Rome – “What emerges from the investigation at this time literally sucks. A system of corrupt power, money to politicians and not only. It as always the presumption of innocence for all. But it is also ‘ hope that you will soon face making processes. Why do we have the right to know who has stolen “. And ‘the comment of the chairman of the board, Matteo Renzi, after the developments of the investigation “World in the middle”. Which confirms its “confidence” in the mayor: “We will not allow, with the mayor and all honest citizens, which is in turn squalid phenomena as corruption and dishonesty.” But the tension, hour after hour, continues unabated: a fight breaks out to the City Council of Rome. And MPs Five Stars occupy the room Julius Caesar of the Capitol.
Renzi, “are not all the same” . The Prime Minister stands: “I’m sorry that someone trying to get the message that they are all equal. For me not: in Italy there are thousands of good people who make us proud to be Italian.” Then back on one of the central themes of his government, the fight against corruption. “We were the ones to start the work of the Anti Corruption Raffaele Cantone (by the way: did not write nobody, but at this time it was the police Mose of Venice). But also why I think it should be dismissed forcefully trying to get everyone on the same level. “
Scandals serve: we welcome the investigation. And the prime minister, having claimed to be” a pure garantiste ” continues: “If we tell ourselves that Italy is one of the countries with the highest rate of corruption in Europe, then we should not be surprised when you uncover malfeasance. Ben are the scandals, then. Yes, you read that right: oportet ut scandala eveniant the Romans said. ” Again: “More are outside these scandals, from the Expo to Mose to Rome, most will be clear that this is the right time when you do not make concessions to anyone. No prejudgment, but no discount: this is the commitment of the Pd “.
The proposed Marino. And by the mayor of the capital, Ignazio Marino, comes the proposal of a junta” public health “also open to the 5 Star Movement. The mayor of Rome commented on the proposal made by Francesco Rutelli, “is a road condivisivile, I do not know if they are available but need a certain set of people above all suspicion.”
Di Battista, “Marino goes home.” And Alessandro Di Battista, a member of the Executive Five Star, replies, “Marino go away, closes a bad career and you do not think of renewing the presidency of the council with the same people. Because if the Romans are angry, these big risk. ”
The brawl and employment. In the Capitol brawl breaks out during the session among some supporters of the League and of the center came to attend the meeting. While on stage burst movement activists 5 stars to the cry of ‘out of the mafia state’, protesters of the center of the Northern League and bickering among themselves. Eventually you come to blows, shuttlecock kicking, slapping, punching and some municipal police are forced to intervene. Immediately after the parliamentarians and activists of the Movement 5 stars occupy the Hall Julius Caesar of the Capitol. Then the protest outside the headquarters of the municipality.
Forza Italy, meanwhile, play it back to the vote of the Romans. Asks the leader of Forza Italy Silvio Berlusconi : “I believe that faced with the situation that is emerging in the investigation on the management of the City of Rome – said Berlusconi – the political forces must respond with determination and urgency . I am convinced that the only acceptable solution is that of an immediate dissolution of the council proceeding consequent immediate calling of new elections for the city of Rome. ” Former Knight also argues that other assumptions, including that of the commissioner, are “neither adequate nor practicable” and asks that the political forces give a signal “not ricandidando all those involved, at any level, in this affair” .
The idea of new elections had been launched in the morning also the leader of the Northern League Matteo Salvini , who said that if you go to elections in the capital, the League is ready to present its own candidate for mayor: “It will be a Roman citizen, we’re working on.” “If you want to know the truth – said the leader of the Northern League – they ask me the Romans themselves: they have tried everything, first left then right now still left. A mayor of the League in Rome could be the solution and make a difference.”
The hypothesis commissioner continues to divide the political forces. Frena Interior Minister Angelino Alfano : “The commissioner of the City is a very complex process and you have to go with feet of lead – said Alfano – Do not you advertise a commissioner, also because the mayor Marino is not involved in these events, and Rome is a healthy city. It is not a gear “and explained:” The attitude of the government is not to punish a city but to help law enforcement and the judiciary to do is that you punish the culprits. ” Then the thrust against corruption which damages first of the “honest politicians”: “There are so many areas of robberies that are coming out and invite the judiciary to clean up from the rot rotten wherever you are, without regard for anyone.”
Meanwhile, two days before the big roundup of Rome prosecutors which led to ‘arrest of 37 people and more than 100 suspects in the investigation “Middle World”, revealing the plot between the Mafia and politics in the shadow of the Colosseum, does not stop the action taken by the prosecutor Giuseppe Pignatone : yesterday was arrested one of fugitives boss, Giovanni De Carlo, as they were made public images of the capture of the former boss Nar Massimo Carminati ( Video ). Last night there was the theft of a computer from the offices of the Municipal Civil Protection and men would be introduced in the office buildings that house the Service Gardens. An event that could be linked with the investigation.
From the interrogation of guarantee being come the first admissions are those of the secretary of Salvatore Buzzi, head of the cooperative June 29, the woman who ran the ledger in which were noted all donations of illegal criminal organization. And is controversy over a photo of the mayor of Rome with its Ignazio Marino Salvatore Buzzi. Today it was the clarification of the mayor: “As I have explained on other occasions I visited the cooperative June 29 for the social reintegration during the election campaign” but said that “I have not had conversations with him to work that day or never” .
Fat and Boldrini on the investigation . On the new mafia Roman attended today the presidents of the two Houses of Parliament: First it was the turn of the President of the Senate Pietro Grasso : “There is every reason for aggregating mafia said – now the order to profit at any cost has exceeded any traditional rite of initiation of the Mafia, like the famous ‘punciuta’ “.
Grasso yet not believe in the possibility of dissolution of the City of Rome, a hypothesis that is being considered by the prefect of Rome Giuseppe Pecoraro that at the moment he has not ruled out: ” The City of Rome – Grasso says – is absolutely outside of these issues, only a few are involved. To dissolve a municipality it takes more. “To Pietro Grasso is” certainly “and reasonably possible that the national secretariats of the party did not know the facts of the investigation maxi Roman” because employees are the ones who do the operational work “although” it is clear is that locally I consider it necessary that all parties follow carefully the development of investigations and act quickly to clean up their officers and their collaborators. “However, he notes,” no wonder. My experience with the Sicilian Mafia has taught me that for certain transactions is necessary to involve all interests to manage the affairs on the basis of secrecy, loyalty and complicity “.
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