When Ignazio Marino was facing the doorway of the papal room, Francis was not surprised: this time had invited him. It is February 1, 2016, the former mayor of Rome has asked for and got a private meeting with the Pope, in fact, is the occasion for clarification after the controversy on papal visit to Philadelphia.
“Let me be clear, Marino I have not invited me, “he replied to a question bothered Bergoglio papal board the plane, returning from a visit to the US last September. And the hassles, the instant after, became all of Marino. The content of the peace talks Marino tells it himself, in one of the final pages of the book A Martian in Rome, published by Feltrinelli, which will be presented today at a press conference and the day after to the public, in a Roman bookstore where it is also likely to melt Marino the reserve on his renomination to the Capitol.
all false, it is the comment of the Pope, who in Marino guarantees not to have realized the uproar of controversy raised by his words: “I do not watch TV.” It is true however that Bergoglio, in an earlier meeting that took place a year before, had expressed Marino in its most radical disagreement on the choice of transcribing in a register of the Capitol sex marriages celebrated abroad: “His words were very strict, I said that it was a mistake. “
DOSSIER All items of Ignazio Marino: from Mayor senator
of other mistakes – many who charged others, few who recognized himself – is interwoven with the plot of the book, a compendium of perilous two and half years in the Capitol, which opens with the reconstruction of the days of the expulsion from the Capitol, drawing on the notes of the notorious notebooks – much feared by his opponents – where the former mayor is usually pinning deeds and misdeeds.
main Target is Matteo Renzi, who is accused of being the instigator of his orchestrated downfall as a coup ( “He does not like those who, instead of the party command line use of merit criteria for the selection of its leaders), followed by Matthew Orfini, commissioner of the Roman Pd ( “in Rome they call the traitor for betraying Massimo D’Alema”) and finally by his former deputy mayor Massimo Cause that, a dinner of mockery organized precisely Cause house to unravel the tangle of the resignation first announced and then withdrawn from Marino, handing the surgeon the mobile phone with text messages in which Renzi asks to pull the plug to come.
tug of those days, which culminated with the resignation by the notary of twenty-six councilors, is narrated as the Ides of March ( “twenty-six stab wounds, one client”, is titled the chapter) and inlaid with poisonous anecdotes, such as the proposal that Marino claims to have received from Cause: “You leave Rome, go to Philadelphia, turn off your phone and become untraceable for eight or ten days. So for unavailability of the mayor, the government will have to appoint a commissioner and dissolve the board and council. “A self-styled stunned Marino declines the offer, and comments:” The Democratic Party had decided to devote himself to suicide. “
Marino has for everyone. for Renzi, from cover to cover. At the Region Lazio ruled by Nicola Zingaretti denies “the power to ignore, slow or stop any process of change in the capital of Italy.” At the Assistant Secretary dem Lorenzo Guerini criticized for having proposed his appointment as deputy mayor of the former chairman of the city Council Mirko Coratti: “it will serve to stabilize the junta”, the guarantees Guerini. Marino refuses and a few days later Coratti, a past Forza Italy and nell’UDEUR, is overwhelmed by the investigation of Mafia capital and arrested.
it will not be the only member of the Democratic party to suffer this fate. the arrests are evidence, according to Marino, the boycott that a piece of Roman party has reserved right from the primary won against David Sassoli and Paolo Gentiloni. With a substantial recourse to then, Marino wisdom says that the election slogan “It’s not political, it’s Rome”, complained of the worst days as proof of his impoliticità, was not naive but slipped a deliberate reference to the Democratic Party and its power games in the capital.
Like those who see Marino in the candidature of Rome to the Olympic games of 2024. it defines the launch of the Olympic bid a “solo flight” Renzi (after all, also of the Jubilee mercy explained that he had learned from the Internet). To Giovanni Malago and Luca Cordero di Montezemolo imputes to have focused the Olympic dossier on building the Olympic Village in Tor Vergata, alluding to the desire to meet the consortium of companies over the area boasts of building rights. And the main shareholder of the consortium, Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone, reserve direct accusations: “We have reached, with difficulty, to an occasional mutual respect. Occasional because he almost always used the media that has to infangarmi.”
Of other historical Roman historians builders says: “Come brothers Toti Sergio Scarpellini, I always had the impression that detested the business risk.”
not one line is dedicated to the reconstruction of the story of receipts for dinners paid for with the credit card of the City, if not to regret having respected the order of silence, suggested to the Treasury, on its entry in the register of suspects. A few pages, however, the fines to the Red Panda no permit for the old town, which Marino describes as the pretext for a first attempt to unseat him, averted only thanks to the explosion of Mafia capital.
Along is instead the turn list that Marino obdurate: the stop to the use of land Roman agro, the closure of the historic Malagrotta landfill, war trucks bar, start the reorganization of the municipal budget and municipal, including quell’Atac, the transport company, that a week ago the CEO of Ferrovie Renato Mazzoncini called “technically bankrupt.”
Why do so much to have produced such a precarious agreement, net of plots and ambushes, is not the object of reflection. Perhaps weighs the fact that, in the financial statements, are set out more guidelines and addresses
that final turns. Also because there is little definitive in a city where he recalls Marino, still have to be paid for expropriated land for the construction of the Olympic Village in 1960 and hang around 200,000 building amnesty practices presented at the time of the first amnesty of 1985. Roma it is slow to move but it’s quick to get disillusioned. Even when it crosses a Martian in town, as told Flaiano few years before Marino.
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