Tuesday, March 29, 2016

municipal elections, to vote on June 5 – The Messenger

The official decree of the Ministry dlel’Interno still there, but the unofficial date for the municipal elections in 2016 – which will involve, among major cities, Milan, Rome and Naples – is that of 5 June (the same administrative in Sicily), with a possible run-off two weeks later, on 19. the choice then falls on the first Sunday in June, falling at the end of a long summer bridge that starts Thursday, 2 June (Republic Day) and ends just Sundays. Not surprisingly, only a few days ago had been Giorgia Meloni, candidate FDI-League in Rome, to rail against this hypothesis: “June 5 for us is a wrong date, there is the risk turnout and is a way to ward citizens from voting, “he had explained the leader of FDI. Precisely for this reason the government is considering to hold open the seats not only for the day on Sunday, but also for the morning of Monday, up alle14 or 15, as already happened in the past.

On rejection on the part of ‘ executive of the choice of voting on June 12 weighed, explain sources of the majority, the coincidence of the date with the Jewish celebration of Shavuot (Feast of weeks), which falls on the sixth day of the Hebrew month of Sivan, namely between 14 May and June 15. Now it’s up to the Interior Ministry, in the coming days, sign the decree setting the date of the administrative (which by law must be held between April 15 and June 15): there is time until 11 April, which is up to 55 / o day before the opening of the polls.

Who will benefit the most from the date of June 5? Certainly, in Milan the Democratic Party – which is said still very confident about the victory – would also agreed to go to the polls a week before seen the latest polls that would give the candidate of the center-recovery Stefano Parisi. Unlike the speech in Rome, where the fragmentation of the center could lead to the ballot dem Roberto Giachetti and grillina Virginia Rays, and where it is said that a turnout hurt the Democratic Party. One thing, however, is certain: from now on there are just over two months of campaigning, with 1,300 mayoral seats at stake in all of Italy.

             Tuesday, March 29, 2016, 19:34 – Last Updated: 19:42


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