Are 45mila the shocks that have hit the Centre of Italy in the last 5 months, 25 are of a magnitude of more than 4.5 degrees. After the first earthquake of the 24th of August, and already the shock of 30 October – the strongest, 6.5 degrees – we had been warned of what today appears with clarity: we are facing a dramatic phenomenon, that is new and original, an earthquake, “long”, and deep that forces us to review the strategies and policies of reconstruction and prevention. The first must take note of this new framework of coexistence with the earthquake is the Eu: the stop with the very few rules on the flexibility given with the dropper, and you look up over the layer of bureaucr acy to see that to be at risk of death are the most beautiful villages in Italy, a fundamental heritage of the history and life of Europe.
opposite to the populations, blocked by the massive earthquake and frost, in front of businesses that are struggling to leave because every shock and every injury forces him to new tests, new studies, new permissions (and new bureaucracy), in front of the cultural assets that constitute the symbol of a civilization centuries old, and feed tourist flows, important, face the risk of a desertifcazione human, productive and cultural, the european Union is more than ever in front of that fork for months now, again in any discussion, in every analysis, in every political confrontation. And must choose a way, give an answer: we are part of a Europe of nations and of civilization, work and beauty, or we are part of a Europe of the bureaucracy and of the very few rules of Brussels?
it Is a crucial question for the future of all of us who perhaps will have a definitive answer only with the electoral cycles that await many key Countries in Europe this year. But it is a question here, by the earthquake of Central Italy – as well as by the phenomenon of migration should be the way to arrive at a first answer, a new path of sharing. A response of the people, of labour, of production.
We want a Europe that is generous and quick in understanding situations and in giving fast responses to those new situations. The Italian earthquake of the 2016-2017 gives us a representation of a situation of distress “long” which deserves answers of “long”. No more emergency now, but it is something structural that is stuck in the conscience, is the heart of a drama that must be addressed and resolved not to leave these citizens of europe.
And as the migrants are a topic momentous that should be addressed and resolved with structural policies, looking over the particular interests of individual Countries or of the individual parties, so the earthquake, “long” deserves all the support of the european parliament to a policy of broad and long, of reconstruction and of the seismic safety.
If we want to give certainty and tranquility to people and firms tired, if we want to ensure that the productive fabric again flourish as soon as possible and give its contribution to the Gdp of the national and european level, it is necessary to create a framework of security, support, peace of mind. And Europe is the first must do their part.
of course the discussion has to be replicated at the national level. The Europe we have right to ask for certainties, support, policies that know how to build those bridges that are required between the exit from the emergency and a new development, but who must act, in the emergency, reconstruction and prevention, we are. Let’s leave aside the political controversy miserable that start automatically when there are tragedies of this type with the attempt, by all parties, lucrarvi above. Of course there are delays and responsibility in the action of the government, even in the action of the reconstruction, with the drama all-Italian, that is called bureaucracy, but the spirit in which need to be addressed should be a constructive spirit and unity.
Well he had done Matteo Renzi to launch, just with a unifying spirit, “Casa Italia”, a project capable of giving those long answers to structural problems. To eliminate the handicap and to make this a condition of our territory, a point of strength – as happens in Japan or in California – a project that, with the necessary resources of several tens of billions of euros, and political support across the board, is fundamental. And it is crucial that you start immediately. The change of government has not helped, but now I need to immediately proceed with the creation of the department, with the start of the operational programmes, with the definition of the guidelines on the seismic design of Renzo Piano, which should help disseminate a culture of prevention on the territory, and thousands of professionals on the territory they are operating. From there you can get a strong signal to Europe that we do not share ones shyness, those moments of doubt arrive, but that we have a clear idea about which way to take. However, if you add up two shyness, in Brussels and in Rome, we will not be able to come out defeated and succumb.
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