Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Massacre of Viareggio, waiting for the judgment| Photo – Corriere della Sera

Florence January 30, 2017 – 19:16

For strage Viareggio train is the moment of truth. After seven years, seven months and a day, and after more than 140 court hearings, comes the first verdict on the rail accident on 29 June 2009, cost the lives of 32 people. The panel of judges, chaired by judge Gerardo Borage, retired to the council chamber just before 11, after the long appeal of the defendants, lawyers and the civil parties. The judgment is waiting for the first afternoon, at around 15.

shadow carousel

the Massacre of Viareggio, the family members of the victims arrive in procession
the procession of The family

“29 June 2009. Nothing will be as before”, the wording of the banner at the head of the silent procession organised by the families of the victims that, around 9.30 am, have reached the exhibition centre of Lucca where there were all the hearings process And where you are performing the last act of the first instance process . With them also a representative of the machinists of Railways, a representative of the group of the `Turtles lens, some representatives of the No Tav movement. To close the procession, a few banners, among which that of the Region of Tuscany.

In the classroom, the mayor and the president of the province

“we could Not be here, the rest of the Region of Tuscany and of the Province of Lucca are the only entities that are constituted as a civil party, without accepting the compensation offered, as he did at the time also the national government,” said the regional councillor of the region tuscany of the Pd, Stefano Baccelli, who accompanied the Gonfalon of the Region. Pods, which on 29 June 2009, was president of the Province of Lucca, has decided to recall an episode in the process that the concerns of the person “When I was heard by the judges, one of the lawyers of Mauro Moretti, the former ceo of the Railways, I challenged in a bad way the use of the word massacre. Me filming, but I think they certainly can talk about a group of dead, even if it is clear that it was not an attack and indeed for the accused, and the charge is manslaughter”. In the classroom there are also the president of the Province of Lucca, Luca Menesini, and t he mayors of Lucca and Viareggio, Alessandro Tambellini and Giorgio Del Ghingaro.

on the night of 2009

That night, the flames, precipitated by the explosion of one of the 14 tanks containing lpg, as a result of the derailment of the freight train 50325 Trecate-Caserta on which they were traveling, devoured houses and people a short distance from the station, in via Ponchielli. Now, more than seven and a half years, the panel of judges chaired by judge Gerardo Borage and co-workers, Nidia Genovese and Valeria Marino, will be called upon to provide a first, important, answer on any responsibility.

shadow carousel

the Massacre of Viareggio: the victims, the process and the stories of the night
The defendants

In all of the defendants are 33. To which are added nine companies. The bar also Mauro Moretti, ceo of Ferrovie at the time of the facts, and now at the helm of Finmeccanica: for him, the prosecutors have asked for 16 years of imprisonment.

shadow carousel

the Massacre of Viareggio, the faces of the victims on the empty chairs
The allegations

The allegations, ranging from train crash negligent fires negligent, up to the homicide, and unintentional injuries multiple serious and grave. Some of the heads of charges (i.e. fire for reckless and negligent injury serious and serious) will disappear in any case, immediately after the end of the process of the first degree for the prescription.

January 30, 2017 | 19:16



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