Friday, January 27, 2017

Memorial Day: remembering the horror because it never happens again – Corriere della Sera

“The reality of the extermination camps goes beyond human understanding and beyond the limits of the possibilities of expression”. But even if it causes horror and pain, “nothing should stop our will to remember”. Thus, the president of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, in his speech for the celebration of the Day of Memory at the Quirinale. At the age of 72 from the destruction of the gates of the extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, in today’s Poland, in Italy and in many Countries of the world celebrates the “Day of remembrance”, to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust. Theatres, schools, the town squares host events, ceremonies, meetings and moments of narrative and reflection on what happened to the jewish people and deported to the military and politicians in the nazi camps. A “Day”, established in 2005, not to forget the tragedy of the Holocaust and of other genocides nazis. The date, symbo lic, coincides with the entrance to the Auschwitz by soviet troops, who showed the world, for the first time, the horror of the “final Solution” desired by Hitler and his hierarchs, to get rid, once and for all, of the “jewish question”.

The Day

To Auschwitz died one and a half million people, mostly jews. “Remember – he said Pope Francis getting to the Vatican a delegation of the European Jewish Congress, is important because this human tragedy does not happen again”.


At the Quirinale, in the Hall of the Cuirassiers, the celebrations in the presence of the President of the Republic and of the highest authorities of the State: the president of the Senate, Peter Grasso, the president of the Chamber, Laura Boldrini. Present, among others, several ministers, the mayor of Rome, Virginia-Rays, the representatives of the jewish community. In the audience and also students from some of the Municipalities of the areas hit by the earthquake of Central Italy.

The germ of intolerance

In his speech at the Quirinale the president of the Republic, he warned against “the germ of intolerance,” which today still propagates: “Today we must ask ourselves: how is it possible that under different forms, ranging from holocaust denial, xenophobia, antisionismo, at racisms old and new, to the authoritarianism, extreme nationalism, religious fanaticism – how is it possible, I repeat, that still shed and spread the seed of intolerance and of discrimination of violence?”. “The Day of memory, then, requires us only to remember, dutifully, the many innocent victims of a season-dismal and evil – he added – . But committed to combat, today, every seed and every hint of drifts that cause forgetfulness or even they fear the repeat.”

The duty to remember

Sergio Mattarella he cited Hannah Arendt: “The subject is the ideal of the totalitarian regime is not the nazi convinced or the staunch communist, but the one for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, between true and false no longer exists.” The phrase of the writer the historical, jewish-German, said the head of the State, “it is a lesson terrible calls today and always our consciences.” He then reminded the intellectuals, philosophers, historians, and artists who have debated a long time on the real impossibility to fully describe the system at Auschwitz. But this may not pose “an obstacle to our right and duty to know, to investigate, to study, to reflect. And prevent”. Because, if Auschwitz, today, has become a monument against the horrors of the nazis, which is and must be, also, “the witness, present and aware, of what doom is capable of making man, when he abandons the way of coexistence and solidarity, and take the road of hatred”, said the head of State.

“Remember the Italian soldiers deported”

That you wanted to remember the 650.000 Italian soldiers deported to the camps the germans, because after the 8th of September, refused to serve Hitler. “A page of history, full of suffering and courage, which is an integral part of the Italian Resistance, and that is not always adequately known,” he said.

“Beyond the school”

“For all of us remembrance Day is a school day over the school, today we remember the day of the Shoah, the memory is a due act and a very delicate”, said the minister of Education, Valeria fedeli. That has been pointed out that “the diversity of each is a source of enrichment, our identity can not be used as a label to discriminate”.


The president of the Chamber, Laura Boldrini, talking with the reporters in front of Parliament has recalled the message of remembrance Day: “we must never lower our guard, we must always be vigilant, always put on the field every possible action against anti-semitism, holocaust denial and racism”. “Don’t forget the Holocaust, to remember the terrible lessons of the ’900, the food, the reason for our freedom #aquarius”, has written to the chairman of the Board Paolo Gentiloni on Twitter. And always on the microsocial undersecretary to the presidency of the Council Maria Elena Woods he recalled the words of Primo Levi: “The Holocaust is a page of the book of Humanity from which we will never have to remove the bookmark memory”.


In Torino in the morning, held a “Commemoration and tribute to the tombstones of the fallen” at the monumental cemetery. In Milan, until 29th January, Binary 21, became the Shoah memorial of milan, opens its doors to the public for free guided visits. Always in Milan, at the teatro degli Arcimboldi in Milan, Liliana Segre met with students to tell them about the Shoah.

In Poland and Germany

Celebrations in Poland: Auschwitz (now Oświęcim, even if you continue to use the German name of the city from which is derived the concentration camp) the first minister Beata Szydlo has led the remembrance, accompanied by 60 survivors and delegates of various Countries, including Israel and Russia. The museum-memorial, which is located in the former concentration camp has organized a double exposure, inside and at the Unesco headquarters in Paris, with the personal belongings of former prisoners found in 1967 during the excavation in the area where there were the gas chambers: the objects that so far were closed in warehouses and never exhibited. To Paris the exhibition, titled “Archaeology” opened Thursday and will continue until February 10. Auschwitz will be open until February 24. In Germany the Day was remembered in the Bundestag (the lower Chamber of the Parliament), in the presence, among others, of the chancellor Angela Merkel and president Joachim Gauck.

January 27, 2017 (the edit on the 27 January 2017 | 14:07)



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