History Article
This article was published on December 24, 2014 at 13:41.
The last change is the December 24, 2014 at 16:07.
The Council of Ministers has approved the decree implementing the Jobs Act on permanent contract in protections growing. Layoffs for economic reason and organizational disappears reintegration. In the event of redundancy illegitimate protections will only monetary, with certain indemnities and growing according to length of service of the employee. The roof to compensation should reach 24 months, and there would be the burden for companies over 200 employees. The new rules on economic dismissals for new employees may also apply to collective redundancies.
The increasing protections for economic dismissals illegitimate start at 2 months per year of service with a cap of 24 mensilita. It is expected compensation minimum of 4 months. Confirmed, then, conciliation fast: here the employer may offer a monthly salary per year of service up to 18 months, with a minimum of two.
Green light to the decree implementing the delegation tax
Green light of the Council of Ministers decree implementing the delegation tax on legal certainty. This is the first ok to measure that will now examine the relevant parliamentary committees. The measure is based on three pillars: abuse of the right delimited, restyling of tax crimes, and collaboration between large companies and tax authorities.
Yes to the decree Ilva
Green light ‘unless arrangements’ to the decree for Ilva which includes amendments to the Law on Marzano groups in crisis to facilitate state intervention and remediation measures of Taranto.
In essence, the special administration is extended to large companies not insolvent, starting Ilva. Also provided a package of measures in favor of Taranto, which contains, among other things, measures for the renovation and expansion of the port that will increase the possibility of export of steel products manufactured at the plant.
Madia: extended the contracts of temporary workers
The CDM “extending the contracts of temporary workers in the provinces. With #superamentoprovince nobody loses his job and give better services to citizens, “wrote the minister Marianna Madia on Twitter while on the CDM.
On the European law 2014
The Council of Ministers approved the European law of 2014. The announcement came from Undersecretary Sandro Gozi while it is still going on the CDM . And, when asked, said that the point was made on infringements: it comes down from 121 in March to 89. “With this law – anticipates – we aim to close others and solve 7 10 cases of litigation EUpilot”
S avino (Fi): convene the CDM December 24 is yet another firework Renzi
“Convene the Council of Ministers of December 24 is yet another fireworks to pull the wool over the eyes of the Italians, “said Elvira Savino, member of Forza Italy. “The Government would like to flaunt to be industrious, but it really is not doing anything. Another slide pyrotechnics of the premier Renzi that since at Palazzo Chigi, did worsen the public debt, recession, unemployment and international credibility. “
Cesa (UDC ): I welcome the acceleration of reforms by the government
“I welcome – said the UDC secretary Lorenzo Cesa – the acceleration by the government on the reform process and in particular the fulfillment of the last steps required for the implementation of the labor reform, which is an excess of ideological politics for too many years tied to totem anachronistic. The cdm today confirms that there is a strong will to change, will that the UDC shares and considers it imperative to bring the country abreast of the European partners. ”
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