Sunday, January 15, 2017

The minority Pd does not believe the criticism of Renzi: “has Not understood the lesson, it seems even the Fonz” – The Huffington Post

No examination of conscience. The awareness that from the errors you learn, Matteo Renzi, who spoke with the newspaper La Repubblica, tries to show it to you. But, when he explains the reasons of the defeat the referendum attaches liability not to the contents of his policy, but to the form and to the communication adopted in the thousand and one days. And it is for these reasons that the minority Pd, disoriented by the attack and its leader Roberto Speranza has suffered, says he has appreciated the words of the former premier: “there is No worst deaf than who does not want to hear,” says the senator dem Federico Fornaro. In what sense? “The ballot box is released the message is clear and unequivocal: the vote on the constitutional reform was a vote against the government and the renzismo. Not I say so but say the data. It seems to me, therefore, that there is awareness of anger in the country has focused on Renzi and the Pd”. According to the foliage dem, they immediately revolted to the path of reforms wanted by the former president of the Council, “in Pd there is an appropriate level of debate and comparison on the judgment of 4 December. And the interview with Renzi, very defensive, does not help since it does not go to the roots of the problem. On 4 December, has put into question the fundamental basis of the renzismo both from a cultural point of view the political and from the point of view of mode of power management. The Pd would need vis-à-vis the electorate of a bath of humility, demonstrating to have understood the lesson, and it doesn’t seem to have noticed anything about this in the interview”.

The line of the rebels in the Pd. Also the bersaniano Miguel Gotor not captures by Renzi “the ability to understand what has happened on the 4th of December and there is an analysis of the errors committed, it seems the Fonz in Happy days. With the slogan ‘less slide the more the heart’ we will not go far as the Pd also because the problem is precisely that of a politics of slogans and tweets, a bubble communicative, full of narratives that has become more and more ‘palace’ and far from the real Country”. On Twitter Dario Ginefra warns: “The 5 Star Movement is not an algorithm (as claimed by Renzi, ndr), but the litmus test which certifies the dissatisfaction with the political offer traditional. Respect and ride! We must start from the understanding of our limits.”

The only positive aspect of the Renzi thought, that is back to talk after the resignation, it is the speech related to elections, even if the minority dem does not trust it all: “it Is appreciable in the apparent braking on the early voters. Bring down two governments led by Pd in three years (Read and Gentiloni) for their responsibility and then claim to win the elections with a ‘great return’ focused on his own person, he says, still Gotor – however, in a political framework that we still do not know and that will be influenced by the new electoral law, it seems to me a gamble really excessive. In the schools of boxing teach us that if you take a ko, the worst thing to do is to think of getting up immediately to return the shot. If you do so, the search of the immediate rematches is the time that you end up definitely to the mat. In this step it is necessary to bind the opponent to catch his breath, and forces, as wisely advised Beppe Room today”. < /p>

The Pd, according to the minority, he needs time to analyze in deep the causes of the defeat, which they consider “much more extensive and widespread on the territory compared to the forecast, is to reach an electoral law that meets the objective of a proper balance between the representation and the needs of governance”. And then, ” says Fornaro, “this interview is the confirmation that the boils to go to vote early as possible are largely decreased. Pd to all in need of a rematch, head down, repeating patterns of communication and errors of the referendum campaign”.


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