Friday, March 25, 2016

Bertolaso: I could leave but only if the name is Marchini ‘embarrassing Mogherini »| Video – BBC

“But you just imagine if I’m going to deny the right to cry in the face of tragedies. It happened to me, you know? In San Giuliano di Puglia when during the earthquake in Molise in 2002 collapsed school, I had to organize the sports hall an emergency morgue for all those poor children … Not to mention the massacre in Beslan, Russia, September 2004. C ‘ I was also there, in front of all that horror. I cried even I during these tragedies. But I did not in front of everyone like Mogherini. Otherwise, instead of transmitting security and certainty, I would have sent further weakness to those who already suffered. I cried alone, after having done my duty, without anyone seeing me. “

So of Federica Mogherini, that after the massacres of Brussels has succumbed to tears, confirms the words spoken during the Omnibus broadcast, when he called “embarrassing”?
“Who’s in the institutions, in the face of emergencies as they can be an attack or the continual arrivals of refugees, can not and must not show weakness. To show strong and reassure citizens have a duty. A duty”.

Guido Bertolaso ​​confirmed his reputation as a man who says what he thinks and thinks what he says. Even when his positions may generate criticism and controversy. The former head of the Civil Protection, the Mister Wolf who served nine governments of the center-right and center-left, go forward in his campaign for Roma. But for the first time, in this interview with Courier , dreads the idea of ​​”convergence”, before the vote, with another candidate, “Alfio Marchini. I think a candidate like me, a civic candidate, who in the past few years, in Rome, has made concrete opposition proving to be free. ”

Are you saying then that she and Forza Italy may end up supporting Marchini?
“Let’s be clear. I am in the field, continue my campaign. A little while ago, walking the streets, they stopped me at least half of the people that I met. They tell me to go on, someone said go to vote only if they are in the field myself, others have even asked me for the phone number. However…”.

“As long as there are the conditions to get going, it is obvious that I will retire. But I’m not the type who likes to go and hit a wall. Consequently, if in the course of weeks proves impossible to get on the ballot, you might find a convergence with a candidate who has my same characteristics “civic” ».

Alfio Marchini.
“It is the only candidate who looks like me. It was in the town council in the last three years, proving to be very attentive to the city. And then, regardless of the chatter on the ideas of his family, it has always been outside the logic of politics and parties. I respect him very much. ”

In this case, she would do the city manager of Marchini?
“The convergence with Marchini is a hypothesis that would have occurred in the coming weeks. As to the history of the city manager, the reply immediately. I will not do that”.

It’s candidacy Meloni?
“Among the things to make sure there are the next moves of Meloni and Salvini. I want to find out if they come back to my position. Because I, on the other, I’m not going. ”

And if Meloni-Salvini tandem …
“Let’s face it. The only figure with whom at this moment we could imagine a common modus operandi is Marchini. Meanwhile, it is clear, I go on my way. ”

What do the polls say?
“I believe if I tell you that there is no poll?”.

They all say that …
“I doubt very the polls that are commissioned by political parties. Because I fear that, often, are made to suit the client and tell him what he wants to hear. That’s why I trust only my very personal opinion polls. ”

And what would they be?
“Li elaborate alone, turning to walk the street or with my maker. The amount of people that stop me is awesome. ”

How, then, his polls?
“I’m very positive. Very”.

Salvini and Meloni said that, in the event of a run-off between Pd and M5S, They would vote for the former. And then Virginia Rays. She is afraid of grillini driving of the Capitol?
“On many issues, such as legality, they must have a say. But they have no experience to administer the Capitol. They are not ready. “

March 24, 2016 (edited March 25, 2016 | 15:42)



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