Friday, March 18, 2016

8 per thousand: Cei take the utmost transparency of the line – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

Vatican City – The Italian diocese must act urgently in order to “strengthen and further enhance the clarity and transparency in the administration of Church property.” This was decided by the Permanent Episcopal Council. The secretary of the CEI, thanking the media for the attention that is constantly given to this aspect. With regard to the Court of Auditors recalls, Galantino said but ‘that were sent counterclaims and budgets 8 per thousand are published and therefore’ already ‘all verifiable. This’ does not take away you ought to do “even more ‘clarity,” he said.

Speaking to reporters, Monsignor Galantino noted “is not’ from this year” that the diocese they are required to provide us with specific budgets. “It happened already ‘, but the intervention of the Permanent Council serving – he said – to make it clear that this should be done.” In the CEI, he added, “for the controls body exists and is headed by the Bursar and secretaries Cei and also involves the legal office” because ” it comes to applying the law 222/85 and ‘clear’ . “But be careful – he continued – that are Previsite wages for not ‘priests a kind of abuse.” “The law and ‘born for this,” held in ricordari number two of the CEI stressed that it is modest salaries: a young priest receives 800 euro and it takes years to get to 900-1000, or rather put it, “are six years that no increase “is not recognized. With journalists, Galantino also spoke of the way by reducing the number of dioceses, which are still too many: 226 while the idea of ​​Paul VI was that coincided with the 100 Italian provinces. “There has urged Pope Francis in the first meeting with the Italian Bishops, 23 May 2013″, said the secretary of the Episcopate, clarifying, however, ‘that “the CEI acts in aid of the Holy See, having decision-making, although after indicating the criteria and we ‘were asked to try to verify what the diocese to delete or merge. “

a journey that continues to move forward even amid the urgencies that have committed bishops and the CEI in the last period , like that of immigrants to be accepted. A journey in relata ‘not easy: “the Pope himself – revealed Galantino – and’ intervened to save a diocese in southern Campania, where they already ‘gone some public principals as the hospital and the court. and other situations are similar, “he said citing two examples: Trivento Molise and Basilicata Acerenza, which should still be maintained. That the Italian Church is a reality ‘with great potential’ in the territory it showed, according to the CEI Secretary, also the start of the Jubilee with the opening of the Holy Doors in all dioceses, “and ‘was – he said – more ‘that a success.

Many bishops have said that there was more’ people to the patron. The message of Pope Francis for a decentralized Jubilee and ‘truly the past “. But CEI Parlamentino, this week and ‘meeting in Genoa in view of the Eucharistic Congress next September, and not’ limited to the internal affairs of the Church. From the perspective indicated by Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco in the opening address, in fact, the bishops “you are left questioning from situations of instability ‘in the Middle East and, more’ still, North Africa, by being in solidarity with those seeking international protection.”

in addition, they shared the concern for outcomes management of migration flows, “that signal a real selection and, therefore, the exclusion of nationality ”. They also stressed the urgent need for prompt and effective procedures in identifying and redeployment in Europe, as well as in the development of a serious living and working insertion program. “

In particular, and ‘ emerged “the plight of unaccompanied minors, for which he still finds it hard to start relying paths in family structures, and that of those who were denied permission to humanitarian residence: are people with no prospects, which may fall into the situation of irregularities ‘, going to be exposed to unsafe conditions, unavailability’ and exploitation. “Particular space ‘was reserved for the environmental issue that is so dear to Pope Francis, with the hope that the issue of the drills” is debated in the community’ to favor an appropriate solution in the light of the encyclical Praised be ‘. “(AGI)

March 18, 2016 ©


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