Thursday, March 24, 2016

Varoufakis in Rome to present DiEM25. The live stream – left


Today in Rome the presentation of the new movement founded by Yanis Varoufakis. Below you can follow live from 19:00.

As a global level, manifest concern for issues such as immigration and terrorism, the powers have only one true bogeyman: democracy!
self-proclaimed champions of democracy but only to deny it, to exorcise it and suppress it in practice. What once was the government of the European peoples, the Government of the demos, today is their nightmare.
The European Union could have been the torchbearer of democracy, proving to the world that peace and solidarity can be torn from the jaws of fanaticism and secular conflicts. Unfortunately a bureaucracy and a common currency divide the European peoples that were beginning to feel united despite the diversity of our languages ​​and our cultures.
Within the EU collapse lurks an illegitimate deception: a decision-making process, closely political, opaque and imposed from above is presented as “non-political”, “technical”, “procedural” and “neutral.” The goal is to prevent Europeans from holding democratic control over money, finance, working conditions and environment.
The price of this deception not only coincides with the end of democracy but also with insufficient economic policies. [...] There must be some other feasible route. And, in fact, there is! “Europe will be democratized, or disintegrate!”.
Edmund Burke There is a quote that fits perfectly in today’s Europe: “the only thing necessary because the triumph of evil is that good people do not do nothing. ” So the Democrats engaged must decide to act throughout Europe. It is to recall that impulse, that we are bringing together to found a movement, the DiEM25.Veniamo from all over Europe and we are united by different cultures, languages, accents, political affiliations, ideologies, skin color, gender identity, beliefs and ideas for a better society. [...] And the key word for this movement is: democratize Europe.

From the manifesto of Diem, the Movement for Democracy in Europe





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