"I’m in no hurry". "The Country must be governed". The contractors of the Pact of the Nazarene, finished shattered both for the election law for constitutional reform, speaking on the same day, separate. the Matteo Renzi in an interview with the Republic to Ezio Mauro, Silvio Berlusconi in another interview to the Corriere della Sera with Francesco Verderami. You speak from afar, and the "deep tune" now seems to be limited to only one thing: the elections are reduced to a small light. Rate now with no end the legislature, asks Mauro to Renzi: "I am absolutely i ndifferent," replies the former president of the Council. "I’m in no hurry – he adds – we decide that serving in the Italy, without any anxiety, but also without replicating the 2013 where we paid a tribute, election to the sense of responsibility of the Pd. Perhaps some members of parliament – species of the new parties – are terrified by elections because they know that they would not have the votes even for an assembly of the condominium. But we are not. We will do what is needed by the Country". Berlusconi Verderami offers a government between the government Dini and government Customers, but with the roles inverted: in 1995 it was Forza Italia (such as Pd) that words wanted to go early as you can to the polls so as not to be worn out from waiting, and from voting on the action maybe unpopular. But for Berluconi the comparison is improper. "We do not have reasons to support" the government, ” he exp lains. On the contrary, "as soon as technically possible, you will have to go to vote. In the meantime, the Country must be governed. The Gentiloni is clearly a government of transition towards the vote, but the problems – increasing poverty – are serious, and do not live of the election law. Therefore, we are available, from the opposition to vote for every measure which, in our opinion, is both positive and useful for the italians". In short, the haste to rush to the polls is another part.
A scenario summarized by the Foreign minister and leader of the New centre-Right Angelino Alfano: "If the government is well – explained to Half an hour, on Rai3 – goes on until there is fuel and the first 30 days have highlighted the positive things". However, if you went to vote early it would be a few months in advance, and then "no to psycho-dramas about". And anyway, "we are not for the therapeutic obstinacy". And to give suggestions to the ear of Renzi is the mayor of Milan, Joseph Hall, who in a long speech on the Carrier believes that there is "neither obvious nor appropriate" to go as soon as new elections. The mayor invites you, therefore, to complete the term and the centre-left to open a reflection on the inside, the electoral law, "which may not be treated as a commodity of exchange" while going to vote as soon as possible. "To govern by serving stability – writes – Hall to plan for the future se rve the serenity, and the appropriate amount of time. Today, as never before, emergency in an emergency you are likely to choke. Or, worse, you end up in the demagogy inconclusive. Applies to those who are the Government of the Country, as is true for whoever is the mayor."
of Course, a hindrance – and even big – on the road towards the elections is for the lack of the electoral law. As now tell the newspapers for weeks, all the political parties say that we need to do a new system soon as possible, but nobody does anything to begin to discuss, in order to find an agreement. The great project is, as always, be solve the rebus by the magistrates, this time those of the constitutional Court which will decide onItalicum on the 24th of January. The proposal of the Pd on the Mattarellum fall is practically in a vacuum. On the contrary, when the time was right – in the committee on constitutional Affairs to the Room – Pd, Fi and M5s they have postponed everything until after the judgment. The Cinquestelle offer, with a Danilo Toninelli, to take the law that will come out of the consultation and apply it also to the Senate. The Pd, which at first had spoken of Mattarellum, now is ve ering on a proportional ballot.
at Least so says Renzi: "I believe in the Pd, I believe in intuition veltroniana of the party in the majority, I believe, can be the backbone of the system, especially in a bipolar framework, just like me", adds the secretary of the Pd that the maintenance of the ballot, also with Cricket in the field, says "yes, this is the way to avoid mess-ups, “governissimi”, broad agreements between us and Forza Italia that do not serve the Country and open a highway to the grillini. Ballot, or if no Mattarellum. If then the Court will come out a different system, we will confront the other. With the majority of the Pd is the centerpiece of a system similar to the american democracy. With the proportional return to a system more similar to the christian Democracy. But the Pd will be decisive in any case".
A move, one of Renzi’s re-opening to the proportional, and that has me thinking in a new pact, this time without meetings at the Nazarene: the proportional "granted" to Force Italy, the vote in June "granted" to Renzi. To deny is the group leader if the Senate, Paul Romani: "there is no exchange between the law with a proportional vote in June, says the Qn – on the Contrary, I believe that to participate Gentiloni in Taormina, may 26, with the boxes already made at Palazzo Chigi, because 10 days later to vote is not the maximum".
If there is one thing certain, however, is that Forza Italia (whose votes can be crucial for a vote in Parliament on a reform the election) wants a law proportional. "But a pure ” proportional port to have the preferences that we, along with others, we believe may result in mechanisms devastating for democracy. That said, we want to make it compatible with the representation of the vote of the italians and governance, therefore, needs to be provided, small colleges, or the lists in the court." Berlusconi, always on the Courier, adds: "it is necessary to clarify that when I ask for a proportional system, I won’t ask at all for the broad understandings. I want to win the next elections with the centre-right, which I hope will be united on a project, a liberal and reformer. I say, however, that Italy is too fragile to afford governments the expression of a minority of voters, and in which the rest of the Country do not recognize".
But the ex-Knight seems to have already a foretaste of what will happen, at any time and in any manner it wishes: "Today – he continued-in Italy there are three major areas: we, the Pd, and the grillini, very similar to the numerical consistency. None of these three poles the state seems to be able to govern alone. If the italians do not give more than 50% of a single pole, it will be inevitable to agree. But that is not our goal".