Friday, January 27, 2017

Rays, doubts of the majority of M5S Ten dissidents to remove the plug – Corriere della Sera

A little is not knowing how to get out. A little, however, is due as well to the old rusts that now, with Ray inspected and balanced on his chair, returning inexorably to the surface. The fact is that never before as in these hours the line that separates the loyalists of the mayor from the wing dissident close to the appointed grilline Roberta Lombardi, Carla Ruocco and Paola Taverna, is so mobile within the majority of the M5S. And the fact is that, the net plating time provided by Grillo and Casaleggio, is the majority to have in hand the destiny of the Rays. Almost all the damage, now lost, at least politically. But the distrust of the six councilors and the mayor is sunken without the need for recourse to the block as the code of the Movement. “We are talking about assumptions that are not even real, let us proceed a step at a time,” he said yesterday Rays. That is a bit different from “in the light of the acts the prosecutor’ s office will be made for evaluations and decisions”, the director of cricket, Peter Calabrese. This is discussed in the corridors of the Palazzo senatorio.

The numbers of the dissidents fluctuate depending on the news that come out from the investigation, but the count gets to ten counselors who officially adhere to the diktats of waiting Cricket but concealed assess whether it is more politically advantageous to the detachment of the plug or the path dictated by Lombardi, the enemy of historical-Rays. That is a scenario that provides for the self-suspension of the mayor in the case in which the court case confirmed serious and not resolvable in the short term. The same line that emerged in December, when, after the arrest of Raffaele Marra, and with the possibility of elections near, we thought to step back in time to present the M5S to the polls with a Capitol back on track. Swimming in this current of the two big “lombardiani” in the Meeting, the president Marcello De Vito, the parent company of Paolo Ferrara, that they would have already heard Ray the solution to the c hange in the running of the summit. But the mayor did not spring. At least as long as the plug remains attached.

January 27, 2017 | 08:31



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