Monday, June 13, 2016

Ballot Torino, Boschi-hanger: storm is about “money, blackmail and lies” – Intelligonews

Mario Grassi

The round of balloting in Turin, has been at the center of the TV clash between the incumbent mayor Piero Fassino and the candidate of the TopClass Appendino who have found to confront again, two days after the debate on Sky.

But in aid to the Democratic Party incumbent mayor arrives Minister Maria Elena Boschi, according to which the victory of grillina jeopardize funds for 250 million already earmarked for health Town, as the M5s is “contrary.” Following controversy and clarifications: 5 Stars want the new health complex, but offer a different project. The comparison came out totally opposite positions. On the one hand the hanger accuses the challenger to provide “a narrative incorrect” of “a city divided situation”, marked by the crisis, where the “needs of so many people are unheeded”. Fassino responded that his opponent lacks “intellectual honesty” and defended the administration’s activities: “I have never denied the crisis. Indeed, we have been working to help the layers of the population that have suffered the most. ” “And if Fiat has remained in Turin – also he said – it is thanks to people like me.”

In essence, or proceed as already predetermined or do not do anything. Tralaltro, explained the hanger right from Annunziata, the M5s is not against work, but want to do it differently. All this has created a storm on Twitter between Woods and the hanger. “I’m surprised the explanations of the Woods. I think that the Democratic Party treats citizens’ money as if they were not citizens but the party. I do not believe that a government can make differences based on party. It would blackmail. ” The minister replied: “But why the hanger tells lies about me? Talk of Torino, not the government.” A return comes the reply link to the interview with: “So belies his words?”. And Woods: “I confirm. If you cancel your project, you give up the loan. It is not blackmail. Read Chiamparino “. Ie the interview that Sergio Chiamparino had released to the newspaper La Stampa on this project and that according to the minister would have to close the controversy, as it was made clear the position of the Five Star Movement in this regard.


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