Monday, June 13, 2016

Woods: the Italicum is untouchable. In Rome’s clash on the Olympics – The Western

The Woods , Minister for Reforms, with the interview of Maria Latella Sky TG24 has had the opportunity to have his say with respect to various matters. Primarily regarding the request made by Scalfari who tied his possible change of position on referendum to a correction of the electoral law.

“No, we will not change the Law election . I’m sorry, if, for Scalfari. It is not true that increases the power of the Prime Minister “, glosses. Then in an attempt a little ‘geezer trying to turn the omelet: “I understand that we are asked what we will do if they were to win the” no “. But I wonder why no one asks Salvini Di Maio Brunetta or what they will do them, if they were to win the ‘yes’ …. “

Switch immediately to the upcoming ballots and he defends the indefensible result of his party to amminsitrative: “the vote of the municipalities is difficult to give a national importance. There are different results depending on the city, but surely the Democratic Party has confirmed the first party in Italy “. Now “the only goal is to win the

In a statement, in response to the interview of the Minister to SkyTg24, the chairman of the Members of WiFi, Renato Brunetta puts a little ‘dot the’ i ‘and responds to the minister of reforms: “What Ideon, to Cartesia Woods. Proposes the opposition resigned in case of victory of the yes. How do you resign from non-power? perverse logic, ridiculous and childish. democratic and rational counter proposal is this: Resign you right away by the government, Renzi and Woods fight on equal terms with their opponents, as party secretary and deputy simple, all on the same floor, no aircraft of the State, without public and private TV, and no giornaloni in service. “

Meanwhile, the comparison of the candidates for mayor of the city in the run-off was inflamed. In particular the one between Giachetti and Virginia Rays . The two discussed the Annunziata about Games .

Debate which also intruded the Woods: “I am absolutely in favor of the Olympic Games in Rome, because it will allow to have not only thousands of jobs in more for the Romans and through the armature, but throughout Italy. It is an extraordinary opportunity for development, just think of the construction of infrastructure. Then we have to think big. Rome is the capital of Italy, we can not just cover its hole … We need to think big. “


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