Thursday, March 24, 2016

Renzi to “security measures” implemented, but the Copasir: “It can not be in control” – Intelligonews

To Renzi “security measures” ok, but the Copasir: “It can not be in control”

There is little to worry . And if Matteo Renzi (rightly) is betting everything on culture and suburbs (the airport suicide bomber was a thirty year old born and raised in Brussels), there are those who in Italy is no comfort at all. Rather.

So the words of the premier sound so similar to what already after the Paris attacks last November: “We need – he said – a gigantic investment in culture, on the outskirts of cities, a social investment. We must putting real money on urban areas. ” The territory “ is patrolling with the military but also with elementary teachers .” “Only in this way – he concluded – we will be able to save at least the next generation.” Words that end as well as to calm the waters, not to create panic, to keep moving forward. The emotions, you know, are personal: panic and coldness also depend on the character of each Italian. The point is not to give in to terror, not to change it their lifestyle, “do not give up our freedom”, as mentioned several times by Hollande after that dramatic November 13.

“We, like all partners, put in place all the necessary security measures , although there is now a specific threat in Italy”. So Renzi, which considers it necessary to “tighten the mechanisms of the ntelligence among EU countries and not only enhance the ‘ Europol , to work on a shared structure.” This too is highly beaten by European states in the aftermath of the Belgian intelligence failure interpretation. But there are those who, in Italy, speaks more clearly, in some cool ways. It is more frightening.

“you can not prevent everything. Who communicates a different message saying that everything is under control and nothing will happen deceives the people “. The said Giacomo Stucchi , President of Copasir, speaking after what happened in Brussels to Agora on RaiTre. “there is a note from the director of Dis, ambassador Giampiero Massolo, which highlights some issues and makes an analysis on the possibility, not the certainty , that there are – reveals – terrorist cells, also structured in our country . There is a real concern and – announces – you work on these cells. “

What happened in Brussels is” worrying “and seems” part of a strategy of attacks that also cover other Western reality: no one can be excluded that also Italy will be involved. “He said Stucchi. it is in constant contact with the actions of the intelligence agencies,” which show a further rise in the level of attack on the West by Daesh: last November in Paris were shot so-called ‘soft targets’ such as a restaurant and a concert hall, while the stadium the attack failed. But today – he said – have been completed attacks in places manned by the police as the airport and a metro station. “A particular latter surely relevant.


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