Thursday, January 26, 2017

Opens the judicial year, the Supreme court: “Pm” are reserved”. Orlando: “Reform the criminal, nothing more” referrals – The Republic

opens the judicial year, the Supreme court: "Pm are more reserved". Orlando: "Reform the criminal, nothing more referrals"(reuters) ROME – The reform of the criminal can no longer be delayed, admits the minister of Justice of Andrea Orlando. The news leaks on the ongoing investigations, the greater reserve is required to togas, stop the prescription. These are the themes at the heart of the opening ceremony of t he judicial year, held today in Rome at the palace of the Supreme court, the first in the history who does not see the participation of the national Association of magistrates. The Anm, in fact, is in dispute with the government for the non-respect of agreements on the corrective decree on the extension of the retirement of existing for only some of the magistrates, and on the standing transfers and has decided to defect to the event.

vice Versa, this year, is among the audience, next to the Head of State Sergio Mattarella, the premier Paolo Gentiloni, unlike the former president of the Council Matteo Renzi, who in past years had never participated in the event.

Orlando, no more postponements. “We’ve passed the three emergencies on the system justice, and that is overcrowding the prison, the bulk of the backlog and time of processes”, explains the minister of justice in his speech, referring to the data already disclosed in his report to Parliament, which reported less cause and less prisoners. But now the reform of the criminal process, in the calendar in the Senate, is “crucial”, he adds. And hopes that the dialogue “will continue in the next few weeks with all the subjects of the jurisdiction.”

reserve by pm. As mentioned, the general prosecutor of the Supreme court, Pasquale Ciccolo wand the phenomenon of the leak, described as “serious because it runs the risk of infringing the constitutional principle of “not guilty”. For this, he asks for the robes more privacy, remembering the call of the Strasbourg Court to the pm, to which is set “the utmost discretion, even where it was to support publicly the reasons and the goodness of the judicial activity carried out”. Serve the “less laws” and more “trust in the magistrates,” concludes the pg.

No crime of “clandestinity”. back-up the president of the Supreme court, John Canzio criticism in his speech, also the investigation “too long” and the “distortion of the process media” favoured by the “strong self-reference” of some judges. Canzio defends the utility of the reform of the criminal and reaffirms its no to the crime of “clandestinity”, while stressing the need for an adequate system of repression against the international terrorism.

Prescription and adoptions gay. Canzio focuses also on the issue of prescription, paltry before the court of Cassation (affects only 1.3% of the processes), but that according to him should be locked after the sentencing in the first instance. And on adoptions gay reiterates: “we do Not subtract, but we need a law”.

Too few trials for corruption. In the highlight, also, as in the Country will be aware of the “perception of widespread corruption both in the Public administration and among private individuals”, the president of the Supreme court, explains that though this perception is not reflected in the surveys of justice statistics. The national register, in fact, a small number of criminal proceedings for such serious crimes, with just 273 procedures defined in the 2016 in the Supreme court, equal to 0.5%”. It is therefore necessary to “start a thorough reflection on the effectiveness of the current measures, preventive and repressive, to contrast phenomenon”.

Legnini on the Anm and the government. it is then up to the vice-president of the superior Council of magistracy (Csm), Giovanni Legnini to launch an appeal to the détente in the relations between the Anm and the government: “I strongly Hope says, pointing to the audience – that one can overcome the difficulties pursuing a path of innovation in the administration of justice”.

the judicial year
inauguration of the judicial year
the national Association of magistrates
Pasquale Ciccolo
Giovanni Canzio
andrea orlando
Giovanni Legnini
Paolo Gentiloni

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