Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Quirinale, the greeting of Napolitano: “Rumors of splits and vote early … – The Republic

Quirinale, the greeting of Napolitano: "Rumors of splits and vote early … – The Republic

Rome – It ‘probably the last time as president addressed his best wishes to the highest offices of state. The welcome speech by Giorgio Napolitano is not free from what at times seems a real endorsement for the business of government, even if it does not spare criticism of the climate of lack of dialogue in a situation of the country known as “critical”.

From the European semester to guide the Italian Jobs Act, the constitutional reforms to anti-corruption measures, the head of state in 26 minutes of his speech he wanted to give a clear signal that the way to reform the country is the right one, you have to continue without Stop. “A speech of broad, high-profile,” said the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

“The wishes that this year we exchange are closely intertwined with the commitments that we all share for the overcoming of the most critical for the economic and social situation,” said Napolitano. “We must proceed with consistency and without setbacks on the path of reform,” continued the Head of State.

On the Italian Presidency of the EU, Napolitano added: “The Italian government, starting from the accurate preparatory work of the previous government, has been able to operate effectively and with greater safety for a new course of financial policies and the budget of 28, beyond the limits become stifling and counterproductive austerity “.

“Everything requires institutional continuity”, that “I am personally committed to ensuring once again for all the special period of the Presidency of the European Union,” continued the Head of State, referring to the end of his mandate, forthcoming.

regard to labor issues, the President of the Republic branded as “unwise” contrasts on Article 18. It called on the unions to “respect the prerogatives of the government.” At the same time, however, warned: “We need more dialogue.” Phrase that the CGIL leader Susanna Camusso said: “I think this invitation go caught.”

On the constitutional reforms, Napolitano made it clear that “exceed bicameralism is not a tic from uncontrollable breakers or by old scholars of constitutional disputes. Do not say that there is precipitation, you go too fast, has lingered for months, with interviews and insights on issues that have been debated for decades. ” The President called on the Democratic Party to remain united: “Talk to vote and divisions leads to instability.” And, targeting dissidents dem, he added: “Who disagrees with reforms should not do it with unscrupulous tactics amendatory”.

“Go back to the now sanctioned transformation of the Senate – has continued Napolitano – would only exploit weaknesses fatally reform. Observe the consistency of reform in gestation, even the election, it is a duty of political honesty and seriousness. ” Then to all the political forces has recommended: “The government has not announced a short series of actions for change, a rate of desire for reform that has gained recognition and credit facilities internationally. It has put in place a process of change. not attentive to the continuity of the new course. “

The head of state is then focused on the scandals of corruption:” It ‘important – he said – to hit the subjects
politicians involved. You have to hit the right targets in the plots with crime. Only careless generalizations towards policy should be avoided because misleading “.

And the Quirinale was also held an unusual Christmas curtain between duelists Renzi and Camusso. In the crowded hall that hosted the reception offered by the Presidency of the Republic to the highest offices of state the two have crossed before greeting the president Giorgio Napolitano.

‘Renzi was looking for the secretary of the CGIL: “Where is Susan? I will give you the greetings”, asked the prime minister to reporters who surrounded him. And just then came the Camusso: “Look, even I was wondering where I was to get you the best wishes.” Smiles and hugs between the two journalists in gloss: “President’s own Christmas …”. And the prime minister: “Yes, but we do still 24 decrees implementing the Jobs Act …”.


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