the call of the bishops to the policy of “not doing his job”. The launch the secretary general of the Italian episcopal conference, monsignor Nunzio Galantino, a few hours after the judgment of the Consulta on the Italicum. “It seems to me that it is under the eyes of all that there are two electoral laws the result of the work of the judiciary. It is not normal to a Country where the judiciary dictates the time and manner of the administration, means that the policy has not done his job,” says Galantino, who then leads the attack on voting early : “it’s Not for us to decide the date of the vote, what we say is that it is important that the election is a diversion, a tool with which Guy to take revenge on Caius. It is necessary to resolve the issues and not to postpone the solutions.” The elections “can change the world, you see the America,” says the secretary of the Cei – but it can also be a d iversion for those who want to count”.
“The policy reflects
The secretary insists on the role of the judiciary in the field of Italian politics, a policy that time should not “jump on the chair to decide when to vote but to reflect on the reasons” that have led to this . “You should ask: we are paid to do these things and there is other people who in our place? It is not normal to a Country in which to make decisions, you wait for someone else to decide, I find it dramatic”. To the secretary of the bishops “election must be a tool to give concrete answers” and “should not be instrumentalised for other”.
Grease: “An agreement between parties there must be”
On the topic of the electoral law and assists the president of the Senate, Pietro Grasso: “An agreement between parties must be there. I am convinced that there should be a text-parliamentary parties compare”. “We know what is left after the intervention of the council on the two laws: in the Senate there is the Consultellum, to the Room the Italicum with the partial pronunciations. What does it entail? At the moment there are a number of differences – continues-Fat -. By definition a State cannot stand without the electoral law, but there are. There is a prize for the list in the Room, in the Senate there are coalitions. The thresholds of the barrier are different. There are thresholds of dam are different, the preferences and, finally, the capilista appointed. Or the pluricandidature drawn in the Room”. The president of the Senate, he is convinced of the need to ” sit around a table and find the solutions that policy needs to be put together to reduce the differences that determine the likelihood of majorities are not equal. The Parliament must do in order to overcome these differences, you can do it in a day or a week, or in the time required for a majority shared”.
“Postpone the measures for families helps subject to considerable debate”
In his intervention, also, Galantino points how to postpone measures to help families and it means “to delay the peaceful life of the same family and end up at the mercy of the first populist that stands up. Do not respond to the subject to considerable debate, with proposals in mid-air”. “How ever, were found to 20 billion euros to help banks and in the same days were referred in the decrees of the measures for the families because I couldn’t find the money?”, you asked the secretary.
“do Not turn off the spotlight on the earthquake”
Galantino , finally, he also spoke of the earthquake emergency expressing closeness to the victims and launching an appeal to, “once past the first emergency, do not turn off the spotlight’. The secretary recalled the commitment of the Church that he intended, through money collected in the churches, and 22 million for emergencies handled by the Caritas, and 7.2 million for the 26 dioceses concerned, also for the safety of the places of worship. “In some areas – was noted by the Bishops, there still are difficulties in the supply of food.”
January 26, 2017 (edit on January 26, 2017 | 16:03)

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