Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Rome, on a case-Marra Rays are investigated for forgery and abuse of office. “I am serene, and ready to give explanations” – The Republic

The mayor of Rome Virginia-Rays is investigated in the investigation relating to the appointment to the head of the Department of tourism of the Capitol of Renato Marra’s brother, Raffaele, the former chief of staff of the Municipality then arrested for corruption. The appointment was later revoked. On the episode, the Prosecutor in Rome has opened a dossier coordinated by the added Paolo Ielo. The abuse of office and forgery of a public document the alleged crime. The examination will be held on Monday, January 30.

But also Raffaele Marra, currently a prisoner in the roman prison of Regina Coeli, is investigated in competition with abuse of office in the investigation on the appointment of the brother. Among the papers of the inquiry even some chat among the brothers and sisters Marra and the conversation is from the Telegram in which the Rays complains that Raffaele did not know of the increase of the salary of the brother Renato. The chats were present in the investigation that led to the 16 December arrest of Marra for corruption.

charges: Ray would have said the fake to the responsible anti-corruption of the Capitol, and would not have prevented Raffaele Marra to participate in the procedures for the appointment of his brother Renato. The rays, according to the indictment, therefore, is investigated for false in what he would have said to the person responsible for anti-corruption in the Municipality, Mariarosa Turks, that for the appointment would have acted independently. The abuse of office is challenged for not having done the mayor a comparison of the curricula and not be prevented Raffaele Marra to participate in the procedures for the appointment of his brother, a circumstance that cost the former chief of staff for the same charge.

The mayor on Facebook “Today I came an invitation to appear by the public Prosecutor of Rome – communicates-Ray the same – in the context of the affair concerning the appointment of Renato Marra to the director of the department of Tourism that, as it is known, has already been revoked.I informed Beppe Grillo and fulfilled the duty of information foreseen by the Code of conduct of the 5 Star Movement”. So he writes on Fb, the mayor adds, “I Am very serene, and I have complete confidence in the judiciary, as always. We are ready to give any explanation”.

The defence of the M5S. “As we learned the news of the mayor who has received an invitation to appear by Attorney? With serenity. We are aware that everything will be clarified. There is no doubt about the work of the mayor, the majority goes on even more convinced”. He said the parent company of the Five Star Movement in Common Paul Ferrara asked on the sidelines of the sitting in the Hall.

“Ray admitted the mistake of having trusted the wrong person, but with regard to the appointment of Renato Marra this is not public money, or of the choices that affect a right of the citizens. This would be the signatures wrong, of an appointment wrong, which was immediately revoked”. So Alessandro Di Battista, interviewed on La7, commented on the news of the investigation to the load Beams. To the Municipality of Rome, “an executive of four is being investigated, he continued, is very complicated, we ask for the time. Ray was wrong to put a signature, you will see. But it will not be the first time that an administrator of Five-Star commit an error”.

The new code of conduct of the Five-Star hotel, voted online last January 3, and that marked a turning point toward locations most flexible of movement, stipulates that “the receipt by the spokesman, of information garanzià or a ‘notice of conclusion of the indaginì does not imply any automatic assessment of severity”.

Renzi: “Pd respects the presumption of innocence”. “our constitution provides that all citizens are innocent until the final judgement. And this applies to everyone, to whatever party they belong to. I therefore call around the Pd to respect the presumption of innocence and not run after the controversy. The Rays do its work, to which the citizens of Rome have called and monsters what it’s worth, if he can”. So on Facebook the secretary of the Pd Matteo Renzi, who added: “I know, I know: some of you now, I will say that the five stars use two weights and two measures, and their attitude is unjust and contradictory. Ok, true, you are right. But this what changes for you? if they are wrong, we make mistakes, too? We demonstrate that we really are different. We do not seek shortcuts judicial, not give in to the hatred for the opponent, do not attack Virginia-Rays today. Had a warranty call? Ok, let’s hope he is innocent. For her, for Rome, for those who believe in the policy”.

Hope: “Just 5S ac” in respect of the mayor of Rome, Virginia Ray, “is an initiative that is legitimate for the judiciary and as such must be respected: the Five-Star hotel should be a little more careful when these things happen to other parties. I am a safeguard, not simply an invitation to express opinions. But it is certain that you can no longer say that you pretend anything when it comes to a mayor of The Five-Star hotel does not have two weights and two measures”. The said Roberto Hope to Tg Zero, on Capital Radio. “Just Beppe Grillo is an alternating current. It is just only when it’s convenient. We don’t have to use alerts warranty to insult each other. The judgments come at the end always, the work of the judiciary must always be respected”, he added, the Hope

De Luca: “he Has the right to work up to judgment” “we Must behave as civilized people and until there is a judgment, the Rays have the right to work”. Commented the president of the Region of Campania Vincenzo De Luca answered live on radio Kiss Kiss Naples. “As the director is another matter, he concluded,” But the judicial matters not assigned to us, so it works for the civilians who do not behave as do the 5-Star”.


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