Friday, March 25, 2016

How to teach you the wine at school: bill in the Senate and pilot project in Puglia – The Technical School

” History and civilization of wine “a new teaching material for students of secondary schools of first and second degree and to be included regularly in the compulsory curriculum of studies. The intent of a law presented by Senator Dario Stefano (Sel) component of the Agriculture Committee, which aims to tell Italy through the grapes and wine, essential components of the Mediterranean culture.

Six amendments of the text involving the Ministry of education regarding the planning of annual courses, teaching and teacher training, quantifying 12.4 million the resources needed to set up an hour of classroom instruction a week dedicated to ” history and civilization of wine ‘.

Genesis, mythology, history of the drink in the euro-Mediterranean culture; Italian geography of the vines; vine cultivation, production of grapes and the winemaking process: these chapters in a perfect textbook for use in class, “by properly trained teachers – explains Stefàno -. Thanks to an estimated coverage for 12.4 million euro, from 2016 ‘.

A project that could start on an experimental basis as early as next year in some regions schools, starting from Puglia and perhaps even in Veneto.

and politics as usual in these ads widens and asks applause, flying over the other aspects that instead demand attention, as the subsequent establishment of a new class of competition, along with the powers they should have teachers: those who teach in fact this matter? The faculty of letters? Or those agronomists? And on what texts will form their wisdom? Which university courses should attend to get to know such a matter that also requires elements of viticulture, agriculture, winemaking? Except that you want to do the usual teaching carelessly, just to make noise in short, including the distortion of the entire school day that is well presuppore adding another hour in the complex weekly programs that Mariastella Gelmini reduced to contain expenditure .

Meanwhile, the statements abound: ” It ‘s time that Italy should recover its identity because wine is part of our history – said Senator Dario Stefano – an element not to live by technical point of view or wine but first culture ”.



Un’iniziativa legislative that has obtained the approval from the wine world who attended the presentation in the Senate. ” Wine is history and tradition – said Paolo Castelletti, General Secretary of the Italian Wine Union – and if designed right from the middle school can train young people to moderate and lead to the discovery of taste consumption. And the bill goes in this direction ”.

According to Riccardo Cotarella, president of Assoenologi ” the goal is now to understand what’s behind the wine, not just drink it ”, while Isabella Marinucci Federvini showed that support the wine also means enhancing the former territories. Appreciation also by Professor Attilio Scienza: ” it was time he got this proposal, after France has already moved in this direction in 1991 ”.

But there is also some dissenting voice: “Incorrect bring a food in schools is an important part of the GDP but also a potential risk to health,” says Andrea Ghiselli, medical director of the Institute of National Research Institute for food and Nutrition (Create). Like all alcoholic beverages, wine is a carcinogen. The only way to talk to kids is to explain which is harmful to health. ” For Stefàno however the problem does not arise and cites Latin America where a school teaches folk music as an element of identity or France, “where the subject is treated in the classroom for years and, with the information, the problems of alcohol abuse by adolescents have decreased. “


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