Italy can grow only if the South back to running. It charges down the engine of the South, the Government still occurs once the instrument of the “pact” for development which brings together European and national funds – in part already allocated -by spending on some objectives and according to a precise schedule. After Sicily, Campania, Calabria, Abruzzo and Molise, the prime minister yesterday made a stop first at Taranto – where there have been protests before the signing of the development contract worth 857 million – and then to Sardinia to sign an agreement worth 2.9 billion euro with infrastructure measures – the strengthening of the railway network at the completion of the Sassari-Olbia – but also on energy, industrial revitalization, tourism and culture. In September, however it’s up to Puglia, probably at the Fiera del Levante.
A tour in the South who is “anything but a walkway” Renzi said yesterday in response to those who accused him of making a ” spot “with the resources already foreseen. And reiterating what has already been said this morning in Taranto: “After years of bad checks – said in Sassari after the signing of the pact with the governor Francesco Pigliaru, flanked by the secretaries De Vicenti and Lotti – things are changing for the South. The pacts with the territories are based on the reading of reality, identifying interventions and solutions to real problems. “
In Sardinia the signing of the pact comes at the conclusion of a process that began last September. By bringing together European funds, development and cohesion and national co-financing on the track resources for Sardinia are worth 2.9 billion (385 million already allocated 1.5 billion from 2014 to 2020 FSC and one billion from other items). Funds so divided: to 1.338 billion infrastructure; 730 million for environment and territory; 362 million for development; 117 million for tourism and culture, and 350 million for “social infrastructure”. Among the most important infrastructural projects is the completion of the four-lane Sassari-Olbia (total expected 300 million) and upgrade the network ferrovaria (100 million of the more than 125 pact of the contract with RFI) to make concorrenzial the travel time between Cagliari , Sassarie Olbia with those on the road. There are also 117 million for the completion, expansion and upgrading of the main ports of Sardinia.
Since pact also comes the commitment to the dorsal methane formation with the resources provided for by the program framework for methane, given that Sardinia is the only Italian region which does not have legal. And this translates into higher costs for households and businesses sardines. In the Covenant there are also the payment of the debt to those who are waiting for the social security benefits in 2014, and 30 million for research. Sprout even 15 million “to make production – reads the pact – the settlements of La Maddalena”, in addition to more than 30 million for environmental remediation Here Pigliaru the governor had proposed to the Prime Minister to host the G7 of 2017 “as compensation” for the G8 failure in 2009. But Renzi eventually chose Sicily. But yesterday ssicurato: “I pledge to give the most effective responses to compensate the injured and atrovare the 20 million who are still missing.”
The prime minister was bound to face some of the hottest disputes in Sardinia: “We are following the theme of the Sulcis,” he assured Renzi. “I spent May 1 with Eurallumina workers. The last time in Sulcis had spent fifteen minutes pleasant surrounded, it was 2012, he was not yet prime minister, “he recalled Renzi, referring to the objection of the workers suffered four years ago during the primaries for the selection of the Secretary then won by the Democratic Party Bersani. “We continue – he added – with all the difficulties of the case.” Renzi also cited the agreement between Meridiana and investors of Qatar, an operation positive “although I understand the pain of those who are losing their jobs. But the alternative was closure. ” It then focused on investment in the plant Matrica of Porto Torres: “Eni – said yesterday – has decided not to proceed with the sale of the green chemical industry.”
“If there’s one thing that drives me crazy, of Sardinia, – he concluded the prime minister – is the sense of belonging, the real antidote appearance, which seems to be the key to certain policy. I will continue the commitment to this region, even with this region. “
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