Monday, March 21, 2016

Municipal Rome, Mr Berlusconi did not retreat on Bertolaso. Meloni: “For me and Salvini will to patch up to 100%” – The Republic

Silvio Berlusconi did not give in and still points on its candidate Guido Bertolaso ​​to win the local elections in Rome. “There is a mistake in the capital assessment of the candidate’s ability Bertolaso, who has absolutely a better chance” to win and to be voted on “by the Roman citizens who have common sense and a good head on his shoulders. He is number one in the world made emergencies “. He said former Knight, guest RTL 102.5, where he pointed the finger at Giorgia Meloni that “does not respect their word.” He is still optimistic: “I will be quiet enough that by this whim of Rome not a consequence, it would be absolute madness to grant Italy as well to the left of Renzi.”

Yesterday, Giorgia Meloni had asked Berlusconi to reconsider renewing the appeal to converge on his candidacy “because the stakes are too high. I hope to recover even Forza Italy – said yesterday Meloni – then I invite you to watch the polls that talk about a threesome between me, Giachetti and Rays. I think in his heart Berlusconi is aware that I am a stronger candidate Bertolaso ​​”. And today he said: “Guido Bertolaso ​​is a person on whom we had an error in judgment: he has an extraordinary curriculum but not warm the hearts of Romans – said Meloni speaking on ‘the call’ with Maurizio Belpietro on Channel 5 – I would gladly a ticket with Bertolaso ​​I’d like to be part of the team. ” And what are the chances of finding an agreement with Berlusconi? “If it were up to me, that percentage would be 100%,” said Meloni.

But the leader of Forza Italy, in addition to confirming his choice of Bertolaso, there is. He also wanted to close the primary section of the center to choose the candidate for mayor in Rome. “So how were held in Italy are a farce, even those leading Renzi to take the secretary of the Democratic Party have been extensively manipulated. From primary mayors have come out the worst in the history of big cities: Rome, Genoa, Milan, Naples, Palermo … “. Indeed, “I’m sure there will be a runoff in Rome Bertolaso ​​and I thought to myself that if these next two months will be a possibility by the Romans to know Bertolaso ​​and his program, he will win in the first round.”

But in the case of run-off in Rome between the Democratic Party and the Movement 5 stars for whom would you vote? “Do not make me choose between two evils – responded the former rider to RTL 102.5 – Renzi is a character who has the leadership of the government without being voted, and supported by 60 elected in the center who have betrayed the mandate, is an abusive and it is the negation of popular sovereignty. ” While “the Movement 5 stars is something catastrophic: they have no ability nor the culture of government, a pauperistic party that has resurrected the old Communist ideology, and executioner, who wants to kill political opponents with political processes.” Then, “I would consider a catastrophic victory of the five-star and a runoff between Pd and M5S would see definitely winning the 5 stars because they would vote for the far left, which has 8%, and the League. It would be a catastrophe for all of us” , he noted.

in the Roman situation with the League and FDI “certainly there is no respect for the word and the risk of a rupture of the alliances” in other cities, “but I think it will not happen. I’m comfortable knowing that a Roman whim there are no consequences, would be madness. And ‘too much high-mail that the center-right divide, it would be a disaster “where to” Rome I think the campaign that will lead to making known to Bertolaso Romans will prevail belief that it takes someone away from the chatter of politics, “concluded the blue leader.

Giorgia Meloni, mayor candidate in Rome, however, has reiterated to his hope of finding an agreement with Berlusconi “If it were up to me, that percentage would be 100%. Salvini also want to try to patch up and Berlusconi is an extremely intelligent man – he added – obviously does not depend only on us, I appeals these days I have so many events, we hope that you all do not fall on deaf ears. Us from this point of view we have given a sign of responsibility, that I would not be read as a sign of weakness, indeed. It ‘a great signal availability and desire to build and not to destroy. I have only one enemy, which is this government with his choices and his policies, because it is an enemy of the Italian Government, I would like to send home, even through these elections, and I would like to give back to Rome a decent government, ” continued. “you do not play the game on Rome for the leadership of the center – then stated Meloni – this is not the time, this is not the place, and there is not even need because the leaders do not invent them if the parties politicians, leaders people choose them, like it or not. To me the leadership of the center do not give anything. “

Meloni then stated that” absolutely no, that Virginia Rays was not an endorsement. It was much ado about nothing, because I assume to get on the ballot, “referring to his words:” The M5s disappointed me but if the right did not arrive on the ballot would vote Virginia Rays. “The best way to lose is to choose to nominate people who can not play the game, this is the theme for which I have done what I consider an act of love and responsibility,

hoping that the coalition can unite. Just recently I made many appeals, because I hope that we can all of them converge on my candidacy. All the polls say that my candidacy is the most competitive – he added – you play a game for the ballot even if the coalition fails to reunify, but I look to the future and I do not like the idea of ​​giving a signal division. “


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