Thursday, March 24, 2016

“Meloni and Marchini out of the ballot ‘- Il Sole 24 Ore

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This article was published March 24, 2016 at 06:37.


No second thoughts. Indeed, to Silvio Berlusconi the only candidate of the center that has a chance to win in Rome is Guido Bertolaso: “The original data Giorgia Meloni and Alfio Marchini are clear, neither can the slightest hope of going to the ballot.” The leader of Forza Italy – wearing large sunglasses blacks to defend the recently operated eye – he repeats it at the press conference held yesterday at the headquarters of the electoral committee Bertolaso, sitting to his right.

But the message that the Knight sends to allies (Salvini and Meloni) goes beyond the Roman left. Only united can beat the center-left and grillini, in the capital as well as the challenge to Palazzo Chigi: “To have in Italy a government that knows how to rule there is only one possibility: that the center-right wins the first round of the elections surpassing the 40 % “because the ballot would win grillini and would be” a disaster “. The hope is that it will compose the alliance ‘with the other parties of the right hand “of which he proclaims himself” federating “otherwise (like today in Rome)” I do not despair even to do so with the sole Forza Italy “. Yes, because with Salvini and Meloni increasingly right “serves a large party of the center” which calls to vote for the moderates’ deprive Italy Pd renziano and M5s “. A reaffirmation of his leadership that Salvini and Meloni with the back of Bertolaso ​​questioned, feeding also suspect that the inflexibility on the candidacy of the former Head of the Civil Protection is a way to indirectly promote Renzi, in which – according to the most malicious – the Knight would like to maintain good relations in order to safeguard his companies. Suspects “absolutely unfounded,” replied the former prime minister, who returned to attack Renzi talking about “regime” and “suspended democracy.”

The possibility of a shift of the center at the moment are almost nonexistent. “The accounts you will do after Easter” is the recurring phrase, with reference also to the polls. And yesterday he was spinning a Emg, commissioned by FDI, according to which the candidate of the M5s Virginia Rays would be in the lead with 26%, according to the democratic Roberto Giachetti 24%, while the third would Giorgia Meloni with 20%, followed at a distance entrepreneur Alfio Marchini (supported by Ncd and Andrea Augello) remained at 9% and then Bertolaso ​​with 7 percent. Knight, however, did not give up. Yesterday afternoon held a meeting with the big Romans Fi to plan future releases. “There are still two months to the elections,” he stressed yesterday, convinced that Bertolaso ​​if he can play. A period in which there will be some surprises.

Something already see. The Anti-Mafia commission went back to work on the list of so-called “unpresentable”, which already on the eve of the regional in 2015 caused more than a few jolts. Now in the viewfinder may end up just Bertolaso, indicted for corruption for the G8. Next week, the commission headed by Rosy Bindi will begin working to the list and inside Fi fears grow that the former head of Civil Protection can finish in the viewfinder. He, meanwhile, he did not give up: “People like Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni instead have a single goal: to solve the problem of their personal political career, present and future. In order to succeed, they produce the strangest somersaults, as they did with me. But I’m not going back. ”




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