Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Migrants, to the European Council. Renzi: “It is the third in a month. It’s no good” – The Republic

Rome – Words for the massacre of Fani. In Parliament Matteo Renzi began today’s session by recalling the ‘ attack Moro , “in this March 16 I would like to spare a thought for the families of victims of the massacre of Fani and Mr Moro. What a feeling of attachment to their work in those bodyguards, and forward-looking and strategic vision of President Moro, can help all of us to be up to the task to which we are called, “he said. And the answer was unanimous standing ovation of the Hall of the House. All deputies and government members rose to their feet to applaud. An Italian wound, touched before looking over the country, to Europe, to the migrants, to prepare the Council which opens tomorrow (March 17 to 18) in Brussels.

“Just the fact that the European Council should meet to the third time in a month is not good – continued to Renzi Parliament -. the EU Council is accustomed to making decisions that must be made, this is not happening on migration but also in other areas, we must take note that the order of the day is always the same, the European institutions are in need of new ideas and a decisive change of direction. “

the” first issue “of the discussion on migrants to the EU Council, reiterated the prime minister,” it is give effect to the decisions we make, “because” hot spots have been made, reallocations and returns not. “

the migration issue is the main agenda of many countries. it has novel features, but underlining that is made of stride European numbers with the reality of other countries outside Europe. President Mattarella is located in Africa, visited a refugee camp of hundreds of thousands of people; what happens in Turkey is in the spotlight, but it’s not the same for some areas of Southeast Asia or Lebanon and Jordan. “The question, therefore,” we should give a more normal framework, more logical, but this is not possible in the absence of implementation of the European decisions on hot spots, relocation, repatriation. “

” Europe goes to Mars “but” stops Idomeni “, where” a mother is forced to wash your son Newborn baby with a bottle of water because that child was given birth in one of our camps, “said the premier.

And not far from St. Peter, also Pope speaks of migrants , “our brothers who are experiencing a dramatic situation of exile far from their homeland, in the eye with the rubble of their homes and often the pain over the loss of loved ones.” “i like it so much – has Francis then added to the 40,000 faithful present in the square – when I see nations and rulers that open the heart and open the doors. “

Migrants, to the European Council. Renzi: &  quot; & # XC8; the third in a month. No good  & quot;

The appeal to Europe passes by images, memories, songs and Premier quoted love song almost by Francesco Guccini, to invite European countries to change policy and organization of work. “the European institutions are in need of new energy and a decisive change of organization of its work . The repetition of arguments causes in all of us a sense of repetitiveness. With the poet I will be able to say ‘I’m not going over to look for words that I find to say old things with new clothes’. “And on the Turkey reiterates the need to respect freedom of the press. ” It’ just try to make a deal with Turkey but not at all costs. There are principles that are fundamental for us, starting with human rights and press freedom, “he said.

Renzi said that” Italy has always presented with an equal voice in the first decade of this century on Turkey. Maybe it was a fact quite unique, but we have always held this position. But other countries, “he stressed.

The House of the Senate today also said yes to the establishment of National Day in memory of the victims of immigration with 143 votes in please 9 no and 69 abstained. the measure already approved by the House becomes law. Every October 3, therefore, will remember the day of the Lampedusa shipwreck, which occurred Oct. 3, 2013, which killed 366 migrants.

a passage of the speech on the threat terrorism . that also affects Europe: “the season we are experiencing sees a resurgence of terrorism, which in fact had never disappeared – said Renzi -. There is a continuous emergence of terrorist violence that has touched virtually all over the world: they have borne the brunt of this week Turkey and the Ivory Coast, where they were touched everyday symbols. The principle that for every euro invested in security there is a euro for culture and education must become a shared heritage of all: does not resolve the issue of terrorism if we do not put in place a cultural response. “

Italian institutions “among the most stable.” I have many issues in Parliament. on some Renzi has focused the light. “on institutional systems sooner or later someone will make a reflection discovering that the Italian is likely to be as stable pace of much criticism, “said recording the situation of” ungovernability “occurred in many European countries after the vote, from Portugal to Spain to Slovakia.” the institutions in many countries are no longer able to have a government able to represent them, “he explained.

the damage of the ‘fiscal compact’. ” once again I can only reiterate the Italian position: the ‘fiscal compact’ and its variations have resulted in damage to the political and economic direction of Europe and even Italy, “he said, adding that changing this direction” requires determination, energy and tenacity. “

also Detection “fiat” fingerprints. it is in the process of preparation and will soon be taken to the Council of Ministers a standard allowing the ‘detection even forced’ fingerprints to migrants the communication on “the use of force in operations fotosegnalamento and fingerprinting of foreigners and Italian citizens “was sent today by the Department of public safety. The measure will be contained in a provision on the hotspots. The measure on the hotspots aims to “regulate the rescue, first aid, as well as the identification fotodattiloscopico detection and signaling, even forced, of migrants.” The rule, announced the Department, “will be inserted in the bill scheme containing provisions on international protection, in an advanced state of preparation, which will be submitted to a forthcoming Council of Ministers.” This is confirmed by the Minister Alfano: “True, we are working to articulate a hypothesis concerning different aspects, including the use of force against those who refuse to submit to fotosegnalamento, required for our system and that of Europe. We are evaluating where to put it. “


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