Monday, December 1, 2014

Renzi: “Speeding on Italicum”. Management endorses the timetable … – The Republic

Renzi: "Speeding on Italicum". Management endorses the timetable … – The Republic

Rome – The direction of the Democratic Party gives the ok to Matteo Renzi, approving with only two dissenting votes, the agenda on the timing of the reforms. But the minority Dem not vote: there are still too “deep differences – says Stefano Fassina -. Some of us have participated in the vote on the reforms not because she did not want to, but because we do not know those who are moving forward. ” And before the vote Alfredo D’Attorre had asked the presidency to add a step which highlights “the role of Parliament” nell’approvazone reforms. But the request was rejected. “This is the text of the agreement between the majority and Forza Italy: we share it or not? – Replied Renzi – Because if you do not share is a problem.”

Election Law . Renzi sees no reason for a delay to the election law: “There is no reason to block or delay the electoral law. Berlusconi said he wants to do before the new president of the Republic, and this proposal is to be rejected to the sender. C ‘is an agreement, it is time to translate it into law. ” And the intention to quickly approve the Italicum “not because we want to vote, but because a delay would be unacceptable, both for the reasons why Napolitano accepted the second term and is in the eyes of citizens.” So “the electoral law, it must be clear even at home, is calendarizzarsi as quickly as possible according to the commitments that we have taken the last time.” Because “there is an agreement all’Italicum improvement over 1.0. Someone complains that it’s down too with the thresholds for small parties, but this was inevitable with the prize to the list.” Then he added: “The agreement made with Ncd”, the parties supporting the majority, “and shared with two exceptions from Forza Italy is not renegotiation.” Words that have pushed David Zoggia , a member of the minority Democratic Party, to ask if the pact with the former Knight is still standing, “because if you can not stand to tell the direction you must remain for force within the parameters of the deal. Why else would do in Parliament changes useful to the country and to our party. ” The same doubts expressed Gianni Cuperlo : “We need to make reforms. The difference between us is not whether to make reforms. Several times we were told that they could not make changes or all’Italicum, nor the constitutional reform that were not agreed with the main contractor of the covenant of the Nazarene. Today it seems that the contractor is no longer available to meet at least on the timing stringent. This covenant still exists, is solid, creaks, it needs a coupon ? “said Fassina.

abstention and Jobs Act. By the analysis of the vote for the regionals, the prime minister and secretary of the Democratic Party, Matteo Renzi, before the audience of the leadership of the Party, the reply to the accusations of the minority Dem: “I reject the argument that the turnout in Emilia Romagna resulting from disaffection for the Jobs Act. It is a superficial, partial and questionable. Abstention – said the prime minister – is impressive, but reading that do abstention is much broader. We should worry about the result of poor Region credibility of the institution. ” The turnout, he says, there was no doubt, and added: “I share the reading of Diamonds and this analysis concerns me. Having chosen to innervate regions reforms, there has to be of interest to a lack of credibility of the Regions and is worrying given especially for the judgment that is given on the regions “.

Polls . No concern about the figures of the polls: “The Democratic Party is turning Italy as a sock – says the prime minister – and we should not worry if you can change the polls. The polls of the Democratic Party are fine, in case the ones on my popularity … “added Renzi, but assured,” but I’m here to change Italy, not to change the polls. And I will continue to turn Italy: I have never pulled back on each other no pain in Italy. There we face: if there is to take whistles or eggs are taken, but today there is a series of crises resolved around Italy that represents the first faint signs of trend reversal. “

New Right . Renzi, then warns about the risk that in Italy and in Europe, “advancing a new right” that “should not be underestimated.” “She moves nearer a new right. It is an element that should make us think. Outside of us there are the magnificent and progressive, there Salvini that manages to enrapture the Le Pen: bravo, I guess it was not easy … C ‘is a league that plays the card of concern immigration so unscrupulous, because in our suburbs we can do more. This new right – adds – should not be underestimated and should be looked straight in the eye without fear, “he continues.

M5s. The Prime Minister, then, sees the rift within the M5s a fact that will have serious consequences and, even without thinking about alliances, assumed to involve those components of the Movement which does not rely only on the blog: “Cricket jumps,” said Renzi. It jumps because “they had loaded everything on European, and went to slam on that wall.” Thanks go to 41% of the Democratic Party: “It is also the Democratic Party that basically blew Beppe Grillo. If he is tired, let alone those who voted for him …”. The Secretary of the Democratic Party and Prime Minister therefore assumes “involvement with those people who no longer consider the blog the only compass”, would appear on the election of the next President of the Republic. “Nobody gives a political alliance, but on some points we can get them to discuss how we did on the electoral law.”

Nothing Congress until 2017. For now no Congress of the Democratic Party : party that “for the first time ruling the country, the vast majority of the regions and the vast majority of municipalities, should not impoverishment in an abstract debate within us or even in a congressional debate as some would. The congressional debate will in 2017 “, announces the premier.


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