Thursday, March 24, 2016

Renzi: “There is not a specific threat” – Trentino

  ROME. “We, like all partners, fielded every necessary security measure, even if it is not now a specific threat in Italy.” After the attacks that have crippled Brussels, Matteo Renzi at Palazzo Chigi convene the majority and opposition leaders to take stock of the internal security of the country. The signal that the prime minister launches is to react to yet compact jihadist attack that, once again, has laid bare all the vulnerability of the security systems of the EU countries. “We need to tighten the intelligence mechanisms among European countries – and not only enhancing Europol, to work on a shared structure,” the prime minister said.


 At the top part over the group leaders of the majority and the opposition also Interior Minister Angelino Alfano and Undersecretary to the Prime Minister with responsibility for services, Marco Minniti. Opening the meeting at Palazzo Chigi, Renzi aims to tighten the intelligence mechanisms between European countries, and aims to put “real money on urban areas.” In the face of Islamist attacks, according to the President of the Council, it serves “a gigantic investment in culture, on the outskirts of cities.” A kind of “social investment”. “I still think that the educational aspect to defeat threats born and raised in Europe is essential,” said the premier, who also reiterated yesterday the need to overcome the “political divisions and partisan” in order to recover the “sense of community” must to counter the terrorist threat.


 What is certain is that Belgium ends up in the dock for security flaws. And on this I agree both members of the majority that the opposition to agree on the fact that Belgium is the weak link in a chain of European cooperation in security does not work very well. If terrorists can act undisturbed it is also because the exchange of information among the EU countries do not funziona.E pointing fingers this time is the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Dimitris Avramopoulos. “Europe naturally has the tools and also the legal framework to combat terrorism, but it is time that the implementation of the exchange of information. All the terrorists were known to the local police but nothing was done because there was no exchange of information ‘provides the EU Commissioner, which launches a strong appeal “to governments to cooperate in good faith” and raised the idea of ​​a EU intelligence license plate: “We need to react together. We need more coordination in the field. The fact that the two.


 The summit yesterday at Palazzo Chigi has still recorded a bipartisan consensus. “The political forces have shown great maturity and great awareness of the difficulties and dangers that Europe lives and which are from international terrorism,” says the leader of the Democratic senators, Luigi Zanda. “The meeting this morning was very useful and very constructive.

The speeches of all showed an absolute desire for cohesion in these difficult times,” adds Renato Brunetta (Fi). The only reservations arrive by 5 Stars, who demand precise guarantees to Renzi, and the League, which speaks of a meeting “useless.”




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