stability Pact, also raising the the amount of European funds.” This is the hope on the part of European Renzi. And on reforms that Brussels calls to our country replies: “The constitutional reforms and the new election law will be approved by 31 January 2015″.

Stability Law, messes are my fault – “On the law of stability we did a bit ‘of trouble, of which I take all the blame, but praise senators like 91enne Zavoli, who is sitting at 10 am in the Senate and got up the next morning at 7. I know that Italians do, but when it does the Senate I like praise. ” Renzi then announced that Wednesday, December 24 there will be a Council of Ministers which will be launched “the decrees at work to operationalize the reform” and decrees on taxes.

“Change the world working to bring back hope” – “With the Jobs Act contractual forms are reduced, it is easier to have a contract of indefinite duration, but also will change What happens if you lay off, with training courses done well, a stronger aid from the state and a check. This takes away excuses for not hiring. I think that it will reduce the gap between companies that want to do but are afraid and the world of out, with the idea that you come back the hope. “

” Quirinale? No one has veto power “ -” I do not know what will happen, but it must be a peaceful process, quiet, simple, clear. The President of the Republic is a guarantor must be a person of great wisdom and balance, elected by a broad alliance, should vote for it in the grillini Fi Sel, but no one, not even the Democratic Party, has the right to veto “. So Matteo Renzi is back on the issue Quirinale and the upcoming vote to elect a replacement for Giorgio Napolitano. Renzi is then back on the agreement with Berlusconi: “The Covenant of the Nazarene was about the reforms and the electoral law. It is not the covenant of the magician Otelma”. The prime minister added, however, that certainly will seek the Quirinale “the agreement with Berlusconi, who has already voted Ciampi and Napolitano.”

Matthew renzi
Jobs Act




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