Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Massacre of Viareggio, safety, and cynicism – The Republic

FACTS and the liability established by the judgment of the Court of Lucca, which, after seven years, with twenty-three convictions and ten acquittals spread, renders justice to all thirty-two innocent people burned alive in that Revelation that was the night of the 29th of June 2009 in the railway station of Viareggio, are the mirror of the curse that afflicts the Country. Of the his memory crumbly and bad conscience, of the arrogant cynicism of his manager of the State against which the State waives a civil action, the idiosyncrasy of a culture of “safety” that you declines, first of all, prevention. More, and still: a criminal justice tampered with in the tim e use of those who, before the law, is more equal than others, and by reason of which in the judgment of yesterday’s close, here in a month, the shifting sands of the prescription. For at least two of the offenses charged in the heads of the indictment. The culpable fire and serious injury willful.

one hundred and Forty hearings, the admirable effort of investigation of the Prosecutor of Lucca, the impartiality of the trial judges are able to distinguish between the individual positions of the defendants, have demonstrated, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the massacre of the freight train 50325 Trecate-Gricignano a man’s hand, his “negligence inexcusable”, he had a crucial part. It was “a contributing factor”. Neither more nor less of the “case”, that he wanted to derailment the son of the failure of a bushing controdentata” of the axis of the first of fourteen wagons loaded with liquid gas, and the huge fire that ensued, of the opening to the product in one of the tanks turned on their head by a picket tracking placed along the embankment. That what happened therefore to the 23 and 50 that night, when the air became fire and darkness lit by red, bears the stigmata, and the responsibility of the managers of the companies, that in that tragedy, they had the part. The Italian Railway network (Rfi), the joint-stock company owned 100 percent by the State Railways and responsible for the management and security of the railway infrastructure of our Country. The German “Gatx rail Germany”, the owner of the tanks from 35 thousand liters loaded on the wagons and rented a Fs, and “Jugenthal”, the workshop where it was serviced the wagon which would have surrendered the axis.

Play so intolerable, in a day like this, the words of the lawyer Armando D ‘ Apote, legal, Rfi and Fs, that is, opposite to the simple device for condemnation and acquittal, defines “scandalous the outcome of the process” and denounces the “populism that exudes from the judgment.” And not sure why a judgement should be immune from even the most harsh law of criticism or censorship (more so on the part of those who believe, as in this case, of not having received justice). But for what those words, “exudes”. In that epithet – “populist” – is in fact the mirror of the arrogance with which, from June 2009, the summits of Rfi and Fs – so to speak, and better to Mauro Moretti who was in the time managing director have handled a tragedy that would have required degrees in the tone, level of intellectual honesty in the reconstruction of facts, in respect of a mourning. And that, to the contrary, re main in the archive of the words spoken by the same Moretti. On July 2, 2009, when, as chief executive officer of Fs, had to explain the reasons for which had not been activated, the coverage of the insurance to cope with the reparations for the massacre (“we do Not feel responsible”). And on the 2nd of February of 2010, during a Senate hearing: “please consider that this year, from the point of view of safety, this vicious episode of Viareggio, we have made further improvements. We are the first in Europe”.

Now, in asking for and obtaining the condemnation of Moretti, the Prosecutor of Lucca has censored the profiles of responsibility by observing how, in the “vicious episode”, “as the ceo of Rfi, was required to ensure the safety of movement of trains and, always in the field of Rfi, and has not evaluated the risk inherent in the movement of trains carrying dangerous goods, the possible cutting of the tank against an element rail (the picket), it is estimated that the risk could happen in a station close to the houses, has not evaluated the opportunity of lowering the speed in conjunction with the towns”. He has, in short, is simply stigmatized as in the skills of a manager State the culture and practices of safety as the “prevention of risk” are not optional. And that the “tragedy” cannot and should not become a collateral damage acceptable in reason of the incidence infinitesimal of the railway accident (“We are the first in Europe”).

all of this is elided in the vis appear on the lawyer of Rfi and Fs is understandable. Less than it would be if defy Mauro Moretti. That, notwithstanding the presumption of innocence, should put aside the penal code and reflect from now on the compatibility between the role of manager of the State and the facts established by the Court of Lucca, regardless of the legal assessment has been given. Maybe giving up even the prescription. It would be a sign of discontinuity. The demonstration that political liability and corporate criminal liability respond to the principles and canons different. Castling with which the board of directors of Finmeccanica has last night confirmed indicates that it is highly unlikely that this will happen. Because, in the end, the prescription is just around the corner. And as long as there is prescription there is hope.

the massacre of viareggio

The electoral law, the Chamber accelerates: axis Pd-M5s with the League and Fdi – The Republic

The conference of group leaders of the Chamber has established that on 27 February, the electoral law will be the examination of the classroom at Montecitorio. The decision has had the all clear from the Pd, M5S, Lega, and Fdi. The news bar in the evening by the agencies has puzzled, eliciting immediate reactions. Especially of the 5-star hotel, which with Of Maio sing victory.

To request the scheduling of the election law was, in fact, the M5s. The vice-president pentastellato of the Room explains that if indeed the law will arrive in the classroom on the 27th of February, in the following month “there will be restrictions of the times and by the middle of march we may have a new electoral law to go to vote immediately.”

And the leader of the Pd, Rosy, says: “We are for a further acceleration of the real. There is the agreement declared to quickly make the electoral law. Now we need to prevail – says – political synthesis with a work that welcomes the directions of the president Mattarella. For this reason, the sense of responsibility of all. It is good that the Parliament of the skills the Country of a good electoral law. We did it painstakingly with the Italicum; we hope to do less work today.”

On the day of concern (for Renzi) a statement of the Bersani on the split, yet another move towards an acceleration in the vote will increase the voltage in the Pd. But in the meantime, they react harshly Forza Italy, Renato Brunetta (“Behavior indecent Pd”) and Left the Italian with Arturo Scotto: “the Forcing of the Pd, M5s and the League for contingentare times parliamentarians on the electoral law. Just as with the Italicum. The axis of adventurism”. Negative feedback of Angelino Alfano to Ncd: “we Express great concern,” said the Foreign minister – on a race to the vote while the Country is gripped by many problems, some of which demand urgent solution, such as the earthquake, the banks and Europe”.

the secretary of The Pd cut it short with a joke, written, via sms, and displayed in the studio by conductor Giovanni Floris: “For me – says Renzi – vote in the 2017 or 2018 is the same. The only thing is to avoid the movie and the annuities because it would be very unfair to the citizens. It would be absurd.”

election law

Moretti, confidence from her board of directors: resignation the most distant – The Republic

Moretti, and trusted by its board of directors: resignation of more distant(afp) “I Think that mr. Moretti, to decency, should be expelled from all the public offices that still and incomprehensibly continues to play and, indeed, should be himself to deliver his resignation from all public appointments that he holds from those of the ceo of Finmeccanica”. It is only one of many voices asking for the resignation of Mauro Moretti, ceo of Leonardo, Finmeccanica and former ceo of Railways and Rfi, after being sen tenced to 7 years for the massacre of Viareggio, the train crash of June 29, 2009, which killed 32 people. “A penalty, unfortunately, much more mild than that required by the indictment and cannot be considered satisfactory with respect to the allegations that went from the train crash, manslaughter plural, from the fire to the bodily injury” attacks the senator of the pd Manuela Granaiola, but recognizes that “at least we are facing a step-change in the management of justice in our country, because this process, unlike many other tragic events that have tarnished the Italy (and for all I remember one of the Moby Prince, 139 dead and no guilty) it is concluded with the identification of causes and responsibility and precise”. And with her, other parliamentarians M5s and YOU.

In the late evening, however, comes a note that removes the possibility of a step back from the sentenced to Viareggio. “Following the judgement issued today by the Court of Lucca, who has sentenced in first instance – and, therefore, not definitive – Mauro Moretti, ceo and General Director of the Leonardo (ex-Finmeccanica), judged to be responsible for crimes of negligence… the Board of Directors of the Company … has verified that the remain-in-chief to the ceo all the requirements of the applicable laws and regulations, as well as the full ability to exercise the prerogatives associated with the office of the managing director and confirmed unanimously by the full confidence to Moretti. The verification was supported by a specific opinion pro veritate…made by primary professionals highly qualified in the subjects of civil, criminal, and international”. So a note of the board of directors of Leonardo, Finmeccanica, convened today under th e chairmanship of Gianni De Gennaro.

Punishing the parliamentarians M5s of the Boards, and the transport of the house and Senate. “One of Viareggio was not an accident but a murder. Now we expect the resignation of Moretti and a taking of distance immediate and unequivocal with respect to the leaders condemned – asks Diego De Lorenzis, deputy of the M5s in the Transport Committee – since 2009 had been promised to make compulsory the installation of the device antisvio for the transport of dangerous goods as it is able to stop immediately, and automatically, the convoy in the event that a wheel of the car lose contact with the rail. The usual ads in the aftermath of the massacre, but then, as always, the Government forgets the promises and the victims”, writes on Facebook senator Sara Paglini, who was in Lucca next to the victims to listen to the reading of the judgment. “We’ll fight again, because the second degree does not nullify this long struggle. Mauro Moretti, appointed Caval iere del lavoro by Napolitano a year after that massacre, and subsequently ‘promoted’ by Renzi at the head of Finmeccanica, declares immediately that it will waive the requirement”, so the deputy Bonafede.

the senator of the Italian Left, Alessia Petraglia, speaks of “resignation appropriate”, and, together, an immediate intervention to block the requirements. “The condemnation of the then to Fs, would require, for the sense of opportunity ethics, his resignation from Finmeccanica, or continue to pretend that nothing happened nothing can give a response to the demands of truth? It is only the judgment of first instance, but there is need to have surgery immediately to block the charge, and stops from too much time in the Senate, the amendment to the criminal code and criminal procedure to prevent it from being approved an amendment that blocks the prescriptions of the offences after a court of first instance – he says a Beer – What could happen even in this dramatic case, making vain the search of the responsibilities that have led to this massacre”.

Resignation appropriate? He says his is also involved the president of Anac, Raffaele Cantone, interviewed, and Eight-and-a-half. “I don’t know if Moretti should resign, is a matter of personal sensitivity. However, it is a crime of culpable, even very severe”. As to the legal Moretti, who speaks of the “judgment populist”, according to Canton, “there are not judgments of convictions to the wrath of the people even if the critical judgments that may arrive. And then there are other degrees of judgment. But it is difficult to speak of the judgment that is populist to a fact that occurred in 2009″.

the massacre of viareggio
Mauro Moretti

The democratic party, Michele Emiliano, launches primailcongresso.en: “Signatures authentic” for the challenge to Renzi – The Republic

From the carte bollate to collect signatures. The governor of puglia, Michele Emiliano continues his climb to the national secretariat of the Pd. To do this, however, has need of the early opening of the congress. For this from his profile Facebook now launches the platform primailcongresso.en. “From this platform, writes Emiliano in a post – start our campaign to ask the congress of the Pd in order to re-open a wide debate with its members and with the Country and to understand, first of names, which is the program with which we intend to introduce to the italians”.

The president of the Region, then, the show wants to move on multiple fronts to get to the challenge, with the former premier and secretary of the pd Matteo Renzi. After the burst of the Sunday (“You can even get to the carte bollate for him and do the congress,’ he said, interview by Lucia Annunziata, referring to the former premier) and the axis with Massimo D’alema, Emiliano is a candidate to be the main opponent of Renzi, in the fight for the secretariat, which also lead the list of the left, orchestrated by the ala dalemiana.

That the collection of signatures, however, is a game in which the governor does not play alone. The field was prepared by two parliamentary dem puglia, Francesco Boccia and Dario Ginefra – that for months, asking for the opening of the congress, an advance of the natural expiry of the current voice is set to December), first with internal documents of the party and now with the signatures. “If Renzi, secretary-elect in 2013 and maturing in 2017, non-answers will come clear on congress that must be held – had been to know the Ball – for political correctness towards our militants, before the national elections, we will collect signatures for a referendum among the

members of the Pd”.

Said than done: it is the initiative launched by Emiliano on social: “In these hours many are promoting collected signatures on the online platforms” – writes the governor on Facebook – Thank you to all of them, but I think this is the time to collect signatures authentic, looking into the eyes of the italians and asking them to be protagonists of the larger process of participation that our Country has ever seen.”

province of Foggia
the province Bat
province of Bari
the city of bari
province of Brindisi
province of Taranto
province of Lecce
the congress pd
voice Pd
michele emiliano
Matteo Renzi
Francesco Boccia
dario ginefra

Massacre of Viareggio, waiting for the judgment| Photo – Corriere della Sera

Florence January 30, 2017 – 19:16

For strage Viareggio train is the moment of truth. After seven years, seven months and a day, and after more than 140 court hearings, comes the first verdict on the rail accident on 29 June 2009, cost the lives of 32 people. The panel of judges, chaired by judge Gerardo Borage, retired to the council chamber just before 11, after the long appeal of the defendants, lawyers and the civil parties. The judgment is waiting for the first afternoon, at around 15.

shadow carousel

the Massacre of Viareggio, the family members of the victims arrive in procession
the procession of The family

“29 June 2009. Nothing will be as before”, the wording of the banner at the head of the silent procession organised by the families of the victims that, around 9.30 am, have reached the exhibition centre of Lucca where there were all the hearings process And where you are performing the last act of the first instance process . With them also a representative of the machinists of Railways, a representative of the group of the `Turtles lens, some representatives of the No Tav movement. To close the procession, a few banners, among which that of the Region of Tuscany.

In the classroom, the mayor and the president of the province

“we could Not be here, the rest of the Region of Tuscany and of the Province of Lucca are the only entities that are constituted as a civil party, without accepting the compensation offered, as he did at the time also the national government,” said the regional councillor of the region tuscany of the Pd, Stefano Baccelli, who accompanied the Gonfalon of the Region. Pods, which on 29 June 2009, was president of the Province of Lucca, has decided to recall an episode in the process that the concerns of the person “When I was heard by the judges, one of the lawyers of Mauro Moretti, the former ceo of the Railways, I challenged in a bad way the use of the word massacre. Me filming, but I think they certainly can talk about a group of dead, even if it is clear that it was not an attack and indeed for the accused, and the charge is manslaughter”. In the classroom there are also the president of the Province of Lucca, Luca Menesini, and t he mayors of Lucca and Viareggio, Alessandro Tambellini and Giorgio Del Ghingaro.

on the night of 2009

That night, the flames, precipitated by the explosion of one of the 14 tanks containing lpg, as a result of the derailment of the freight train 50325 Trecate-Caserta on which they were traveling, devoured houses and people a short distance from the station, in via Ponchielli. Now, more than seven and a half years, the panel of judges chaired by judge Gerardo Borage and co-workers, Nidia Genovese and Valeria Marino, will be called upon to provide a first, important, answer on any responsibility.

shadow carousel

the Massacre of Viareggio: the victims, the process and the stories of the night
The defendants

In all of the defendants are 33. To which are added nine companies. The bar also Mauro Moretti, ceo of Ferrovie at the time of the facts, and now at the helm of Finmeccanica: for him, the prosecutors have asked for 16 years of imprisonment.

shadow carousel

the Massacre of Viareggio, the faces of the victims on the empty chairs
The allegations

The allegations, ranging from train crash negligent fires negligent, up to the homicide, and unintentional injuries multiple serious and grave. Some of the heads of charges (i.e. fire for reckless and negligent injury serious and serious) will disappear in any case, immediately after the end of the process of the first degree for the prescription.

January 30, 2017 | 19:16



Monday, January 30, 2017

Pd, here’s the list D’alema. But Bersani is removed – The Republic

Pd, here is the list Of'alema. But Bersani offMassimo D’alema (ap) ROME – The split is now. Or better, will come when Matteo Renzi will ask for elections without change before the electoral law: “The reaction – promises Massimo D’alema – should be that of preparing another list to the left, that will surely exceed 10% of the vote. Without a congress, he will be the one to break it”. A new step towards the fracture is accomplished. On the day in which Francesco Boccia, in the name of M ichele Emiliano, is launching a referendum among the members for a meeting early and schedule a consultation in parallel on the social with a question from a photocopy: “it is better to choose first the secretary and then go back to vote?”. The dots strategy of the minority, in short, begin to join. And draw a big bang that threatens the secretary dem, convinced, however, of being able to retrieve the wing bersaniana to the cause. “I’m touring Italy for my application to the guidance of the Pd – remains cautious Roberto Speranza – And I am fighting my battle within the party.”

on The eve of the gathering to the centre of the Frentani, an sms of a university professor makes you smile D’alema. “Behold,” the show to friends – even if personality light are so angry with Renzi, it means that the spin-off we have to make it for real”. And, in fact, the PdD – party D’alema – is something more than a draft. One space to the left, checked the Ipr-Tecné, can point to 11%. If it was led by Emiliano, it is the opinion of the former premier, he could even aim higher: “Michael has so many flaws and might not be the ideal leader of the left-wing attitudes and beliefs, but is a good person, and can recover a lot in comparison with the cinquestelle”.

Everything starts with the season of the committees for the No in the referendum. “And yet – remember the mep Massimo Paolucci, while recruit the troops – when we started the campaign we seemed to be crazy, while now the climate has changed”. Of the political class to the side of the leader he was little. In addition to Paolucci, the member of the european parliament Antonio Panzeri, and senator Paolo Corsini. The last summit you are seen Pietro Folena, Valdo Spini, professor Guido Calvi, Cesare Salvi. Antonio Bassolino no, while they have been spotted two historical bassoliniani as Michael Caiazzo, and the trade unionist of Cgil, Michele Gravano. A signal, which is useful in coloring the map of Italy with some red dot.

at the top of the hopes of a consensus there is of course the South. “In some regions – think D’alema – we can take most of Renzi. Also why in the south the democratic party has picked the worst of the former cuffariani and cosentiniani, while the people for good if it goes”. Not only the South, however: the dalemiani indicate bags red in Lombardy and Veneto. In the latter region, in particular, tries to convince Flavio Zanonato to participate in the adventure. But this is the Puglia, the heart of the demerger. The assault on the secretary by part of the Emiliano is in progress, the signatures for a referendum within will be collected in the next few hours. “And Renzi will not be able to hold up publicly a refusal, he confided to colleagues Francesco Boccia – Mica we are the Casaleggio associati…”.

Very moving, from the parts of the Pd. No one underestimates the signal, which arrives from France, where the ascent of the outsider and the socialist dream D’alema, and the opponents of the former premier. But who would you prefer to face it while remaining in the party, especially in the bersaniani, aware of the risks of the internal competition of the other left dem. “Hamon is another David against Goliath that makes us – jura Hope – And I think that it will congress and a moment of clarity before the election”. You will see. Certainly the former parent company has started to feel with the Nazarene. And Pierluigi Bersani continues to put a brake on his. Not a threat in the division, while invoking a deep discontinuity. The important thing, he explained to the regulars, is not to be a victim of “divide et impera” of Renzi in respect of the minority. A technique already experimented with in the past by the leader, has remembered the forme r secretary, “with excellent results”.

Massimo D’alema
Matteo Renzi
Pier Luigi Bersani
michele emiliano

The challenge of D’alema: “Ready to split, the new party is worth 10%”. Renzi: “If I go back to the government cut income Tax” – The Republic

The challenge of D'alema: "Ready to split, the new party is worth the 10%". Renzi: "If I go back to the government cut income Tax"(reuters) ROME – to Cut income Tax and not to increase the Vat. Matteo Renzi feels he is already in the election campaign and puts it on the carpet immediately the question of fees with a post on his blog from the evocative title "Scrap Dracula". "If after the elections we will return to the government we will have to re sume the reasoning from the personal income Tax, and not only that. The last time that it increased the Vat that was in September 2013, prior to our arrival: the time when there ricordatevela well because it must be the last", he writes, in fact the former premier.

A message who knows a lot about early voters and that serves to once again attack the "old guard" of the Pd. "The left and the tax – observed the former prime minister – have always had a relationship, complicated, in Italy. We were painted as the party that only knew how to raise the fiscal pressure, we have given the idea of considering the pockets of italians as the atm to solve every problem of the financial statements.

After the attack against the "old party", also comes that of the personal against the men, and ministers that have governed the party and the government: "Some of our leaders of the past, then, are presented as champions of the fight against tax evasion through a method of the absurd: a tax vampire, controls to the carpet, the logic of punishment, first of all. A wrong choice, and devastating". Putting together the vampire and Dracula it is clear the reference to the minister of the Prodi government Vincenzo Visco, renamed exactly Dracula from the centre-right, and Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, the minister prodiano, which stated that "paying taxes was good." Examples of fiscal austerity that the premier is common to that adopted by the Monti government.

Us, continues Renzi, we have adopted a different strategy: "In the fight against tax evasion – insists the former prime minister – we have scrapped the model for Dracula, and we have chosen the fisco-model 2.0, The conclusion is that if you pay all, you pay less. A new way to combat tax evasion has allowed us to lower taxes. Pay all to pay less, really. As it happened in the small, with the canon the past from 113 euros to 90 euros". Of course there is also the claim of the measure of the 80 euro and the victory in the fight against tax evasion. Renzi, also insists on the fact that he has not increased Vat and will not increase in the event of his return to the government. The subject rather thorny because the safeguard clauses in the past few years that require precisely the increase in Vat, have been postponed to 2018 and 2019. And then in the next Final, April, and in the next Stability Law, in October, the government will have to find € 19 billion to defuse t he mine.

But to keep bank is the clash between the former premier, Massimo D’alema, on the congress of the Pd and the future of the party. That does not stop. Today, D’alema has raised more net the hypothesis of a spin-off. Interviewed by Bianca Berlinguer to the "White Paper", D’alema said: “early Elections? The day in which, without changing the electoral law, Renzi was asked to Customers to resign to go to vote early, I believe that the reaction should be that of preparing a list." The former Foreign minister adds: "I Hope that we never get to the spin-off. But if in the left it will form a new party will surely surpass 10% of the vote. I say that because I did do some research". D’alema, however, does not exclude an alliance with the Pd: "it is One thing to ally with you having a strength and being able to influence. It is another thing to surrender in the hands of a governing group".

the congress pd

Aosta, arrested the prosecutor Longarini for “induction improper to promise utility” – The Republic

Aosta, arrested the prosecutor Longarini for "induction of undue promising utility"the Easter Longarini The chief prosecutor of the Republic of Aosta acting Paschal Longarini, was arrested today as part of an investigation of the prosecutor of the Republic of milan, competent on the judiciary cable car, and conduct from the Core of tax police of the Guardia di finanza of Milan.

The alleged offence is “induction improper to give or promise utility” (article 319 quater of the criminal code). The magistrate was placed under house arrest.

The house is finished is also an entrepreneur, Gerardo Cuomo. The two are accused of induction improper to give or promise utility. The investigation is conducted in Milan (competent on Aosta, ndr) and has been entrusted to the deputy prosecutor Roberto Pellicano.

The accusation made by the public prosecutor of Milan against Longarini is of having provided information to Gerardo Cuomo, to resolve problems of administrative or judicial, in exchange for promises of usefulness or utility. The Prosecutor’s office of Milan is preparing at this hour to inform the Csm.

it Was one of the prosecutors of the Cogne case, Easter Longarini. From the deputy prosecutor had in fact collaborated with fellow Stefania Cugge to the investigations that in the first instance, in 2004, led to the conviction and sentence to 30 years ‘ imprisonment for Anna Maria Franzoni, who is accused of the murder of 3 year old child Samuel (penalty reduced to 16 years by the court of Assizes of Appeal of Turin, and later confirmed by the court of Cassation). In the first half of the ’90s, some investigations of the Longarini brought in prison, the current president of the Region Valle d’ Aosta, Augusto Rollandin (a position that he held even at the time); the dossiers concerned in particular

the vow exchange, and the illegal concession of regional contributions to enterprises of public transport, the participation – in the form of occult – governor to the capital stock of one of these companies. From the 13th of December last Easter Longarini has become the chief public prosecutor acting after the passage at the top of the public prosecutor of Novara di Marilinda Mineccia. His work at Aosta, where he had also worked in magistrate’s court – started in the early Nineties.

stop the prosecutor Aosta
the Easter Longarini

Earthquakes: about 60 shock mount Etna – LOOP.it

(ANSA) – CATANIA, 30 JAN Continues, ” the earthquake swarm that is affecting the area of the middle south-eastern side of Etna. The Osservatorio Etneo of the Ingv Catania has recorded approximately 60 earthquakes, with maximum magnitude equal to 3.5. The swarm is not yet exhausted. So far they have been five of the shock equal to or greater than magnitude 3: 3.2 (to the 09.15), 3.0 (09.51), 3.1 (10.44), 3.5 (10.51) and 3.2 (10.59). Nine earthquakes have had a magnitude between 2.1 and 2.8. The hypocenter was located at a depth of between 14 and 15 km in the territory of Ragalna on The volume, focal involved falls between the towns of Ragalna – Mount Parmentelli – Monte San Leo, at a depth of 10-15 km.

because of the shock of earthquake on the Southern side of Etna, as a precaution were evacuated to schools in Ragalna, Nicolosi, and Bronte, Catania. According to what it learns, at the moment, with no record of damage to people or things.
The seismic activity is still in progress, is not accompanied by anomalies in other geophysical parameters monitored.
The volcanic tremor amplitude remains at levels that are stationary, medium-low, typical of the last few months. It remains almost unchanged in the moderate explosive activity at the New southeast Crater.



Maturity, the Latin written on the Classic. And at the Science, there is mathematics: denial of hypothesis physics – The Republic

the Maturity, the Latin written on the Classic. And at the Science, there is mathematics: denial of hypothesis physics(frame) Latin to Classical, mathematics, the Scientific and the human sciences in the former Istituti magistrali. Here are the subjects of the second written test of maturity that will open Wednesday, June 21, with the written Italian. Nothing surprises even for the 100 thousand students of the Science that they were afraid of the written examination in physics . In the latter case, the minister Valeria fedeli has made a choice of good sense, considering that the physics at the Scientific still provides a few hours of teaching with respect to mathematics and students and teachers have expressed in all of the ways their dissent. But the rite of the subjects of the second written test of maturity could be reached at its conclusion. Because from next year you change. By 2018, announced the same tenant of viale Trastevere, you will be changing the scores, the threshold for admission to examinations and written tests.

in the Meantime, in a few months, about 500 thousand girls and boys of last year will be invited to grapple with the test of written Italian, in the form of analysis of the text, short essay/newspaper article, the theme of historical and topical subject. For the second test – written- in program on Thursday, June 22nd – foreign language 1 to language high School, art and design disciplines, typical of the branch of studies at the art School; theory, analysis and composition at the Liceo musicale; dance techniques at the high School dance.

The technician, is output in business economics at the technical Institute for Administration, finance and marketing (the former accountants) and the disciplines of tourism and business at the technical Institute for tourism. And still: design, engineering and industrial organization to address technical, mechanical, mechatronics and energy, and topography to those that were once called Surveyors. Professional techniques of business services to address commercial Services of vocational schools.

this year, there will be three written tests on which they will brainstorm for the graduates, with the latest (packaged on the same morning by the jury) scheduled for Monday, June 26. For the last time, if it will go in the port on the legislative decree on the Assessment of the examination rooms, for each written test, the commission will assign a maximum of 15 points. And 30 for the final interview.

The school career, will weigh 25-at its highest points collected in the last three years. Bonus max of 5 points to those that contain at least 15 Credit points and 70 points in the exams And praise to the boffins. “Dear girls and dear boys, there we are, this is one of the moments most anticipated by you and your families. In many I have written these days on Facebook and I know that you have been waiting for with curiosity, emotion and interest,” so the Minister in the video posted a few minutes ago on Facebook he spoke to students struggling with the next maturity. “I’m sure – concluded the minister – that with commitment and dedication, and with the wise guidance of your, and your teachers, you will face this test in the best ways possible. I invite you to study and to consolidate your preparation. I will give you an the best of luck. I know that you’ll succeed”.

liceo classico
liceo scientifico

The earthquake, the mayor protest against Mattarella. The president: “You have a right to all the help we can get” – The Republic

the Earthquake, the mayor protest against Mattarella. The president: "You have a right to all the help I can get"ROME – Before the protests in the centres affected by the earthquake, such as that of 15 January in Accumoli , then the manifestation in Rome on 25 January. Now the gesture theatrically against the president of the Republic: Tracks, town in the province of Macerata, located in the crater by the earthquake, the mayor Filippo Saltamartini has abandoned the Rectorate of the University of Camerino, just before the arrival of Mattarella. For his part, the president has begun his address to the mayors, saying: “You have a right to all the help I can get, all the help of the other institutions, help that you try to ensure in full”.

“we Thought that there could be a dialogue with the president – explained Saltamartini, instead, is permitted to speak only with a representative of the auditors, and then every time we have these meetings we are only forced to listen, while the problems are not resolved. It is not possible that the reports are of this nature and for this reason, I decided to leave”. “I have a bridge closed for three months and the companies that are closing down – he adds – and we don’t know with those who hold institutional relationships in order to manifest our problems.”

The meeting with Mattarella was asked in an official manner by the mayor of Camerino, Gianluca Pasqui, who in recent days wrote to the president stressing the urgency of a comparison “reserved” explain the situation “dramatic” in the city, “the problems with which the social and economic fabric of the territory (of which the University of Camerino is only a important part) do the accounts”. In his speech, Mattarella, he continued: “A condition so he puts to the test the psychological resistance of your fellow citizens and you are called, despite being partakers of their suffering, their hardship, their difficulties, to give an answer, to give them a perspective, to give it non-verbally in a way illusory, but in the concrete”.

“Sometimes I read on the newspaper, who of responsibility, he continued, Mattarella – and it is always useful when there are comparisons on accountability to deal with, but I know that among the auditors is a reason, the criterion is that each one, comparing with others, check first what you can do. And when the auditors feel the need, have the right to support deep, full, complete of the other institutions”.

In the past few days were mounted in the protests, especially about the schools. In many towns, from L’aquila to Teramo, are still closed for fear of new shocks. And the mayors of the affected areas have asked the government meetings and the civil Protection to have directions on what to do. The mayor of Rieti, Simone Petrangeli, on Saturday, urged an “urgent meeting and to the highest institutional levels to ensure that the statutory auditors can be put in the conditions to make shared decisions with the authority of the state and are not left alone to manage an emergency that seems not to end. The appeal is also addressed to the scientific community that continues to express, in its assessment of the seismic phenomenon, differing opinions, and in some cases opposing, and that of course does not help the understanding and management of a phase, so complex.”

University of Camerino
Sergio Mattarella
Gianluca Pasqui
Filippo Saltamartini

Milan, glue for children’s dangerous: maxisequestro of Finance, one and a half million articles in total – The Republic

Milan, italy glue for children dangerous: maxisequestro of Finance, one and a half million articles in total(image archive) Over 1.5 million articles of dangerous goods, including toys, electrical material and also glue, considered by the investigators harmful for the health of children, the greatest consumers of this type of stationery. The result of the seizure made by the Guardia di finanza of Turin.

The operation

the game from the control of a shop run by a chinese entrepreneur, who did not hesitate to falsify a certificate of compliance to sell items, has led to identify the importer of the material. It is a chinese entrepreneur, owner of a large shed at the Milan’s Chinatown, near lombard, where occurred the seizure.

The two entrepreneurs, in addition to administrative penalties, will face up to four years in prison.

Guardia di Finanza
seizures yahoo
Chinatown milano
milan town hall 8

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sassoferrato, kills by stabbing the lover of his ex-stopped a mason – The Messenger

Less than 24 hours from the crime, the police have tracked and arrested the man yesterday evening in Sassoferrato (Ancona) has killed stabbed to death a professor of letters, 48 years old, Alessandro Vitaletti, ‘colony of twisted relationship with his ex-wife, turn from him, repeatedly threatened, so much so that last December he had formally denounced. The alleged killer is Sebastian Dimasi, a bricklayer from calabria 55 years a resident of Scheggia (Perugia), a village a few kilometers away from the square of via Buozzi in Sassoferrato where the teacher, esteemed by all, was attacked as in a village from the far west to the cry of “I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you…”, and massacred with 22-23 shot s of the weapon by cutting.

Unnecessary relief: Vitaletti, separated and father of two minor children as his new partner, he died an hour later in the hospital of Fabriano. According to the testimonies collected by the police of Sassoferrato and Fabriano, and from the Core investigation of Ancona, the meeting between the teacher and Dimasi would have been an hour and a half after the attempt of the mason to enter the house of his ex-wife. She had not opened the door. Soon the fury of the man is triggered against Vitaletti. In the past few weeks, the military of the Weapon had reported to the judicial authorities of the threatening behaviours of a mason in respect of the former partner, and likely the short would have tripped a ban of approach to the nucleus of the family. Yesterday, the builder is released from the Sports Bar, has seen the ‘rivalè, declined to make gasoline, and it is unwise against wielding the sharp blade that he had in his pocket, still not found.

The professor, and bleeding, struck violently in the chest, the hands in an attempt of defense, and the legs, asked for help, but the relief proved to be useless. The mason, in the meantime, has wandered to the edge of a small car. After a night of research, and the provision of stationary for a murder signed by the pm Serena Bizarre, the man was tracked down near his home, in Chips: he’s probably going to take a few clothes to continue the flight. Brought in the barracks in Sassoferrato, was questioned by the magistrate in the presence of a public defender, an attorney of the court of Perugia. A little more than 7,300 inhabitants, Sassoferrato is in a state of shock. The Vitaletti are educators and teachers for generations, engaged in the life of the city. Alessandro was the son of Domenico, the historical headmaster of the town disappeared 10 years ago, and a professor in the board, with whom he had lived after the separation from his wife. Shocked middle school students & #8220;Don Mauro Costantini” of Serra San Quirico, where the professor taught from September.

In a chat with the boys of the two classes have contacted the psychologist of the institute, which from Monday will be at their side in school. The mayor of Sassoferrato Ugo Pesciarelli of the family of the victim is a neighbor, and was well acquainted with Alexander. “He was a man of reserved,” he said, but with several friends, respected by all”. “This is a tragedy without precedent for our country. But events such as this tell us that no one is immune from the anxieties of our time. A symptom that the overcoming of the moral points of reference that we have lived up to now creates empty by the unpredictable outcomes”.


Pd, Emiliano a Renzi: “Even the official documents to arrive at the conference. If they do not, it is he who opens the demerger” – Il fatto Quotidiano

Pd, Emiliano a Renzi: "Even the official documents to arrive at the conference. If they do not, it is he who opens the demerger" – Il fatto Quotidiano

"The congress is necessary, if the secretary denies, then he is to get to a cleavage, not the other". the Michele Emiliano, president of the Puglia Region, attacks, Matteo Renzi as the main responsabe of the divisions that are animating the democratic Party. Division photographed by what happened on Saturday: on the day that the secretary of the Pd returning to the scene after the defeat of the 4th of December calling to the Rimini the assembly of the local administrators, the minority dem you are given an appointment to Rome with the Italian Left, to start from the Committees of the No. "The spin-off from those who do not meet the standards of the statute and now the secretary of the party, he is not respecting", is the location of Emiliano, interviewed by Lucia Annunziata tohalf an hour'. At his words replication, the deputy secretary of the Pd of Lorenzo Guerini: "The rules are clear. Emiliano stop with the misinformation". On the same line as the president of dem Matteo Orfini, who invited him to learn more about the statute.

attack to the secretary of the party, he continues: "Renzi is wrong when he says 'it doesn’t matter if I lose the elections, in the meantime, unless my'. As with Rome, where to let go of the bone has been very serious". And, he adds, Emiliano, "the italians, he does not intend to do anything, I have already demonstrated with the referendum. He can not do the italians and of the party what they like. If you do not convene the congress you can even get to the official documents, so the sooner we start the better. Then we promise, I am the first, to reconstruct the reasons to stay together". Among other things, pressing is still the governor of Puglia, "the congress must do, not only for the political tragedy of the referendum, but because we are also the finish the term of office of the secretary.".

Emiliano does not hide to be a potential the candidate to the secretariat and, if he could, on Saturday, he would go to Rome by the minority, certainly not in Rimini. "I was atEagle to attend the funeral of a pugliese, who has fallen out with the helicopter, a 118 – said the governor – the audience of Renzi represents my origins, to me the administrators of this Country are all". But "Renzi speaks out of the picture, the political survival is your problem", instead of "Inviting he said to everyone 'I’m not in the game". "I and D’alema we clashed many times, and in this we have become friends" said Emiliano.

"If there will be a need to apply I going to be a candidate – still says – but they are available at live the process with the other comrades of the party. If I understand that this application is useful in that it is embodied by me, I will do it". In the course of transmission, Lucia Annunziata pointed out in Emilia romagna, at the time around his name as a candidate alternative to Renzi are maturing many of the plaudits. "Probably because, is the answer – I do not belong to the area Bersaniana or Alemiana; I was one of the supporters of Renzi, I’m a man independent, I am not part of any current. And this probably puts me in a state of greater ease in to federate all the other reference areas in the party". "No one can think that I am against the secretary of the party having negative feelings," he then stated Emiliano. If you decide to apply, would be "the first person I’d talk,� � says the governor, who, however, to the question of the same journalist about what reports now has with the former prime minister, replied: "The relations between Renzi and the rest of the world seems to me to be very complicated at the moment."

The governor of Puglia, an 'In half an hour' also speaks of the premier Paolo Gentiloni, refusing to support the idea that he is a man loyal to Renzi. "According to me is fair to the Republic – he says – If someone thinks to go to him and tell him to obey as a mat, you are wrong". "I Gentiloni obey to the needs of political survival of Renzi, resigning from the president of the Council. Will not violate the oath of fidelity to the Constitution," concluded Emiliano.

reactions. Guerini and Orfini: "reread the constitution"
"I hope that the Emiliano magistrate knows the law better than the Emiliano politician knows the charter of his party". Orfini, the president of the Pd, thus responds to the request of the Emiliano to convene the congress, dem. Another tough replica comes to the voice of the deputy secretary Guerini: "The only one that does not comply with the statute it is not the law. The rules are clear: the congress is convened by the national assembly, not by the secretary, and must be done, according to l'art. 5 of the bylaws of our party, in December 2017,” said Guerini, who then calls the governor of Puglia “to stop unnecessary controversy based on nothing, or on the excellence of the rules of our party”. On Twitter respond instead to check out: "Dear Emilia no, in accordance with the bylaws of the congress of the Pd is held in December 2017. It would be good to know how to work the rules before speaking," writes the deputy, Ernesto Coal. This is similar to the tweet of senator Andrea Marcucci: "Emiliano usa carte bollate against the statute Pd? A beautiful conception of internal democracy. Congress expected in December".


Earthquake, the new shock with a panoramic view, collapses the wall of the Church of St. Augustine – The Sun 24 Hours

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The ‘Ndrangheta, captured the fugitive Fish: he was the head of the clan that imported the cocaine – The Republic

'Ndrangheta, captured the fugitive Fish: he was the head of the clan that imported cocaineThe arrest of Antonino Pesce (ap) REGGIO CALABRIA Is over the inaction of Antoninus Fish, 34-year-old regent of the namesake clan in Rosarno arrested in the night by the police. With him was also arrested Tonino Belcastro, 53 year old of Gioia Tauro, which is accused of aiding and abetting. A hat with a visor that hides your eyes, face the elder of his 34 years cut in two by a sarcastic sneer, when the fug itive is led away in handcuffs from the villa to the sea where he was hiding, and it seems almost not to believe that his flight is over.

The blitz the carabinieri of the provincial command of Reggio Calabria and the company of Gioia Tauro has intercepted when he was about to go away. And took him totally by surprise. So as to make him fear, at least for a moment, that they were not police men, with their faces covered by the mephisto, it’s around midnight, broke into his hideout. The blitz – has learned in the family, with father, uncles, and cousins aged in hiding – are always performed around 4 in the morning. But this time the police have decided not to risk it. More than a signal, he suggested that Fish would be able to dispel shortly. And around midnight decided to take action. A team to surround the house, the other inside, to lock him and the flanker.

the Fish was on the second floor, in an apartment full of clothes and toys for the kids, probably his younger children. Allayed the initial fears of an ambush organized by one of his many enemies, when he saw in front of the investigators, the fugitive has first tried to get rid of the gun by throwing it from a window, then he turned with anger to the police, shouting at them “you got the call?”. Fish was convinced that his absence had been burned by a tip-off, but dropping it was only the habit of regularly meeting with his wife and children, in an area of Gioia Tauro that the patrols do not forget to check. Lights on in a house normally inhabited have been the alarm bell that has attracted the attention of the investigators, the carelessness with which the Fish hung out of the windows, his destruction.

Sought after in July of this year for criminal association and international drug trafficking, the 34-year-old Antonino Fish, the son of the boss Giuseppe is considered to be a powerful man, and dangerous. Despite his young age, is considered the regent of the homonymous clan. Arrests and processes have thinned the ranks of the organization, leaving to him the sceptre of command. He was, say the judges, to manage the importation of cocaine on behalf of the clan, as to administer affairs on licit and illicit family, to ensure the maintenance of the men of the clan prisoners and their families.

her role, it became clear in the investigation into the Volcano in which it had been issued to him a warrant of arrest, which for months has been able to escape. At the time, the financiers of the provincial Command of Reggio Calabria were able to discover a new way that clans trasbordavano cocaine imported from South America. Arrived in Italy on a cargoship, the drug was thrown into the sea before the ship attraccasse in port and recovered from some motorboats are fast. A new method – was unveiled at the time of the survey – that it could count on the complicity of the captain of the ship “Msc Poh Lin”, belonging to the shipping company, Msc is committed to working on the “California Express”. A route is "convenient" for the narcos of the clan: before entering the port of Gioia Tauro, touching the ports of panama Balboa and Cristobal, considered by the investigators to the main sorting centres in the international “white”. When the operation Volcano is taken, on board the ship, the financiers are able to discover 83 kilograms of cocaine pure.

antonino fish

Ruby ter, the process for Berlusconi – The Sun 24 Hours


From that incredible night of may 27, 2010, when the young moroccan Karima El Marhoug was stopped by the police, brought to the offices of the Questura of Milan and entrusted to the care of the former dental hygienist Nicole Minetti after the intervention of the then prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, has been nearly seven years, but the nightmare of those events continue to haunt the leader of Forza Italy. The former president of the Council was deferred to the judgment by the gup of Milan, Carlo Ottone De Marchi, judicial corruption, this time in the context of the investigation, Ruby ter. According to the prosecution, Berlusconi would have paid the girls with the young moroccan attended "elegant dinners" at his home in Arcore in exchange for false testimony in the processes of Ruby a and Ruby bis. The trial will begin on April 5, before the Fourth criminal section of the Court of Milan.

“The concrete fact is that you will process Silvio Berlusconi the crime of “generosity” is the comment of the lawyer Federico Cecconi, who along with Franco Coppi, defends the former president of the Council. "We take note of this indictment, ” explains Cecconi -, but in the trial we trust in the chance to demonstrate the irrelevance of Berlusconi and to the disputed facts".

the former premier, the second process on the case of Ruby in which it is involved. In 2015, Berlusconi has been acquitted definitively by the Supreme Court from the allegations of bribery by extortion and child prostitution in relation to the facts which have given rise to the investigation Ruby ter. The survey that was born as a result of that process.

At the end of the trial of first instance, in fact, the judges of the court sent to the public prosecutor the acts of some of the testimonies to evaluate the false testimony. Identical decision was taken by the judges who condemned him in the first instance, Lele Mora, Emilio fede and Nicole Minetti in the process Ruby bis.

The new inquiry, coordinated by the former deputy prosecutor-Piero Forno (now retired) and assistant prosecutors Tiziana Siciliano and Luca Gaglio, has allowed us to discover that Berlusconi had continued to pay for the girls dinners at Arcore. For this reason, the gup had decided, the indictment of Ruby and the other 22 defendants are accused in various ways of false testimony and bribery in judicial proceedings. The position of Berlusconi had been removed because of the problems of health of the former president of the Council.

For pm, Berlusconi would have bribed the girls with 10 million in cash and other gifts, to empower them to make statements favorable to him. Only Ruby would have been approximately euro 7 million, including cash and money used from the girl to open activities abroad, including a restaurant in Mexico. The trial for 23 defendants began on 11 January.

In the meantime, however, the trouble for Berlusconi are not finished. The leader of Forza Italia was entered again in the register of suspects, with the offence of judicial corruption, why would he have continued to pay some of the girls, until two months ago.

Joseph Spinelli, the board of directors of numerous real estate companies of the former Knight and the "official payer" of the Olgettine, in a recent testimony would have revealed to the investigators that Berlusconi would charge to help support the girls with repeated cash deposits. The beneficiaries of the contributions would have been at least 13 girls, rewarded with about 2,500-3,000 euros in cash per month, and in one case also with a single payment of 15,000 euro. The script was always the same. The girls went to the residence of the ex-premier asking for money and Berlusconi instructed Spinelli to please. Whether this was generosity or a reward for evidence-rigging the courts will decide.


The ‘Ndrangheta, was arrested in the fugitive Antonino Fish – The Messenger

The police officers of the operational Department of the provincial Command of Reggio Calabria and those of the carabinieri Company, together with the Squadron hunters Calabria, have arrested the fugitive Antonino Fish, 34-year-old, believed to be the regent of the homonymous clan, he hid in an apartment in Gioia Tauro. The arrest took place in execution of an order for custody issued by the gip of Reggio Calabria at the request of the Dda, for mafia association and international traffic in narcotics. The fish was a fugitive from July 2016.

In July 2016 Fish was taken by a measure of firm issued by the Dda in the context of the operation Volcano was conducted by the Guardia di finanza. The man was found in a house in the area of marina di Gioia Tauro. Thanks to the activity technique and knowledge of the area, the police have blocked it in an apartment where, apparently, he had gone to meet with the partner and the children.

Fish, in the moment of the irruption of the military, attempted to dispose of a gun by throwing it from the window of the house. The weapon, immediately recovered by the police, turned out to be a semi-automatic pistol in very good condition and in perfect efficiency, complete with charger and its ammunition, the object of a theft committed at Civitanova Marche (Macerata) in 2015. The man, then, has the opposite resistance. Antonino Fish, and also to the arrest of other members of the family, is considered by investigators as the regent of the homonymous clan and the one who took care of the supply of financial resources, in particular managing the import of cocaine from south America and taking care of the exfiltration of the drugs imported by the other and stored in containers unloaded in the port of Gioia Tauro.

the Fish was administering the financial resources and distributed at the top of the clan prisoners and their families. In addition, the Fish took care of the relationships with other gangs, in particular that of the Bellocco and Meil. In general, according to investigators, was performing the functions of organizer and promoter of the clan. In the course of the operation was also arrested for aiding and abetting the staff, Tony Belcastro, a 53-year-old, already known to the police, the owner of the house, in which was surprised the fugitive and present at the time of the coming of the police.


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Renzi: The elections? To get to the 40% – Corriere della Sera

Matteo Renzi he enters the room of the Palacongressi, where you are carrying out the assembly of local administrators, and is immediately standing ovation. At the end they stand up also the Hope and Stumpo, come to Rimini to demonstrate that the intent of the splitters of D’alema are not their. The secretary in the morning he had spoken with Hope, and then for him it is not a surprise that the former parent is here. The leader is convinced that the minority is divided between those who would like to follow D’alema and those who do not intend to leave the Pd. Is Renzi relaxed and quiet, the one that makes his return after more than a month of “almost-silence”, believing that “the challenge is between us and Cricket, and also this does not replicate to D’alema: “we do Not fall into this game.”


It’s a Renzi that he has “no desire for revenge”. And in fact, after the surgery and explain to her that the”acceleration towards the ballot box serves the democratic Party”. “You don’t need me,” he reiterates. The secretary considers that, if they went to vote in the agreed expiry date for the Pd would be a problem of no small account. For two reasons. First of all, it is better not to go to elections after a law of Stability which in this phase cannot be expansive, because, the reasoning of Renzi with his own, the battle in Europe to get billions and flexibility today is objectively difficult. But there is also another reason: if you go to the vote at the end of the legislature the Five-Star hotel would have easy game in accusing the Pd of not having chosen the appeal to the polls to allow members of parliament to take their annuities. In short, the maneuvering and the annuities might become formidable wea pons for the election campaign of the grillini. And this is exactly what Renzi does not want to. But chatting with her, after the speech, the secretary lets out a news story: “I did Not so desire of revenge I’m thinking that even if they won I could give up going to the Palazzo Chigi”. Already, according to Renzi the help of the government, would rather go to Graziano Delrio or Paolo Gentiloni: “In this case, I ritaglierei the role of king-maker to make the election campaign and the lists”.


Already, the lists, with those hundred names blocked out, which allow the secretary to “renew the party”. Likely that someone ask them to choose the candidates to a safe place with the primary, however, the leader does not seem at all willing to take this road. But in this case how many seats in the armoured might go to a minority? Yesterday, at the convention center there is a digit: ten (the Room, of course). It is clear that if you fail to get to the early elections would not be Renzi to pull the plug. This is a scenario that the secretary does not take even into consideration. It will be the Pd, with Gentiloni, “which is doing very well,” to decide that the term has now come to an end. It is obvious, from the stage of the assembly Renzi does not speak of all of this. His is an address to the administrators, “who are the backbone of Pd, leading the votes” and that should be motivated. How? Outlining the themes of the next election campaign (the fight against tax evasion, arm wrestling with Europe, because otherwise the risk to do the end of the earthenware vessel”, “work and not the income of citizenship”), by identifying an opponent that is precise, Cricket, and, pointing to the ambitious goal of 40 percent.

Five Star

And it is about Cricket that you pin the arrows the most poisonous of the secretary: “it Is useless for that since the last tourist village of fashion in Africa will come to me the unprejudiced-prejudiced to say that the problem is poverty”. And the replica of the leader of the Five Stars does not wait: “A Renzi remains only the insult, let’s get to the vote”. To vote, you will, ensures that the secretary, who called the head of the party, on the 13th of February: “There will be three blocks to compete”, with “the peace of any companion inside” (the allusion is to the ventilated cleavage dalemiana). And the Pd is contrary to the mess-ups” and wide intended: “To avoid the chaos serves 40 percent and we know how you’re doing.”

January 28, 2017 (edit 28 January 2017 | 22:59)



Melons and Salvini in the square of Rome: vote now for “Italy Sovereign”. Whistles for Brunette – The Republic

the ROME – With the wind in favour of the populism that now blows from the America of Donald Trump, the souls, the most radical of the centre-right Brothers of Italy and Northern League, they find themselves in Piazza San Silvestro in Rome with Forza Italia as a guest. Before a people that organizers estimated at 25 thousand people, the police station is not received. “Italy Sovereign”, the title of the event, eloquent and effective in letting understand right away where you want to go: to vote as soon as possible, to give the italians the possibility to redirect the destiny of the Country by the invasion of immigrants, to the dictatorship of the euro and of the bu reaucrats in Brussels. And the threat of terrorism in looking at Putin as a strategic resource and not as a danger. Vote immediately to send home the “traitors” who now are the crutch of the Pd.

On the vote immediately, Melons and Salvini are working on the hips, Silvio Berlusconi, to which the scenario did not go down because Forza Italia is still a construction site. Square knows this and appears to be of Renato Brunetta raises a few cheers and many boos. Forcing the mistress of the house, Giorgia Meloni to introduce it: “I Hope you listen with patience and attention by all the guests. The word to the Brunette”. To then dictate to the notebooks his message for the Cav, well before the closing remarks: “You have to go to a vote at the earliest possible date. We hope that at the end you find an agreement, until the last, we will try to find an agreement with Berlusconi, ed.), the rest of the weddings are always done in two…”.

Meanwhile, from the stage Renato Brunetta launches a call for unity. “The head is the plural – begins the leader forzista -. We can win tomorrow, we need to homogenize the two electoral laws and go to vote, I want the centre-right victorious. I do not want the government of Renzi, anyone who divides the centre-right wants the government of Renzi. I want to Renzi in the house. I was made many mistakes in the past but if we continue in error, we leave win Renzi and the so-called party of the nation, if you dont want it you have to want the centre-right government. Those who do not want the centre-right united to take on his responsibilities”.

later he also works for Giovanni Toti, with the clear intent to reconcile the positions. “Sometimes it is difficult to get around a table, but we can not abdicate and be featured in the next challenge of the election. We cannot leave this country in the hands of the Pd and the M5S, we have to renew ourselves and evolve taking into account the history of all of us. We must sit around the table and talk to us”. To the vote immediately? It is not said. “I don’t know how long we will still go to vote,” explains the governor of liguria forzista, downloading elsewhere the responsibility of the timing towards the policies -. Before you vote, the better it is. But what I really care about and that’s when it will be we will be ready. The road is long but I’m sure it’s in”drop-down.

next up is Matteo Salvini. “The League is in the square not to participate but to win”, makes it clear the secretary of the Carroccio”. Won by the centre-right. “No one closes doors in face-to-none – says Salvini – but who has betrayed, cannot be put in the list even if one comes to the Father Pius: Alfano, Cicchitto, Verdini and Casini have to go home. The doors open to a coalition wide, but with a program precise to say: the first of the italians”. The secretary of the league then explains why the italians have nothing to fear from Trump and Putin. On the contrary. “Good job to the president, Trump and Putin, having the Chigi palace Trump and Putin emphasizes, Salvini -. The one that says Trump we will do when we go to the government, to our house only if invited”. Also Salvini sends the clear message to Berlusconi: “A Country that does not control its own currency is a slave, we are going to have our o wn currency, for young people and for entrepreneurs. And anyone who defends him in Brussels, it does not ally neither with me nor with Giorgia Meloni”.

And the time comes for the president of Brothers of Italy. “There are no more excuses. We have an election law and we want to go out to vote, something that in Italy seems to have become subversive. Now, Renzi speaks of the Mattarellum… You have to make an account? President Mattarella notices only today that we have an election law which is only good for the Room? The people must take back its sovereignty.” the Giorgia Meloni, therefore, is addressed to Renzi: “If the Pd is willing to make the electoral law next week, I vow.” Then, a joke about the former premier: “Renzi is abbottonava the coat like Obama, who knows if right now you pettinerà like Trump”.

At this point, Melons pass in review the reasons for the “vote now”. The first is the antieuropeismo. “We want to go to the polls with a policy proposal that says before Italy and before the Italian. We do not want to be a colony. The challenge is between the oligarchies and the single thought and the people and the sovereignty of the other. We are the ‘small and cheap’, but not because I am one meter and fifty-eight, but because we are with the markets and not financial markets of the left radical chic”. The Euro has been a catastrophe for Italy – presses Melons -. It is not a point of view, but an objective fact. And it could not be otherwise because we never adopted a single currency, the German Mark, and in fact the only way to be enriched is Germany, at our expense. We must have the courage to tell us that we want to rid ourselves of. We want the dissolution agreed by the Euro area, we want to return the masters to our house. We are n ot enemies of Europe. The enemies of Europe are the loan sharks that govern it”.

Second point: close to the immigrants and close to terrorism. “Our national interest is tighten relations with Russia to fight alongside the islamic fundamentalism, that is the real enemy of this time,” argues from the stage Melons, and then go on to talk about the other enemy, the less scary but more insidious. “The invasion of immigrants is planned and desired, the solidarity has nothing to do with, it is low-cost labor for the Italian capitalism. So that solidarierà, we will not allow that you go forward as well”. And from the stage and raised the request to activate a naval blockade. Who should collect the new Interior minister, Marco Minniti. On which cala the edge judgment: “he’s doing better than Alfano? Compared to him even a refrigerator in the tie would have been very good”.

then There is the chapter on gender. If the above Salvini had announced as “the first act of the government will make the law on prostitution, a profession like any other and you have to pay taxes,” Meloni attacks the policies directed to those who are not included in the diagrams are dictated by heterosexuality. “If this is modernity, we would like to stay in the antiquity. The money for these nonsense, we want to spend it to the nurseries, mothers and abandoned”.

In conclusion, Melons turn to the square and to the right the invitation to make “an effort to take our ideas, make a poster, put together concrete proposals to make the primary, search for a standard-bearer and go all together to win the Italy sovereign. We send to casa Renzi, Gentiloni, Alfano, the turncoats, the traitors, and feel this country.” “We want to bring everyone together because we want to win, reaffirms Melons -. We are not interested in the testimony, we want to win. We can even go in random order, but we want to win, want the government, the interests of the party do not come before those of the italians”.


Ruby ter, Berlusconi sent for trial. Pm: “10 million to the olgettine to lie to the process” – The Republic

The gup of Milan, Carlo Brass Demarchi has deferred to the judgment of Silvio Berlusconi to the so called Ruby ter. The former Knight is accused of corruption from prosecution for having paid for months 22 guests at the bunga bunga, according to the hypothesis of the pm, Tiziana Siciliano and Luca Gaglio – to bear false witness in the processes of Ruby, denying sexual encounters with the former premier.

Money until a few months ago: you open the ‘Ruby bis’

In total, according to the reconstruction of the prosecution, Berlusconi would have paid out nearly ten million to all the guests of the “elegant dinners”, which is about seven to Karima El Mahroug, alias Ruby, and that they would be used to open a business, like a restaurant in Mexico. The process begins on April 5th. The defense records the decision and, through the lawyer, Federico Cecconi, said: “The concrete risk is that, for the first time, it processes the crime of generosity.”

this Is the second time the ex-premier be sent to trial because of the revelations of the Ruby. In the first process, the former Knight has been acquitted of a definitive (it was the
march of 2015) from the accusations of extortion and child prostitution. Now, however, is accused of having bribed with 10 million of the total € ‘olgettine’ and other guests of the evenings of Arcore for them to make false statements or reticent during the testimonies in the classrooms of the processes in Ruby and Ruby bis.


But while the strand ter of the case Ruby is transformed into a new process, for Berlusconi opens the fourth strand of this investigation, which is becoming an epic: the quater. Berlusconi, in fact, has been re-investigated – if it was news a few days ago – because the payments to the olgettine would not have at all stopped, they would have indeed continued, at least until a couple of months ago. All the details of how the girls have continued to press the former premier to get money and to have the ‘right’ to shopping in luxury stores, would have been made to the magistrates by the accountant Spinelli, i.e. the accounting of the trust to Berlusconi.

In the Ruby bis, finally, Berlusconi is not involved: the process, which, in November 2014 it was concluded in the appeal) was, in fact, Lele Mora, sentenced to 6 years old), Emilio fede (4 years and 10 months) and Nicole Minetti (3 years). The former agent of the famous, late payments, was accused of aiding and abetting, and inducing the prostitution of the juvenile; the former director of Tg4 for aiding and abetting, and induction to prostitution (but only of underage girls); while the former regional councillor Minetti was over at the process for only aiding and abetting.

To September 2015, the Supreme court has accepted the appeal of Emilio fede and Nicole Minetti, establishing that the process against them has to be redone, if you have a new process of appeal bis for the former director of Tg4 and former regional councillor.


ruby ter
ruby process
the court of milan
Silvio Berlusconi