Wednesday, March 30, 2016

In Naples the first stop for “street murder” – Il Giornale

Simone Di MeoNon a highway or a fast-flowing bypass nor a drowned city in smog: the scenario of the first arrest for murder in Italy is a nondescript road artery Neapolitan hinterland. It happened last Saturday, the same day on which it enters into force the new law that punishes those who cause fatal driving accidents. A Somma Vesuvius, the driver of an Opel Corsa has invaded the opposite lane and killed a motorist driving a Toyota Yaris. After two days of investigation, the police station of the town were notified yesterday the man Alessandro Pepe, 37 years a firm decree to hospital arrests. In the impact, in fact, Pepe has reported several injuries which necessitated admission to a nearby medical facility. For the victim, the 28-year old Anthony Tufano, there was nothing to be done: the impact was very violent. The cars are rolled up, and only after several hours it was possible to reopen the area to traffic. The young man died on military colpo.I dell’Arma have concluded surveys in record time: reconstructed, thanks to the witnesses, the accident happened and they sent a detailed report to duty pm at the Procura di Nola, responsible for territory. Just 24 hours later, the measure was notified. The investigating judge has already on the desk of the validation request signed by the Deputy Public Prosecutor and the Office chief investigator, Paul Mancuso.Con Pepe also traveled two grandsons, of ten and twelve years. They are not life threatening, but doctors have preferred to keep them under observation. One, in particular, while not pouring in serious condition, was injured and is now in guarded prognosis to Santobono. The street where there was a clash between the Via San Sossio cars is on the edge of the industrial area of ​​Somma Vesuviana. A place dangerous, especially at dusk. The findings of the investigators have uncovered that the Opel Corsa Pepe ran twice as fast than the maximum of 40 km / h. The speedometer touched the hundred on impact. Tufano has not had time to realize anything, because continued quietly in her halfway. Pepe has passed the center line and hit him full, probably groped for overtaking. Pepe could not drive: the driver’s license had been revoked in 2011 with an order of the Prefect of Naples after being involved in a narcotics investigation then costatagli for a conviction. The car had been impounded last November because the man had continued to use it despite the withdrawal of the documents. It was, however, even without revisione.Sempre last Saturday, a few tens of kilometers, another life was shattered on the asphalt, that of 56 year old Patrick Marro, killed in via Variant. It was a caregiver in Cervinara, in the province of Avellino. He was returning from work and was returning home. A large car has overwhelmed and fled without lend aid. The lifeless body of the woman was on the roadside until help arrives. Investigators are now looking for any clues to the identification of the attacker. They are tracking possible witnesses and were sifted images of video surveillance cameras in the area.


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