Saturday, December 6, 2014

Loris murder, mom’s car near the Mulino 6 minutes too – BBC

Loris murder, mom's car near the Mulino 6 minutes too – BBC

Milan , December 6, 2014 – 16:46


Six minutes, only six more minutes of schedule. It is the amount of time that Veronica Panarello, the mother of the little Loris remained on the road near the Old Mill, where they found the body of his son. According to investigators, two cameras shooting the car of the mother of Loris, on the morning of Saturday, November 29, take nine minutes to travel a stretch of road near the Old Mill, which instead runs in 3 minutes. Investigators now want to understand what happened in those 6 minutes too long.

New point on investigations

Saturday morning there was a new point after the latest investigative findings with regard to investigations: Veronica Panarello, the child’s mother, claims he accompanied his son to school before bring the little brother in a game room and before going to a cooking class. Andrea Loris, however, never arrived at school, in fact, returned home without even get into the car of the mother, as determined cameras. And, in the police report and the police, in relation to the camera images captured and viewed, it is also a passage of the woman’s car to nearly 50 meters from the site of the discovery of the body, in the district of the Old Mill. The Polo Black twenty-five would pass by there around 9:30

shadow carousel


Death of Loris, the hunter who found the body appears in the square


The time holes

Moreover, to topple the reconstruction of Veronica Panarello there would also be a hole in time: according to investigators, would remain for 36 minutes at home with his son, from 8.49 to about 9.20. One of the many inconsistencies in the story that the investigators suspicious. Besides the issue of ties by electrician, the alleged murder weapon, similar to those that the father of Loris, at the request of her mother, gave the teachers claiming that the child should have to serve in the work in the classroom. But another denial came from the head of the school, “Falcone and Borsellino,” Joan Field, which was not expected that their use in school.

The father of Loris defends wife

“Veronica is a special mom, you do not want to sully the name of my wife.” One week after the death of the little Loris, his father David Stival entrusted to the lawyer Francesco Villardita, the defense of his wife. “We already have so much pain,” added the man, asking reporters to “do not show the photos of children” and to the citizens of Santa Croce the “collaboration”. “Who knows how to speak – he concludes – Help us and give us as soon as our son.”

Discovered a clamp

Also on Saturday a retiree, walking in town Drypoint, to over 3 km from Mulino Vecchio, found on the floor of a clamp those electrician length of 40-50 cm and has notified the investigators. On the spot came a patrol of mobile radio: the early investigations may be no ties, but it will take more tests before the decree estrangement from crime. Among other things, post-mortem examinations have found that the child’s wrists had been bound to hold his hands stuck together and probably with the same clamps electrician used to kill him.

shadow carousel


The mother of Loris leaves the police station


The folder sought by helicopter

Meanwhile helicopters Police and police are flying over the countryside in hopes of identifying from the point where it could have been thrown backpack blue with yellow straps of the child, which was not found or near the home of the little body nor Stival. The hypothesis of the investigators is in fact that the blue backpack with straps yellow was thrown somewhere or by the murderer or someone who might have helped him.

The Hunter: “I’m going out”

Horace Fidone, the hunter who found the body of little Loris Andrea Stival, 8 years old, last Saturday in a canal near Santa Croce Camerina (Ragusa), prepares to breathe a sigh of relief. A week ago, around 16:50, he came across the body of the child, strangled with what appears to be a clamp electrician, and is, at present, only suspect for a form of due act: “It was not easy and simple, especially for my family who is suffering terribly, but fortunately things are ending, “he explained to reporters. “To the investigators hope to get on top of everything as soon as possible, but I ask reporters – he added – not to go into schools to do not suffer this tremendous shock to the children created by this condition media. ». Peter Sava, legal man, he added that his client “is neither the ogre nor the murderess, lived hell but would do it again. Fidone was seen by several people in another place, “the morn ing when Andrea Loris died” and, not having the gift of ubiquity, has an alibi. ”

shadow carousel


Ragusa, the site of the discovery of the body of Andrew


December 6, 2014 | 16:46



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