is Missing from the headcount. The shortage of staff, explained the president of the Court of Appeal of Milan Marina Anna Tavassi, reaching peaks of 40 percent: “The situation is very critical, less than 15% of the uncovery of the members of the judiciary”, but especially “a situazone much more critical that the administrative staff, with a shortage throughout the district to 35%. “But in the face of this, he adds, we managed to catch up the backlog, the inventory control, the reduction of the time duration, tightness in the upper echelons of judgment” and for all this, Milan is in line with the court the most virtuous in Europe. Not es the pg Alphonsus: “In the face of a crisis is now chronic of justice, all that remains is a competition for the recruitment of 800 assistant judicial”. The alarm replicates the minister Orlando: “I Think it is possible to recognize to the government, a significant turnaround compared to the past, there is an attention to human resources that was lacking for years and that goes beyond good will.” Orlando has cited some figures: 1.820 new hires by the end of march, the 1,600 already in place and other 3.300 assumptions which port the number to a total of 5,100.
attack of Davigo. The pg Alfonso spoke about the issue of the retirement age of magistrates, calling on the government to bring back 72 years, the limit of activity for the judiciary (now reduced to 70 years) because this decision would “upset the system” are gone and the legitimate expectations of many magistrates, which is still available to serve the community in a moment of such deep anxiety of” justice”. But minister Orlando, in his speech, he made a step that does not seem to be liked to the magistrates. “There is a risk that individual subjects of the jurisdiction to respond to difficulties by folding a dimension corporate trying yes to safeguard their own reasons, but through the delegitimization of those of the other, with the final delegitimization of the entire system”. The replica lasts for it came from the president of the national Association of magistrates Piercamillo Davigo, which, addressed directly to Orlando, he said: “I certainly don’t want to be remembered as the president of the Anm that has abdicated the defence of the independence of the judiciary, mr. minister, I hope that she does not want to be remembered as the one who tried to violate it”.
praise for the pm of Lodi and arrested the mayor. The attorney general has praised the pm of Lodi that have stopped in 2016, the mayor Simone Uggetti. At the end of his analysis of the situation of the work of the Prosecutors of the Court d’ appeal, the attorney general focuses in particular on a survey. “Commendable” – he said – was also the commitment of the magistrates of the public prosecutor of Lodi, at the head of which remained for several months, Sara Mantovani, a young magistrate who has known how to direct it with a particular capacity. It should be noted, in this regard, the proceedings for a to a disruption of the auction, already in the course of the trial”. It is not mentioned specifically, but the reference goes at the stop of the first citizen of the Pd, Simone Uggetti.
The hands of the crime on the Fair. In the report of the attorney general, that track the balance of the year just finished, and laying the foundations for the action in 2017, an explicit reference to an investigation that is shaking the world’s political and business milan, Fiera spa: the infiltration of a “criminal organisation”, which would act to “facilitate the mafia association called the ‘cosa Nostra’, in the works of the “Fiera Milano spa” are a fact “extremely serious for the city of Milan”.
the investigation on The mayor. In the first row, listening to the reports of the magistrates, there is also the mayor Beppe Room. Just the general prosecutor’s office has decided to extend for six months the inquiry into the ‘Plate’ of the Expo, which is being investigated, the mayor (at that time the sole commissioner of Expo) to fake the material and the ideological. And the pg Alfonso has dedicated a passage of his speech at the institute of the assumption of the investigation, without quoting directly from the decision taken on the inquiry Expo that so many polemics (the policy) has led to: “an institute of procedural law by which the legislator wanted to give concrete implementation to the principle of mandatory prosecution” that “serves to guarantee the equality of citizens before the law, and applies to all”.
The mafia infiltration and corruption. Not only extortion and threats. The mafia organizations infiltrated into Lombardy, “have resorted to the activity corruttiva to influence the acts of municipal”: the states of the pg Alfonso. “The method is corrupt – he continues – is not a waiver of the traditional mafia method but is a more refined “. The appeal, therefore, is to the whole of society: “To counteract the phenomenon of corruption will not suffice on the repressive activity but it is necessary to act widely on a cultural level, to inculcate the young generations the sense of respect of the res pubblica”.
Competitions mirage for the young and for those who is not rich. The attorney general’s critics explicitly “the current system, which excludes from the magistracy those young people who come from poor families that can’t afford to wait an average of five years” to enter the judiciary. A barrage of the fact that “served only to distance from the judiciary bright young men who preferred to shift to other professions rather than wait for the contest: a discrimination from the point of view of social and economic”.
attack of Davigo in Orlando. The boost the most controversy comes from the president of the Anm Piercamillo Davigo, which calls on the minister of Justice Andrea Orlando: “do not try to violate the independence of the judiciary.”

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