Thursday, March 24, 2016

“The history of wine is taught in school.” Ready a bill in the Senate – BBC

Teaching the history of wine in school. And not as an optional subject. It is the idea of ​​Senator Dario Stephen , which announced Thursday a bill (bill 2254/16) to his signature, for teaching institution required the discipline “History and culture of wine “in all primary and secondary schools. Because, he explains, “Italy has always been the home of wine.” And “our own history is intertwined with that of the wine.” Genesis, mythology, history of the drink in the euro-Mediterranean culture; Italian geography of the vines; vine cultivation, production of grapes and the winemaking process: these chapters in a perfect textbook for use in class, “by properly trained teachers – explains Stefàno -. Thanks to an estimated coverage for 12.4 million euro, from 2016 ‘.

“An hour a week”

the path of discipline is still to identify and build with the Ministry of Education. But the text of the decree is ready: a framework of six articles that refer to subsequent implementing regulations. The program is the idea of ​​starting right away pilot experiences in some regions, Puglia in the head and maybe Veneto. “At least an hour a week compulsory in primary and secondary,” says Stefàno, coordinator of the Regional Councillors for Agriculture, when he was a councilor in Puglia, under the chairmanship Vendola and now a member, among others things of the Senate Agriculture Committee the Republic. “Italy has always been the home of wine – said the senator -. In the old head to head with France we came back to be the first producing country in the world, not only in quantity, and it is time that recovers the cultural gap, forming their children through one of its main identity markers. “


but the initiative has stirred resentment and reactions: ‘Incorrect bring a food in schools is an important part of the GDP but also a potential risk to the health “, warns Andrea Ghiselli , medical director of the National Institute of Research on Food and Nutrition (Create). Like all alcoholic beverages, wine is a carcinogen. The only way to talk to kids is to explain which is harmful to health. ” But this is not foreseen in the Stefàno program, which instead provides an account of religious and social rituals connected. Quote Latin America, Senator, where a school teaches folk music as an element of identity. O France, “where the subject is treated in the classroom for years and, with the information, the problems of abuse of alcohol by adolescents have decreased.”

wine Education

“It is an important project – adds Attilio Scienza , viticulture at the University of Milan -. In Italy we have lost the habit of consuming wine at home, and it’s serious, because we have lost an important dimension of education to wine. Today the boys around the age of 15 consume alcohol at least 1 time per week, but outside the home and they do it with the logic of the high. Here the wine in homes, in schools, in the flow of Mediterranean culture because you do not drink wine to get drunk: is identity origin and belonging. France – says Science – he did it in 1991 with the Evin Law, which banned the advertising of wines and spirits on the one hand, but on the other hand has made available resources to tell the wine culture and territories, schools, with the result that the rate of alcoholism in the 80′s, in the country, was very high, it has halved in a few years. “

old wine and caught

By educating young people to the worship of the old wine and read (and of course, moderate), should convey the message that “drinking is a responsibility,” according to the senator, who has the backing of the main organizations in the supply chain. “We do not teach kids to drink, but we want to tell the story of our country through that grape and wine, because there is no page in Italian history, religious, social, economic, which have non-woven these elements – explains -. And in this sense we do not speak of technical training, which in the wine way is still very strengthened in the technical training schools (agriculture, hotel, etc.), which today is largely insufficient levels. ”

The oil and melodrama

But in the Facebook page that launches the project, there are those who said that the “unitary elements” Italy is full – from oil to tomato, from opera to opera, the art -. All less controversial and equally ignored by the curriculum which, however, they are “already full of content,” as has repeatedly stressed the minister, Stefania Giannini. But Stefàno does not turn back: “It’s the wine the unification of Italy. There is no region that there is recognized. It’s our ambassador to the world. “

March 24, 2016 (edited March 24, 2016 | 16:15)



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