Monday, January 30, 2017

The earthquake, the mayor protest against Mattarella. The president: “You have a right to all the help we can get” – The Republic

the Earthquake, the mayor protest against Mattarella. The president: "You have a right to all the help I can get"ROME – Before the protests in the centres affected by the earthquake, such as that of 15 January in Accumoli , then the manifestation in Rome on 25 January. Now the gesture theatrically against the president of the Republic: Tracks, town in the province of Macerata, located in the crater by the earthquake, the mayor Filippo Saltamartini has abandoned the Rectorate of the University of Camerino, just before the arrival of Mattarella. For his part, the president has begun his address to the mayors, saying: “You have a right to all the help I can get, all the help of the other institutions, help that you try to ensure in full”.

“we Thought that there could be a dialogue with the president – explained Saltamartini, instead, is permitted to speak only with a representative of the auditors, and then every time we have these meetings we are only forced to listen, while the problems are not resolved. It is not possible that the reports are of this nature and for this reason, I decided to leave”. “I have a bridge closed for three months and the companies that are closing down – he adds – and we don’t know with those who hold institutional relationships in order to manifest our problems.”

The meeting with Mattarella was asked in an official manner by the mayor of Camerino, Gianluca Pasqui, who in recent days wrote to the president stressing the urgency of a comparison “reserved” explain the situation “dramatic” in the city, “the problems with which the social and economic fabric of the territory (of which the University of Camerino is only a important part) do the accounts”. In his speech, Mattarella, he continued: “A condition so he puts to the test the psychological resistance of your fellow citizens and you are called, despite being partakers of their suffering, their hardship, their difficulties, to give an answer, to give them a perspective, to give it non-verbally in a way illusory, but in the concrete”.

“Sometimes I read on the newspaper, who of responsibility, he continued, Mattarella – and it is always useful when there are comparisons on accountability to deal with, but I know that among the auditors is a reason, the criterion is that each one, comparing with others, check first what you can do. And when the auditors feel the need, have the right to support deep, full, complete of the other institutions”.

In the past few days were mounted in the protests, especially about the schools. In many towns, from L’aquila to Teramo, are still closed for fear of new shocks. And the mayors of the affected areas have asked the government meetings and the civil Protection to have directions on what to do. The mayor of Rieti, Simone Petrangeli, on Saturday, urged an “urgent meeting and to the highest institutional levels to ensure that the statutory auditors can be put in the conditions to make shared decisions with the authority of the state and are not left alone to manage an emergency that seems not to end. The appeal is also addressed to the scientific community that continues to express, in its assessment of the seismic phenomenon, differing opinions, and in some cases opposing, and that of course does not help the understanding and management of a phase, so complex.”

University of Camerino
Sergio Mattarella
Gianluca Pasqui
Filippo Saltamartini

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