Saturday, December 20, 2014

Stability Law, yes of the Senate in the night – The Republic

Stability Law, yes of the Senate in the night – The Republic

Rome – Only a little before 5 gets the green light from the Senate to the trust placed by the government on the maxi-amendment to the law of stability. The votes in favor were 162, 37 i no, no abstention. Then it’s up to a brief Council of Ministers and even a vote in the Senate for the Notes to the financial statements of changes to end the dawn marathon of the vote.

Protests lit by the opposition, who accuse the government of having presented a text full of errors. “Forza Italy leaves the classroom and invites the other oppositions to do the same,” announced the leader of Fi Paolo Romani, convinced that “it is not in a position to continue.” M5S requesting referral to committee of the measure and in the end not vote: tough on charges of Giuseppe Vaccaro “you ask us to vote for Mickey Mouse.”

Inaccuracies, dyscrasias, typos are recognized by the Deputy Minister for Economics Enrico Morando: “The government agrees and apologizes for mistakes Also in the technical report, but we tried to make the text more readable. ” Accused in fact ends the dossier accompanying the maneuver but also the same text of the maxi-amendment which, at least in part, is reviewed during the work of the Assembly as explained by Senate President Pietro Grasso: “it is – is the thesis – of drafting and the Presidency assumes responsibility to make corrections. “

Controversy they do slip a few hours the final green light to the text, after the government’s decision to put the trust on the maxi-amendment and the conference of leaders of the Senate to vote with a vengeance in the night.

The maneuver thus returns to the House where the Bureau of the Budget Committee of the House will decide the order of business. That the House, which will be the third and the last step, however, is announced as a test flash: Monday is already anticipated the final ok to budget documents.

The maxi-amendment. Among the most important changes included in the parliamentary passage in the Senate are: the block of Tasi and freezing the fee Rai in 2015, IRAP tax credit for the self-employed, bonus for pension funds and the pension funds to use Investment, ahead of the competition for the award of the lottery games and new rules on taxation, new rules on internal stability pact for the local authorities.

The issue provinces. Meanwhile , unions up in arms against the law of stability. Trade unions are ready to continue the occupation of the provinces to protest, according to what is said in a statement. “Today the mobilization extends to all Italian provinces, and without intervention of the government, a step back on measures harmful and foolish, will not stop,” write Rossana Dettori, John and John Faverin Torluccio, General Secretaries of Fp-CGIL, CISL and UIL-Fp-FPL. The unions point out the risk of job losses for 20 thousand permanent workers and the dismissal of more than 2 thousand precarious and “the heavy cuts” under the law of stability. It is expected to vote today on the big government amendment.
The protest of the trade unions. “We ask Parliament to avoid the worst, the regions to do their part,” the statement continued. The cuts, say union leaders of Pa, “jeopardize the opera tion of services of wide area, from school safety to environmental protection, through the traffic and active policies on the job. A mobilization grown in recent weeks and now reach its peak across the country, after the first occupation of yesterday. ” “We demand a reordering true. But the government abandon certain tones. Everyone – conclude Dettori, Faverin and Torluccio – do our part. But without a true dialogue mobilization continues.”

The Government: “No one will lose the place.” The replica of the Secretary to the Prime Minister, Graziano Delrio: “The staff of the provinces will not stay on the street but will be absorbed by blocking all the assumptions in all government departments and related” . In the maxi-amendment to the law of stability, continues Delrio, there will be an “element of certainty and uncertainty as some have mistakenly stressed”. Then the tweet of Marianna Madia: “Employees provinces have confidence Tuesday at 13 encounter with Lanzetta CGIL, CISL and UIL to explain the path.”

CDM Christmas Eve . Now the chairman of the board is working to work to prepare the Council of Ministers of Christmas, scheduled the morning of Wednesday, December 24 on work with the first decrees of the Jobs Act, the tax delegation and the decree of Ilva and the industrial crisis in Taranto.

The reactions. Critical timing Renato Brunetta, chairman of the Members of Forza Italy, and Rocco Palese, leader of Fi in the Budget in the House: “On the law of stable government in chaos, Government fruit, government arrogant amateurs. If yesterday denounced the risk of temporary operation, today the chances increase even more. The most important measure of economic policy of the year comes to an examination of the Chamber out of time, and are wondering decisions accelerated. We will be watching on the contents and in Parliament we shall spare no discount, no derogation. This time Renzi has failed. It has proven its inadequacy to lead Italy “, they announced.


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