the ROME – With the wind in favour of the populism that now blows from the America of Donald Trump, the souls, the most radical of the centre-right Brothers of Italy and Northern League, they find themselves in Piazza San Silvestro in Rome with Forza Italia as a guest. Before a people that organizers estimated at 25 thousand people, the police station is not received. “Italy Sovereign”, the title of the event, eloquent and effective in letting understand right away where you want to go: to vote as soon as possible, to give the italians the possibility to redirect the destiny of the Country by the invasion of immigrants, to the dictatorship of the euro and of the bu reaucrats in Brussels. And the threat of terrorism in looking at Putin as a strategic resource and not as a danger. Vote immediately to send home the “traitors” who now are the crutch of the Pd.
On the vote immediately, Melons and Salvini are working on the hips, Silvio Berlusconi, to which the scenario did not go down because Forza Italia is still a construction site. Square knows this and appears to be of Renato Brunetta raises a few cheers and many boos. Forcing the mistress of the house, Giorgia Meloni to introduce it: “I Hope you listen with patience and attention by all the guests. The word to the Brunette”. To then dictate to the notebooks his message for the Cav, well before the closing remarks: “You have to go to a vote at the earliest possible date. We hope that at the end you find an agreement, until the last, we will try to find an agreement with Berlusconi, ed.), the rest of the weddings are always done in two…”.
Meanwhile, from the stage Renato Brunetta launches a call for unity. “The head is the plural – begins the leader forzista -. We can win tomorrow, we need to homogenize the two electoral laws and go to vote, I want the centre-right victorious. I do not want the government of Renzi, anyone who divides the centre-right wants the government of Renzi. I want to Renzi in the house. I was made many mistakes in the past but if we continue in error, we leave win Renzi and the so-called party of the nation, if you dont want it you have to want the centre-right government. Those who do not want the centre-right united to take on his responsibilities”.
later he also works for Giovanni Toti, with the clear intent to reconcile the positions. “Sometimes it is difficult to get around a table, but we can not abdicate and be featured in the next challenge of the election. We cannot leave this country in the hands of the Pd and the M5S, we have to renew ourselves and evolve taking into account the history of all of us. We must sit around the table and talk to us”. To the vote immediately? It is not said. “I don’t know how long we will still go to vote,” explains the governor of liguria forzista, downloading elsewhere the responsibility of the timing towards the policies -. Before you vote, the better it is. But what I really care about and that’s when it will be we will be ready. The road is long but I’m sure it’s in”drop-down.
next up is Matteo Salvini. “The League is in the square not to participate but to win”, makes it clear the secretary of the Carroccio”. Won by the centre-right. “No one closes doors in face-to-none – says Salvini – but who has betrayed, cannot be put in the list even if one comes to the Father Pius: Alfano, Cicchitto, Verdini and Casini have to go home. The doors open to a coalition wide, but with a program precise to say: the first of the italians”. The secretary of the league then explains why the italians have nothing to fear from Trump and Putin. On the contrary. “Good job to the president, Trump and Putin, having the Chigi palace Trump and Putin emphasizes, Salvini -. The one that says Trump we will do when we go to the government, to our house only if invited”. Also Salvini sends the clear message to Berlusconi: “A Country that does not control its own currency is a slave, we are going to have our o wn currency, for young people and for entrepreneurs. And anyone who defends him in Brussels, it does not ally neither with me nor with Giorgia Meloni”.
And the time comes for the president of Brothers of Italy. “There are no more excuses. We have an election law and we want to go out to vote, something that in Italy seems to have become subversive. Now, Renzi speaks of the Mattarellum… You have to make an account? President Mattarella notices only today that we have an election law which is only good for the Room? The people must take back its sovereignty.” the Giorgia Meloni, therefore, is addressed to Renzi: “If the Pd is willing to make the electoral law next week, I vow.” Then, a joke about the former premier: “Renzi is abbottonava the coat like Obama, who knows if right now you pettinerà like Trump”.
At this point, Melons pass in review the reasons for the “vote now”. The first is the antieuropeismo. “We want to go to the polls with a policy proposal that says before Italy and before the Italian. We do not want to be a colony. The challenge is between the oligarchies and the single thought and the people and the sovereignty of the other. We are the ‘small and cheap’, but not because I am one meter and fifty-eight, but because we are with the markets and not financial markets of the left radical chic”. The Euro has been a catastrophe for Italy – presses Melons -. It is not a point of view, but an objective fact. And it could not be otherwise because we never adopted a single currency, the German Mark, and in fact the only way to be enriched is Germany, at our expense. We must have the courage to tell us that we want to rid ourselves of. We want the dissolution agreed by the Euro area, we want to return the masters to our house. We are n ot enemies of Europe. The enemies of Europe are the loan sharks that govern it”.
Second point: close to the immigrants and close to terrorism. “Our national interest is tighten relations with Russia to fight alongside the islamic fundamentalism, that is the real enemy of this time,” argues from the stage Melons, and then go on to talk about the other enemy, the less scary but more insidious. “The invasion of immigrants is planned and desired, the solidarity has nothing to do with, it is low-cost labor for the Italian capitalism. So that solidarierà, we will not allow that you go forward as well”. And from the stage and raised the request to activate a naval blockade. Who should collect the new Interior minister, Marco Minniti. On which cala the edge judgment: “he’s doing better than Alfano? Compared to him even a refrigerator in the tie would have been very good”.
then There is the chapter on gender. If the above Salvini had announced as “the first act of the government will make the law on prostitution, a profession like any other and you have to pay taxes,” Meloni attacks the policies directed to those who are not included in the diagrams are dictated by heterosexuality. “If this is modernity, we would like to stay in the antiquity. The money for these nonsense, we want to spend it to the nurseries, mothers and abandoned”.
In conclusion, Melons turn to the square and to the right the invitation to make “an effort to take our ideas, make a poster, put together concrete proposals to make the primary, search for a standard-bearer and go all together to win the Italy sovereign. We send to casa Renzi, Gentiloni, Alfano, the turncoats, the traitors, and feel this country.” “We want to bring everyone together because we want to win, reaffirms Melons -. We are not interested in the testimony, we want to win. We can even go in random order, but we want to win, want the government, the interests of the party do not come before those of the italians”.
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