Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The electoral law, the Chamber accelerates: axis Pd-M5s with the League and Fdi – The Republic

The conference of group leaders of the Chamber has established that on 27 February, the electoral law will be the examination of the classroom at Montecitorio. The decision has had the all clear from the Pd, M5S, Lega, and Fdi. The news bar in the evening by the agencies has puzzled, eliciting immediate reactions. Especially of the 5-star hotel, which with Of Maio sing victory.

To request the scheduling of the election law was, in fact, the M5s. The vice-president pentastellato of the Room explains that if indeed the law will arrive in the classroom on the 27th of February, in the following month “there will be restrictions of the times and by the middle of march we may have a new electoral law to go to vote immediately.”

And the leader of the Pd, Rosy, says: “We are for a further acceleration of the real. There is the agreement declared to quickly make the electoral law. Now we need to prevail – says – political synthesis with a work that welcomes the directions of the president Mattarella. For this reason, the sense of responsibility of all. It is good that the Parliament of the skills the Country of a good electoral law. We did it painstakingly with the Italicum; we hope to do less work today.”

On the day of concern (for Renzi) a statement of the Bersani on the split, yet another move towards an acceleration in the vote will increase the voltage in the Pd. But in the meantime, they react harshly Forza Italy, Renato Brunetta (“Behavior indecent Pd”) and Left the Italian with Arturo Scotto: “the Forcing of the Pd, M5s and the League for contingentare times parliamentarians on the electoral law. Just as with the Italicum. The axis of adventurism”. Negative feedback of Angelino Alfano to Ncd: “we Express great concern,” said the Foreign minister – on a race to the vote while the Country is gripped by many problems, some of which demand urgent solution, such as the earthquake, the banks and Europe”.

the secretary of The Pd cut it short with a joke, written, via sms, and displayed in the studio by conductor Giovanni Floris: “For me – says Renzi – vote in the 2017 or 2018 is the same. The only thing is to avoid the movie and the annuities because it would be very unfair to the citizens. It would be absurd.”

election law

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