Friday, March 18, 2016

Drills, the IEC takes no position on the referendum: “Neither a yes nor a no” – TGCOM

Cei has decided not to take a clear position on the referendum on drills , while he is stressing that “the theme is interesting and correction of these very carefully.” “The slogans do not work – said the secretary Monsignor Nunzio Galantino -. We must rather ensure that people will look into the matter. The point is not to declare for or against the drills, but to create spaces meeting and discussion. “

  Drill, the CEI takes no position on the  referendum: & quot; neither a yes nor a no & quot;

Responding to a question on the same subject, Msgr. Galantino said that “does not mind” the position taken on the issue of drills and referendum of April 17 (proposed by nine Regions) from the CEI newspaper Future in the wake of “ecological conversion” and “new development patterns” indicated by the Church, even in the wake of the encyclical of Pope Francesco Laudato yes.

“I wanted to raise the bar – further explained -. the problem must be addressed in the light not only of what the Pope says, but also of what was discussed at length by the Church. So talk about it, do not stop at the yes or the no , because they lack sufficient involvement of the people “. “And it’s not – he concluded – the only problem of drills, tomorrow there will be nuclear, then others. It lacks quite the cultural approach, the reason things.”

Grillo “We vote yes, Pd outrageous” – Those who take a clear position is the 5 Star Movement. “On April 17 we vote yes,” he said in a post on the blog of Beppe Grillo which was harshly attacked the position of the Democratic Party for abstention in the referendum on the augers.

“The Democratic Party – it is emphasized – has officially chosen to campaign for abstention. Representatives piddini invite citizens to stay at home: not to exercise the right and duty enshrined in the Constitution. And ‘one scandal. discourage participation is a coward act. the Party of sloth has deliberately chosen not to save 360 ​​million euro, imposing not to merge the referendum to official. Just to do a little math, that money would have paid off about half of the losses citizens cheated by

Prodi:” it ‘national suicide, if I vote no “ – the question is also, by Romano Prodi. “If I had to vote in the referendum would vote no, and I would do it to maintain the investments made, on this I have no doubt because it is a national suicide what we’re doing,” he said. “It ‘a very important issue,” added the former prime minister. “I’ve been thinking well and I must say that I have always stood on the absolute necessity to have, of course in complete safety, domestic production of hydrocarbons, as have all countries. If not us, the sea itself is done by others” .

Hope: “the Democratic party change your mind” – the minority of the Democratic party instead asked at the top of the changing position on the referendum on drilling party. “And ‘unacceptable imagine a big party, the largest in the country, which urges people to abstain. It would be a huge mistake,” said Robert Hope. Monday will meet the leadership of the party.

Orfini: “wrong Referendum, the Democratic Party voted for the law” – “The referendum on the augers is wrong, I do not agree: I believe that the the correct position is not to participate in the consultation, but it is a substantive position, we will discuss Monday in direction. ” This was stated by Chairman of the Democratic Party, Matthew Orfini, on the sidelines of a conference on Europe. To those who accuse the secretariat of a position of authority, Orfini replied: “I do not understand where that special position of authority, on Monday there is a direction called to discuss. In the direction assume this decision, but I should mention that we are talking about a referendum on a law voted by the Democratic Party when Robert Hope was the parent. It seems natural now, a position not to support. “

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Referendum drills
Monsignor Galantino
Roman warriors

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