Monday, June 13, 2016

Ballots in 2016, the Democratic Party complicates the lives of his candidates. Woods & C. between shoot and reverse speeds with Hanger and Parisi – The Daily

Virginio Merola if Hurry was with a joke: “If I want Renzi come back before the ballots? Look, we will have the problem of Salvini that will continue to stay here. ” Piero Fassino was the only one to speak after the first round a bit ‘disappointing, a few hours after the polls closed, arguing that Torino had paid a national crisis. Yesterday, in tow, the Print , Sergio Chiamparino – you can not define antirenziano – reiterated that one can not always say “it’s all right, Madame la Marquise”. The intervention of the National Democratic Party of ballots on election campaigns of the big cities so likely to become boomerang , which in more than one case embarrass the candidates pledged to talk about things in the about: investments, redevelopment, maintenance roads, health facilities projects, job security. And above all hunting for “free votes”: the undecided, the “moderates”, the skeptics, those who abstained.

The bad day yesterday, was in particular that of the minister Maria Elena Boschi who hired duels with Mayor candidate M5s in Turin Chiara hanger and the challenger of room in Milan, Stefano Parisi , leaving battered by both, including clarification or excuses, as in the case of the former manager of Fastweb. What’s more you add another lopsided output of a circle shape renziano, Antonio Funiciello , former head of the Democratic Culture and now spokesman for the secretary to the presidency of the Council Luca Lotti , which he likened the hanger to Sara Tommasi . After being inundated with criticism, protests and insults, he apologized.

The issue Health City: Woods vs. hanger In comparison
tv from Annunziata Fassino and hanger were compared on the City of Health, exposing each of their positions. “How do you create jobs in this city if you are not the City of health and if you do not do the works? – He said the mayor – What is Hook right now is the sign no. ” According to the Democratic Party, in short, it is a facility for health care excellence. Across the hanger he explained that “we want health City, but we want a project feasible and achievable in a short time”. Not promises – is the M5s reasoning – but achievable projects. Two clear and legitimate positions, each on their side (here the tv comparison summary).

But to sour the atmosphere comes the sentence of the Woods: “If he wins the hanger, Torino loses 250 million allocated by the government to create the health park … “. He meant what he said Chiamparino to the Print , that is, that if the City to guide M5s revoke the projects on the City of Health also funds would fall. But that phrase does squirm the hanger and M5s, about blackmail . “I’m surprised the allegations of Woods who say that if they win the Five Star will not arrive funding. I think that the Democratic Party treats citizens’ money as if they were not citizens but the party. I’ll sit at the institutional tables and I’ll be mayor of Turin. Dialogherò and I hope that others will behave accordingly. I do not believe that a government can make differences based on party. Would blackmail. “

The Woods is surprised:” But because the hanger tells lies about me? Talk of Torino, not the government, “as if the rule were to then not also apply in reverse for a minister. Then he denies ?, asks on Twitter the hanger. “I confirm. If you cancel your project, you give up the loan. There is a blackmail. Read Chiamparino “replies the minister. “My position as you can see is this (June 10). His, then, is blackmail, “replies the grillina.

” Government supports the project and confirms funding – ensures the minister – I like this position, different from before. No controversy, good Sunday. ” “I appreciate his step back – salutes the hanger – My position has always been consistent.”

The spokeswoman Lotti: “Hanger Bocconi. Such as Tommasi “ But the hanger attracts another gaffe of a democratic-renziano exponent. During the debate on RAI-3 to comment on the “match” among others there is Antonio Funiciello , near Caserta, business consultant, journalist ( Reform , Europe , the Gazette ), essayist, editor of Freedom equals (association that brings together a lot of the right wing of the Democratic party). Former PDS veltroniana faith, in 2013 he was part of the transition secretariat of the Democratic Party (after the resignation of Bersani) led by Guglielmo Epifani . Funiciello in those months he was in charge of Culture and Communication for party.

Funiciello watch on TV Fassino against Hanger and when for the second or third time Annunziata recalls that the candidate is M5s Bocconi (provoking Income citizenship), he decides to tweet: “Bocconi as Sara Tommasi .” Funiciello is overwhelmed by the protests (among them those of parliamentarians Barbara Lezzi and Fabiana Dadone ) and several users insults. Only after the journalist on Twitter Republic Annalisa Cuzzocrea calls it a “shameful” intervention, of the Democratic Party was forced to apologize: “A stupid tweet; I’m sorry; I apologize to Sara Tommasi and Chiara Hanger and all Bocconi (the head is in the direction of Orlando). “

The case Mein Kampf : Woods vs. Parisi
But the day is no room for another slip of the Minister Woods, when the part a bit ‘the clutch on the issue of Mein Kampf that she league – among other things in an aside – the support of the Journal Stefano Parisi , candidate of the center in Milan. “The only goal is to win the ballots – told Sky – because I’m very worried that in Milan, for example, win a coalition, where there are representatives who claim that works to give the Mein Kampf as did the Journal yesterday, stating that it is a cultural initiative. This newspaper, we know well, says Parisi, but beyond Parisi itself, we know that if he wins the center in Milan, will enter the city councilors who have those ideas that relate to a right

Parisi, who has a wife and Jewish daughters, in half an hour can not wait to replicate: it speaks of “instrumentalization vulgar” and attacked the deputy Emanuele Fiano and the Minister Woods (here the tv comparison summary). “I think it’s very serious,” what was done by “people like Fiano, which is the Jewish community and you do not play with the Shoah , and as the minister who spoke Boschi a little while ago. ” “Flanking my face to that of Hitler and say that on our part there may be tendencies, that this was an operation to take the vows of the Nazis, then we are not, I think in Milan it is a vulgar exploitation . I think it is very serious, especially with regard to Woods who is the minister of institutional reforms and should be careful what he says and focus less on election campaigns “. All of this initiative to the net newspaper that according to Parisi was “outrageous not because during the election campaign but because at any time of the year would have been wrong. The risk of anti-Semitism can not make jokes, you can not do commercial operations to sell some more copies of the newspaper. “

Parisi:” A desperate move, invents electoral issues “
Again is over with apologies , says Parisi. The minister these days “has made a number of gaffes important – he tells Omnibus – He approached my candidacy for Hitler. I think he’s been a difficult weekend, then yesterday he called me to apologize. ” In Milan, if he wins the center-right in the election “will not enter no one in the city council I have those political tendencies – he added – What you said is very serious.” “Having exploited this story by saying that there is a tendency to Nazi Milan, it means inventing the issues of the election campaign – he concluded – I can almost a desperate move . I’m sorry, the left and the Democratic Party in the last days is using any topic. “



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