Monday, March 21, 2016

Pd: jump direction for mourning in Spain. Renzi: “Stop the squabbles”. Minority Dem tries to compact –

Skip crucial direction of the Democratic Party today, sconvocata because of serious grief that struck the families of Italian young people who have lost their lives in Spain in an accident.

Yesterday Premier Matteo Renzi had He promised that he would take us face “small squabbles” of the party.

The minority had made it known that it would be presented equally pugnacious: the three areas that comprise it were to be in the day to get to the meeting compact. The Left Democratic Party continues to deny the split, Renzi has always insisted that he does not hunt but nobody asks loyalty in being together and unity to face the electoral challenges. But the atmosphere within the party became tense. Not only criticism of Pier Luigi Bersani, Gianni Cuperlo, Robert Hope relaunched by the convention last weekend in Perugia, but also two tough interviews of D’Alema and Enrico Letta.

charged after the Perugia event, the left Democratic Party intends to seek “precise and clear answers” to the secretary, the Democratic Party line, the primary chaos. And on this point the secretariat try to act in advance announcing a law to establish primary, optional, managed by the Interior Ministry.

Another issue that the position on the referendum on drills . Renzi on that consultation to the Young Dem, who in the morning had applauded the anti-abstention position of Robert Hope, confirms the approach outlined by the deputy secretaries. But you do know that you will not be punished those who go to vote: “Anyone can do what they want but do not be fooled. It ‘a referendum – entirely legitimate – for locking systems that work. But it is a waste and threatens 10 thousand places. the 300 million of the consultation the regions could spend them for nursery schools and not to give a signal. abstentions? the promoted the DS on Article 18. “

Yesterday Renzi to Youth Dem said clearly not be done iuntenzionato wear down by controversy, that he too is ready to “beat around like a blacksmith” to defend the government’s activities. A “preview” of the direction gives it right away, on the support of Verdini. “A surefire way to not have a majority Alfano and Verdini is to win the elections, which in 2013 did not happen. It seems you are woken up all together, but Alfano and Verdini have also voted confidence in Letta and Monti”, he punctuates. “In 2013 we took 25%, in 2014 40%,” he adds. It claims a new season of “modern left”, no longer “hidden behind the security blanket of symbols such as Article 18,” a sinister for which the goal is not “that the rich also cry but that poor people laugh “. As for the party, in the words to the young people can be glimpsed stored to internal opponents: “Do not be attached to mental menate, make a raspberry at those who say that the problem is being renziani or antirenziani. Unlike generations before, at some point the first to be scrapped will be me. But in the meantime I ask myself big goals “as the referendum (” If it goes wrong, I’m leaving “) on constitutional reform.


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