Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Toti: “If Ilva the region is a partner, but the choices are up to the government” – Il Secolo XIX

 The President of the Liguria warns: “September 30th comes and we do not find a real solution, we will be faced with an emergency unmanageable”


Genoa – “next week will arrive in the Regional Council of the law to create three secretaries who will support the assessors with the largest number of proxies ‘means the announcement comes directly from the President Giovanni Toti , interviewed by director of the Secolo XIX Alessandro Cassinis and director of Panorama Giorgio Mule during “views of Italy” the exhibition organized in Genoa by the weekly Panorama. During the interview were many important points for our region touched by the governor.

Ilva: “We are partners, the government decides”

“If Ilva the region is a partner, but the choices are up to the government. It is evident that we are faced with a buffer solution until September 30, but then if we do not find real solutions we torceremo to manage unmanageable situations, “explains about the role of the region that identified the temporary solution for the integration of the workers’ income Cornigliano plant currently in solidarity through community service for the integration of the Ilva workers income of Genoa Cornigliano.

“For the income of these workers, who have yet to understand what will be their fate – said Toti – we are currently investing resources of a company that had to deal with the redevelopment of the neighborhood after the closure of plants in hot. But now it is the duty of the Government to define the future of Ilva as a whole and Cornigliano in particular, define what Marcegaglia social clauses which could be called the most accredited pretender, will step into the Ilva ».

Train Genoa-Milan in the Lombardy and Liguria expenses

“I met two days ago the CEO of Ferrovie dello Mazzoncini State and I reiterated that we as Liguria Region , and the Region of Lombardy, we are ready to finance a fast train, direct, from Milan to Genoa, a condition that also invest Railways’ Toti responds to a question about the slow train connections to Genoa with Milan.

“Mazzoncini,” he continued, “has promised us a concern, but not yet to commit outcome, because it depends on Railways overcome some nodes, up to Tortona, slow trains: some exchanges, some galleries . It serves about ten million Euros. Maroni has committed herself up to 50 million per year to ensure 8 pairs of trains, but already three couples would change a lot of life in our city. It all depends, however, the Railways, because even if we had all the resources we alone, no one would proceed with the workers of the Regions on the tracks of Railways. ”

Drills “At the referendum vote yes, the government made a mistake ‘

” It would be better to avoid it, but we got to a referendum promoted not only by opposition regions but also from 5 regions of the center, indeed. Perhaps the flagship fiercest is the governor of Puglia Michele Emiliano, the Pd weight exponent. My position is to vote and vote yes, we are one of the promoters of the referendum, we believe that the government has not done the right path for negotiations with the local authorities that represent the needs of the territory. ”

Carige: “It is good land and teniamocelo tight”

“Banca Carige is one of the economic wealth of this region, that the policy it interests is important, that they better take care not, “: this is the synthesis of Toti on the future of the town bank. “We look from the outside, we are careful to see what happens, a lot of credit to businesses comes from there, in our region, many Ligurian savings are there, it is good to know in whose hands it is.”

“I am convinced,” he said Toti, “that Carige has an important local presence, know-how, a significant roots, and I think with the new shareholders entered, who will and plans revival related to the banking business and not to the financial markets, has good growth prospects. When Malacalza took its leading role as shareholders of the bank I met him in the hope of restarting economic stimulus initiatives and not outside the traditional parameters due as had happened in the past. Tomorrow is the shareholders’ meeting, there will be a thousand, Carige is not a popular bank but volumes from popular bank for affection on the part of the territory, it is our right, teniamocelo tight. After that, if the Fund will buy the Apollo, the next day … I will call Mr. Apollo and ask him that he intends to do with the bank of us in Liguria. ”

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