Rome – On April 17, we vote for a referendum on Environmental Law which regulates drilling at sea, requested by nine regional councils (Basilicata, Marche, Puglia, Sardegna, Veneto, Calabria, Liguria, Campania and Molise). If he wins the Yes , mining concessions within 12 miles of the coast will no longer be extended. But today’s debate is on abstention of the Democratic Party on the consultation, under fire from dem minority and opposition. A document that certifies the AGCOM ranking precisely the Democratic Party among the political forces that they would abstain. “Who decided?” Thunders the left of the party.
The answer comes after a few hours in the form of a harsh note signed by the deputy secretaries of the Democratic Party, Lorenzo Guerini and Debora Serracchiani : “This referendum is useless. it’s not about renewable energy, it does not block the drills (which in Italy are already blocked within 12 miles, more restrictive legislation in Europe), it touches our cultural and environmental heritage. only serves to give a political signal, as they explained the organizers. It will cost 300 million Italians. “
the deputy secretaries also claim that the referendum could not merge the municipal (actually the law that regulates the referendum institution, no. 352/1970, does not contain express provisions on whether or not to combine the recall referendum with local elections . to decide for the no bundling was the Interior Ministry to “technical difficulties can not be resolved through administrative channels: it takes a special law”, as said the Minister Angelino Alfano answering the question time on 3 February).
“the money for this referendum – concluded note – they could go to kindergartens, schools, safety, environment. And we will speak during Monday’s direction, ratifying a decision taken as deputy secretaries. If the referendum will pass Italy will have to lay off thousands of people and buy more gas and more oil abroad. Monday we’ll see who has the numbers – in the Articles of Association – to use the symbol of the Democratic Party. “
The genesis of the referendum. Let’s step back. First the positive opinion of the Consulta , which declared admissible presented one of the six referendum questions – what precisely the duration of permits to exploration and drilling – the government had tried to avoid the referendum, introducing a set of rules in the Stability law, which reiterated the ban on drilling within 12 miles sea. in fact, therefore, the government has always been opposed to the consultation. that seems fairly obvious the “neutrality” of the Democratic Party on the issue.
the protest of the left Democratic Party .However internal minority it arises because the decision has not been taken collegially: “I learn from AGCOM’s web site that the Democratic Party would assume the position of abstention in the referendum of April on rigs at sea – said in a statement Robert Hope – I wonder how and where they would be taken this decision. “
David Zoggia adds:” abstention on the referendum ‘no triv’? If it is confirmed what is written on the AGCOM website would not do at all. “As Gianni Cuperlo answers Guerini and Serracchiani:” Define a pointless referendum is wrong and not even brings bene.Io I’m going to vote. I read the statement of the two deputy secretaries of my party and I tell them:
please stop. “Even the opposition goes on the attack:” It’s really surreal that the party that has governed the country is behind the Trinceri old saying ‘I do not see, do not hear, do not speak’. The oil thank, “said Arturo Scotto , parent of Deputies of the Italian Left. And later Alfredo D’Attorre defines” vergonosa “the position of the Democratic Party, both internally institutional.
Michele Emiliano , President of the Puglia Region Pd deployed from time against drilling, hopefully it is a “typo bureaucratic.” But his hope is soon disillusioned by Nicola Fratoianni : “We just finished the Supervisory Commission meeting Rai who was to examine requests for access to electoral grandstand for the referendum. And the bad news is that the Democratic Party has announced its abstention. So this is not a misunderstanding or bureaucratic accidents – concludes the exponent of Si – but the official policy position. “
Emiliano then responds with a tweet:
While the president of the regional council of Basilicata, Piero Lacorazza , says: “A referendum is never useless.”
Disappointment associations . Sconcerto also by the environmental world. For Legambiente “after betting on silence, now Renzi tip on abstention. His party will invite Italians not to go to the polls. Outrageous. “For Greenpeace is” implementing a strategy of annihilation of the referendum vote. “
The reactions of other parties . Also reactions from other opposition forces. “the face of the Democratic Party is pro drills, this is obvious. The Democratic Party auger democracy boycotting the referendum, “said group leader in the House M5s Michele Dell’Orco .” We speak of wells which respectively contribute to 3% and 1% of the Italian oil and gas consumption, therefore, easily recoverable by increasing energy efficiency and use of renewable energies, “says co-spokesperson of Green Italy Annalisa Corrado .
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