Monday, June 13, 2016

Woods blinda the Italicum and the ballots is convinced of “winning in Rome and Milan” – Intelligonews

Woods blinda the Italicum and the ballot is convinced of “winning in Rome and Milan”

The Woods minister sets the target when he says ” we want to win in all the cities and we can win. We will work to the maximum. ” Reference to the ballots in this last part of the electoral Camagna ahead of Sunday’s vote, with the challenges highlight in Rome, Milan, Turin, Naples and Bologna. So the minister raises the bar in SkyTg24, host of “The Interview” by Maria Latella, but brings with it a hornet’s nest of controversy. First of all “causes” the direct opponent of the moment, or the 5stars and “shoots”: “If the Rays win in Rome, citizens should say no to the Olympics, no stadium … the rays of the program is no program “. Physiological counterpoint with the candidate of the Democratic Party in Rome, Roberto Giachetti that, he said, “will carry all” what they need citizens. But the scope of the Woods goes beyond the challenge of the Capitol, which beyond the tendency to restrict its scope in home den, remains a strategic challenge because eventual victory of grillini in Rome, could put the leaders of the Democratic Party as well Prime Minister Renzi, on an inclined plane; not counting the other appointment which hangs the fate of the government: the constitutional referendum.

The Woods cut short the rumors of his possible appointment to deputy secretary of the single tensile party renziana: “I will not and I will not be the only one of the Democratic Party deputy secretary. We have two deputy secretaries (Serracchiani and Guerini, ed) they are doing their job very well and will remain so “, reiterates the minister who uses the same step also sent sull’Italicum emphasizing that you do not change anything and no going returns. A not-so-veiled message addressed more than the ‘external opposition’, to those internal to dem, see the area of ​​the minority that remains irrequieta.Ma is right on the referendum that Woods launches challenge to 5stars: “If he were to win the No in the referendum, the government will step back. What will the grillino Di Maio and the League Salvini ?. Therefore, the owner of the Department of confirmation reforms, as well as goes by Renzi, the executive future depend on the outcome of the referendum and it does flaunting a good dose of security. But the policy is still suffering from the day of the clash between Roberto Giachetti and Virginia Rays airing “In half an hour,” Annunziata (Raitre), with the center that now is becoming the “torment” of nelal ballot Capital: the Olympics. Bright tones, other than those between Parisi and room, running for Milan. This clearly shows that even for Renzi, Rome is and remains “Caput Mundi”.

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