Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Ray remains mayor of the Capital. It is the decision of the court of Rome, that it does not enter into the merits of the contract – The Huffington Post

The civil Court of Rome rejected the appeal against the contract signed by the mayor of Rome Virginia-Rays with the 5 Star Movement. Contract that has a penalty of 150 thousand euros in case of violation of the code of ethics pentastellato and the consequent forfeiture of the first citizen. The complaint was filed by the senator Monica Cirinnà (Pd), through the advocate, the Venerable Brat, and asked to declare null and void the contract in relation to the code of conduct M5S and ineligible the first citizen for the fact of having signed. But the first section was declared eligible to be elected the first citizen of and is not entered on the merits of the ‘code of behaviour’, because according to the judges, the applicant ‘as a subject foreign to the 5 Star Movement and not the subscriber of the agreement, does not carry a specific interest to act”. In rejecting the appeal is, therefore, fallen to a request to cancel the contract.

The first to comment on is Luigi Di Maio: “Not able to get rid of us with the policy and they try with the courts. Another fool of a party that is afraid of losing the next general election and try all of them.” Immediately after is the first citizen: “so Much noise for nothing. After the drubbing the election in Rome, the Pd suffers another in Court. They hoped to make nothing our victory, likening the signing of the Code of conduct for M5S to an agreement of a secret association. Do not know what to invent.”

for its part, the senator Cirinnà defends himself: “the fact that The court has not evaluated the substance of the validity of the contract leaves open all the cases of illegal compulsion to obedience, and the consequent prohibition of dissent, they are subjected to all the elected M5S in Italy". The lawyer Brat lashes out against the judges: “I was Not expecting a ordinance pilatesca like this. We have lost an opportunity to free the Rays from a contract to halter”. Immediately after the judgment Davide Casaleggio has attacked those who have spoken of the contract between the Rays and the Casaleggio Associati: “there is no contract between the Rays and the firm Casaleggio Associati. And it would be absurd that there was. In the document are named Beppe Grillo and the late Gianroberto Casaleggio, in their role as the guarantors of the 5 Star Movement".

However, in dance there are also other contracts signed by the elected M5S. This time, the Court has not taken a decision on the merits, but the judgment in the marks, however, an important point of passage in the events grilline. It remains to be seen what they will say to the judges if a day of appeal will be a person who is a part of the Movement. For now, for example, in the discussion there are the fines from 250 thousand euro, which Beppe Grillo wants to pay the two meps that have leaked.

One of the reasons for which was rejected the appeal of Rome is that it is not a question of the legal instrument correct with which to ask the alleged nullity of the contract. In the provision of the first section of the civil Court of Rome, presided over by judge Franca Mangano, the law does not use “any of the hypothesis of ineligibility strictly provided for by law”. With regard to the contract signed by the Rays, according to the judges, the appellant, the attorney Brat, “as a subject foreign to the 5 Star Movement and not the subscriber of the agreement, does not carry a specific interest to act, since the removal of the constraint could not derive any effect in its legal sphere”. Therefore, concluded the judges, “the question of nullity has to be declared inadmissible”. The appellant is sentenced to the payment of court costs, which amounted to 13 thousand euros. Cirinnà defends himself by explaining that “the fact that the court h as not evaluated the substance of the validity of the contract leaves open all the cases of illegal compulsion to obedience, and the consequent prohibition of dissent, they are subjected to all the elected M5S in Italy. Surprised that even the lawyers of the mayor, in the memory that have submitted, have, however, hypothesized that the nullity of the Code of conduct would not have resulted in ineligibility and the forfeiture of the Rays”.

Returning to Rome, the mayor does not like to be compared to the links of Turin, Clear Hanger, the first citizen of the most beloved in Italy. "Everyone has to do the mayor of their city, it is good". But he adds, "in Italy there is the Mafia Capital is not Mafia Savoy, it is obvious that I should oppose the machine, it is a different situation". However, it remains unresolved, the court case that concerns the appointment by the mayor of Raffaele Marra, now in prison, the first deputy head of cabinet and then head of personnel: “Marra had a curriculum of all respect – defends-Ray host a Tuesday – this was from the Guardia di Finanza, a person plurilaureata. I made a mistake, in the light of that power of Attorney being discovered I made a serious error of judgment”. “In the event of a warranty call, the position is always the same: read and evaluate what to do,” the mayor adds: “For all the holidays, Christmas on the newspapers, th ere was terrorism on this, as far as I know, are not investigated. Are at peace.”


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