Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Regeni case, parents: “Giulio tortured, is not isolated case. We would not have to show photos” – The Republic

Rome – Paola and Claudio, the Giulio Regeni parents, the researcher who died in Cairo on January 25 and found dead on February 3, killed in circumstances that remain to be clarified, meet the press room at Nasiriyah Senate. In a very sensitive time, not only for the investigation that between Rome and Cairo would like to get to the truth about the end of their son, also for relations between Italy and Egypt. Delicate because despite the personal commitment of President Al Sisi, the new details emerged about the case do not dispel the doubts about the reconstruction provided by the Egyptian police of Shobra al Khaima district: murder at the hands of a local criminal gang that kidnapped, tortured and killed Giulio Regeni, before being in turn cut off by the police.

in this ballet of Julius Regeni parents are not there. After the martyrdom of their son, you can not even sacrifice truth on the altar of realpolitik corroborating a big lie. Italy must demand it, that truth. So, waiting for the arrival in Rome of the Egyptian investigators, April 5, Paola and Claudio face a test “true”, as explained by the president of the Commission for Human Rights Luigi Manconi, who accompanies and protects them with the lawyer Alessandra dancers and the spokesperson of Amnesty international Italy, Riccardo Noury. Paola and Claudio Regeni break their reticence to address a press that, without saying it, maybe you expect the display of photos, not shown, of mangled their boy’s body.

It is not yet the time. The hope is that never arrive, because it will mean that the truth has been previously determined. But that time could get painful. E ‘Director of Republic , Mario Calabresi , to turn to the Lords Regeni direct question: “You have chosen not to show the image of your child after the torture. I’ll reserved as a last act to be done in order to move the attention in a time when it was really necessary? ” Respond mother Paola : “If April 5 will be an empty day, look forward to a strong response of our government. We await a response of Julius. We hope not to have to get to show that image.”

Manconi: “the prophecy of the parents of Julius”. “To the parents of Julius being here is a real test. I ask all attention, respect and discretion. On 16 March, the Giulio parents attended a meeting with the Human Rights Commission of the Senate. In the headquarters, along with their lawyer, to some extent made a dramatic prediction: they feared that the outcome of this story could see at some point of its course the fact that they were all guilty. they went over, they said, it is possible that maybe the martyrdom is attributed to policemen or former policemen. you could not imagine that less than 10 days later, between 24 and 25 March, the Egyptian Interior Ministry emanated a statement that prediction was presented as the final and definitive version of the story. with this particular, exactly, that gives to the reconstruction that stretch of grotesque. They say Egyptian officials that the five criminals, infallibly dead and now unable to say a word, they loved dressing up as policemen. Everything has come true. This is the reason that led Paola and Claudio Regeni to be here, in front of the lie. It was necessary that he feel their voice. A voice that until now has been discreet and reserved, closed on a pain, as Paola said that day in the Commission, which has to be renewed. Make it public, to commit to the truth. “

Paola Regeni:” Giulio was not a spy, was a boy of the future ” I am the mother of Julius, it is not easy to be here. And ‘necessary pain, we say it every day at home, but now we have to tell us all together. Because it is not an isolated case, as they say the Egyptians. This case ‘isolated’ would analyze it from two perspectives. If we think of what happened to an Italian citizen, perhaps it is an isolated case. I think of a friend and a teacher with whom I discussed: from fascism is that we live not a death under torture. But we are not at war, Julius was searching, was a boy today. And ‘who he died under torture. Then I refer to what they said the Egyptians, the part of the Egyptians friend: they killed him like an Egyptian. We have educated our children to open up to the world. And now we are here. But I wanted to tell you the things of Julius. It was not a journalist, he was not a spy, was a boy of the future, because if his being is not understood, it is the future and not today. “

” I recognized from the tip of the nose “. Ms. Paola continues the story of his Giulio.” you have to have seen his pictures. That beautiful face, always smiling, open look, open posture. The last photo is of January 15, it did make 28 years. Actually it is not the last. I keep another, that I took the day of his departure for Cairo. said to me: ‘Have a mom, do me a photo, you say that we do not ever’. Ten days after the birthday photos, January 25th, Julius disappeared. In that picture, a happy picture, was with friends in Cairo, ate fish. He enjoyed. With friends around the world. Now that image superimpose another image. That of her face as there was returned from Egypt. He had become small little. I do not tell you what they did to her face. I was not You only all the evil in the world. The only thing that I found there was the tip of his nose. We saw in Rome, Egypt advised us not to see him and assecondammo them. In Rome, we found the courage. In the morgue room, I recognized him from the tip of the nose. It was no longer our Giulio. We can not say: it is an isolated case: Giulio could help Egypt, the Middle East, studying the union, marginalization. An Italian who could do so much and we will not. But I think it also happened to others, Egyptians and others. And I will continue to say the truth for Julius. The April 5 expect the Egyptians: what will? “

L ‘ lawyer Dancers : “And ‘the umpteenth screening. Except for identity documents, the other facts not find documents belong to Julius. We have a doubt only on the wallet. We are appointing lawyers in Cairo and demand the delivery of the same elements. We’ll see who will come out of Egypt on April 5. Investigators will meet our police chiefs. Should bring the items lacking: tabulated, any videos, verbal. I miss him so much. We acquired the autopsy report of Cairo but we do not know how he was dressed. We do not know what will and what will be their attitude, we do not expect the last word on April 5. We urge that the attention remains high. That the mobilization of the country never cease, otherwise tomorrow will sell us another truth. Certainly Giulio was not a spy: the the bank account correnre says, Julius wore his father’s clothes to save money. “ Senator Manconi expresses “confidence in Pignatone prosecutor, a fundamental resource. But – he insists – it must operate also with a greater determination than that so far adopted. I think we should put in urgent times the question of the recall of our ambassador in Italy to Egypt “for consultations”, a formula that summarizes a symbolic gesture not only to understand how our country to follow the case considering discriminating element for future relations between Italy and Egypt. You also need to review the diplomatic and consular relations. Knowing that not up to me to indicate the date, it is up to me to emphasize, as presididente of this commission, the inevitability of concrete acts, like the one that would lead to the Foreign Ministry Crisis Unit to declare Egypt unsafe country. On the basis of the case Regeni and the rosary of people subjected to torture and daily violations. Such provedimento would definitely not insignificant effects on tourism from Italy to Egypt. Reports must not be broken, but revised particolarmentre approfndita. Between two States the question of the protection of fundamental rights is not a secondary accessory. “

Why is not that the truth? What is the weight of this truth? The lawyer Alessandra Ballerini “For Egypt is a truth in any case awkward. They managed to get rid of an Italian to do so and find in those conditions, in a place, which is quite controlled. Whatever the truth is very uncomfortable for the regime. “The last word to Mrs. Paola” What we try? My husband and I are different, we live the pain differently. We feel a great sorrow, life changing not only our own, even that of Julius sister, our neighbors, our friends, around the village of Fiumicello. Giulio – reiterates Ms. Paola – could lend a hand to the world. But I do have a question: Egypt safe country? “.

During his speech, the spokesman of Amnesty International Italy Riccardo Noury ​​ expressly asks the football to engage in Regeni each other. Instant response from the Serie B: the president of the League, Andrea Abodi, announces: “on 23 and 24 April we will be by the side of Regeni family and our footballers will wear the shirt with the words’ Truth for Giulio ‘. “Almost certain that the Serie a side as well.


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