Wednesday, March 16, 2016

anti-drills referendum: how, when and why we vote. Incognita quorum – Intelligonews

Anti-drills Referendum: how, when and why we vote. Incognita quorum

The next April 17 will vote for the anti drills referendum.

The referendum question asks to repeal the provision under which, for permission to exploration and drilling of the deposits already issued, durable for the useful life of the reservoir.

Here’s what is essentially asking the referendum question: “Do you wish to be repealed Art. 6, paragraph 17, the third period, the legislative decree of 3 April 2006, n. 152, “environmental regulations”, as substituted by paragraph 239 art. 1 of the law of 28 December 2015, n. 208 “provisions for the preparation of the annual and multiannual budget of the State (2016 stability law)”, in the following words “for the term of the useful life of the oil field, in compliance with safety standards and environmental protection?”.

the answers can be two: yes, if you want to make the article null and consequently to provide for the expiration of current contracts falling granting; no, if you want to leave everything as it is.

we will vote only Sunday, April 17 from 7 pm 23. the poll will start immediately after the polls close. to be valid must go to vote 50 percent plus one of eligible voters.

Meanwhile in Cagliari it was presented the associations Committee of Sardinia “Vote yes to stop the drills” which includes Legambiente, WWF, ACLI, Arci, AdConsum, Federparchi, Italy Nostra, No Committee to Project Eleonora, students Union, Association Phohairesis Pasolini Association, Lipu.

Although the companies may no longer apply for the future new licenses, research and activities already under way would no longer have a certain deadline.

“It’s true – admitted the president of Legambiente, Annalisa Colombu – technically the outcome of the referendum does not concern us, but remember that there is a concession beyond 12 miles, to the Balearic Islands. This is a yes against fossil fuels. that is our call to vote it is strong, because the Mediterranean is a sensitive sea that you can not afford the disaster of the Gulf of Mexico. ”


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