Sunday, January 29, 2017

Ruby ter, the process for Berlusconi – The Sun 24 Hours


From that incredible night of may 27, 2010, when the young moroccan Karima El Marhoug was stopped by the police, brought to the offices of the Questura of Milan and entrusted to the care of the former dental hygienist Nicole Minetti after the intervention of the then prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, has been nearly seven years, but the nightmare of those events continue to haunt the leader of Forza Italy. The former president of the Council was deferred to the judgment by the gup of Milan, Carlo Ottone De Marchi, judicial corruption, this time in the context of the investigation, Ruby ter. According to the prosecution, Berlusconi would have paid the girls with the young moroccan attended "elegant dinners" at his home in Arcore in exchange for false testimony in the processes of Ruby a and Ruby bis. The trial will begin on April 5, before the Fourth criminal section of the Court of Milan.

“The concrete fact is that you will process Silvio Berlusconi the crime of “generosity” is the comment of the lawyer Federico Cecconi, who along with Franco Coppi, defends the former president of the Council. "We take note of this indictment, ” explains Cecconi -, but in the trial we trust in the chance to demonstrate the irrelevance of Berlusconi and to the disputed facts".

the former premier, the second process on the case of Ruby in which it is involved. In 2015, Berlusconi has been acquitted definitively by the Supreme Court from the allegations of bribery by extortion and child prostitution in relation to the facts which have given rise to the investigation Ruby ter. The survey that was born as a result of that process.

At the end of the trial of first instance, in fact, the judges of the court sent to the public prosecutor the acts of some of the testimonies to evaluate the false testimony. Identical decision was taken by the judges who condemned him in the first instance, Lele Mora, Emilio fede and Nicole Minetti in the process Ruby bis.

The new inquiry, coordinated by the former deputy prosecutor-Piero Forno (now retired) and assistant prosecutors Tiziana Siciliano and Luca Gaglio, has allowed us to discover that Berlusconi had continued to pay for the girls dinners at Arcore. For this reason, the gup had decided, the indictment of Ruby and the other 22 defendants are accused in various ways of false testimony and bribery in judicial proceedings. The position of Berlusconi had been removed because of the problems of health of the former president of the Council.

For pm, Berlusconi would have bribed the girls with 10 million in cash and other gifts, to empower them to make statements favorable to him. Only Ruby would have been approximately euro 7 million, including cash and money used from the girl to open activities abroad, including a restaurant in Mexico. The trial for 23 defendants began on 11 January.

In the meantime, however, the trouble for Berlusconi are not finished. The leader of Forza Italia was entered again in the register of suspects, with the offence of judicial corruption, why would he have continued to pay some of the girls, until two months ago.

Joseph Spinelli, the board of directors of numerous real estate companies of the former Knight and the "official payer" of the Olgettine, in a recent testimony would have revealed to the investigators that Berlusconi would charge to help support the girls with repeated cash deposits. The beneficiaries of the contributions would have been at least 13 girls, rewarded with about 2,500-3,000 euros in cash per month, and in one case also with a single payment of 15,000 euro. The script was always the same. The girls went to the residence of the ex-premier asking for money and Berlusconi instructed Spinelli to please. Whether this was generosity or a reward for evidence-rigging the courts will decide.


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