Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sardinia, three billion for the revival of industry, infrastructure and tourism – Il Sole 24 Ore

Italy can grow only if the South back to running. It charges down the engine of the South, the Government still occurs once the instrument of the “pact” for development which brings together European and national funds – in part already allocated -by spending on some objectives and according to a precise schedule. After Sicily, Campania, Calabria, Abruzzo and Molise, the prime minister yesterday made a stop first at Taranto – where there have been protests before the signing of the development contract worth 857 million – and then to Sardinia to sign an agreement worth 2.9 billion euro with infrastructure measures – the strengthening of the railway network at the completion of the Sassari-Olbia – but also on energy, industrial revitalization, tourism and culture. In September, however it’s up to Puglia, probably at the Fiera del Levante.

A tour in the South who is “anything but a walkway” Renzi said yesterday in response to those who accused him of making a ” spot “with the resources already foreseen. And reiterating what has already been said this morning in Taranto: “After years of bad checks – said in Sassari after the signing of the pact with the governor Francesco Pigliaru, flanked by the secretaries De Vicenti and Lotti – things are changing for the South. The pacts with the territories are based on the reading of reality, identifying interventions and solutions to real problems. “

In Sardinia the signing of the pact comes at the conclusion of a process that began last September. By bringing together European funds, development and cohesion and national co-financing on the track resources for Sardinia are worth 2.9 billion (385 million already allocated 1.5 billion from 2014 to 2020 FSC and one billion from other items). Funds so divided: to 1.338 billion infrastructure; 730 million for environment and territory; 362 million for development; 117 million for tourism and culture, and 350 million for “social infrastructure”. Among the most important infrastructural projects is the completion of the four-lane Sassari-Olbia (total expected 300 million) and upgrade the network ferrovaria (100 million of the more than 125 pact of the contract with RFI) to make concorrenzial the travel time between Cagliari , Sassarie Olbia with those on the road. There are also 117 million for the completion, expansion and upgrading of the main ports of Sardinia.

Since pact also comes the commitment to the dorsal methane formation with the resources provided for by the program framework for methane, given that Sardinia is the only Italian region which does not have legal. And this translates into higher costs for households and businesses sardines. In the Covenant there are also the payment of the debt to those who are waiting for the social security benefits in 2014, and 30 million for research. Sprout even 15 million “to make production – reads the pact – the settlements of La Maddalena”, in addition to more than 30 million for environmental remediation Here Pigliaru the governor had proposed to the Prime Minister to host the G7 of 2017 “as compensation” for the G8 failure in 2009. But Renzi eventually chose Sicily. But yesterday ssicurato: “I pledge to give the most effective responses to compensate the injured and atrovare the 20 million who are still missing.”

The prime minister was bound to face some of the hottest disputes in Sardinia: “We are following the theme of the Sulcis,” he assured Renzi. “I spent May 1 with Eurallumina workers. The last time in Sulcis had spent fifteen minutes pleasant surrounded, it was 2012, he was not yet prime minister, “he recalled Renzi, referring to the objection of the workers suffered four years ago during the primaries for the selection of the Secretary then won by the Democratic Party Bersani. “We continue – he added – with all the difficulties of the case.” Renzi also cited the agreement between Meridiana and investors of Qatar, an operation positive “although I understand the pain of those who are losing their jobs. But the alternative was closure. ” It then focused on investment in the plant Matrica of Porto Torres: “Eni – said yesterday – has decided not to proceed with the sale of the green chemical industry.”

“If there’s one thing that drives me crazy, of Sardinia, – he concluded the prime minister – is the sense of belonging, the real antidote appearance, which seems to be the key to certain policy. I will continue the commitment to this region, even with this region. “

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Parisi shakes moderates. And you work at a meeting between Berlusconi and Salvini – Il Giornale

Rome – Forza Italy and the League march divided. At least for now. And for this it is not ruled out a clarification meeting between Berlusconi and Salvini next week. Their diplomats are hard at work and has not yet been set on the day. But the two leaders could meet for a face to face would be the first after the surgery of the Knight. For now, the positions of the two are far apart and the policies seem to be two parallel destined never to meet. Not a day passes, in fact, that Salvini not show your thumbs down to the new course parisiano. Says the convention Milan Parisi, scheduled for mid-September, he will not go because “in those days I Pontida”; but above crushes the project: “Line liberal-popular return with Alfano, Flounder and Verdini? But going to give away pè …, “says the Courier. And then it’s all a ringed the differences between the League and the former manager of Fastweb: “If he wins the No to the referendum we say that Renzi has to go home, and you have to go to a vote; Parisi not. But what are we talking about?”. In short, it seems unlikely that the head of the Northern League can do an about-face and become more tender with mister Chili. But politics is the art of the possible, and at all has not escaped the diametrically opposite another big interview of the Northern League, Roberto Maroni, who the day before was in that Arcore. “Parisi? I watch him with interest, “says the governor of Lombardy. But above all: “The alliance with Le Pen’s tactical but not strategic and the next election you can not go alone.” A totally different line than that salviniana. The Northern League leader close to shrug their shoulders and minimize the sbrego “If Roberto not made a dash is not happy ….” While the Blues put his finger on: “The truth is that Salvini has internal problems and the league is not a monolith.”

Shades or not, the whole of the center area is in great turmoil Parisi and goes like a train regardless of the day of the declarations or fibrillation that his role also causes between blue. Every so often touches themes dear to the Carroccio such as terrorism: “France wants to block foreign funding for the construction of mosques and take measures to ensure that the Imams are trained in France and not elsewhere. Renzi and Alfano immediately take these measures. ‘ Every so often, however, he emphasizes his moderation: “The center does not win if it is radical, but if it is moderate.”

What will happen, then, the traditional alliance Brothers of Italy-League-Forza Italy is early to tell. Of course, among the Azzurri, many fear an irreversible rift. The most worried about is the governor of Liguria Giovanni Toti yesterday categorically belied a reconstruction of Dagospia who gave disgraced in that Arcore. But it is not only Toti to take into great consideration the liaison with Salvini. Brunetta also warns: “In Rome we took the wrong and must never happen again. From this No Renzi it has to start the project of the center-right government; a project that is based on a four leaf clover: Forza Italy, League, Brothers of Italy, but mainly the public spirit of our mayors and people. “


Pakistan expelled from Italy: “He had sworn allegiance ISIS ‘- Il Sole 24 Ore

he was a “would-fighter ‘, which has already lent oath of submission to the Caliph, the Pakistan of 26 years of which hung an expulsion order by the interior minister executed by the police of Ros in Vaprio d’Adda, in the province of Milan. Among his potential targets, according to investigators, there would be a liquor store. “He was ready for martyrdom, his behavior was very dangerous,” said the Minister Alfano.

The Pakistani, married to a compatriot, arrived in Italy in 2003 with his family, he attended Italian schools and had a steady job. The measure – say the investigators – was taken after a long investigation coordinated by the District Attorney of Milan anti-terrorism in accordance with the National Anti-Mafia and anti-terrorism, which has allowed us to verify a “growing process of radicalization in key jihadist ‘man on several occasions, had expressed their adherence to the Islamic State and the sharing of the actions committed by various terrorist organizations jihadist galaxy.

the man, in fact, in addition to having expressed a desire to reach theaters war to join the militias of the Islamic State, trying to convince other countrymen, including his wife, showed “signs of progressive ideological exaltation in support of the Islamic State”, declaring
be willing to join the jihad with an act of martyrdom. He thought the Paris attacks a “legitimate” reaction to the operations from France and Isis anti-Syrian coalition in the Iraqi theater.

As emerged from the police investigation, the Pakistani was found very active on social networks and he tried and tested in Internet documents and videos related to Islamic fundamentalism and jihadi terrorism, taking into virtual contacts with people from the Islamic-radical orientation, some of which then affected by precautionary measures to acts of terrorism and expelled from Italy for same reasons.

the cooperation with foreign judicial authorities allowed him to observe his constant interest in the content, particularly violent and bloody, propaganda and published on the web training organization

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Expelled a Pakistani suspected of collusion with terrorism – BBC

a Pakistani 26 year old was expelled on suspicion of having links to terrorism. As is clear from the investigation it would be a fact, that he “would-combatant” already lent oath of submission to the caliph on him hung a deportation order by the Interior Minister, Angelino Alfano, who was executed by the police of Ros and Milan Vaprio d’Adda. Among his potential targets, according to investigators, there would be a liquor store. Pakistan, married to a compatriot, arrived in Italy in 2003 with his family, he attended Italian schools and had a steady job in a shop. The measure – say the investigators – was taken after a long investigation coordinated by the District Attorney of Milan anti-terrorism in accordance with the National Anti-Mafia and anti-terrorism, which has allowed us to verify a “growing process of radicalization in key jihadist” of Pakistani, on several occasions, he had expressed its adherence to the Islamic State and the sharing of the actions committed by various terrorist organizations jihadist galaxy.

the young man, in fact, in addition to having expressed the desire to reach the theaters of war to join the militias of the Islamic State, trying to convince other countrymen, including his wife, It showed “signs of progressive ideological exaltation in support of the Islamic State”, claiming to be willing to join the jihad in an act of martyrdom. He thought the Paris attacks a “legitimate” reaction to the operations from France and Isis anti-Syrian coalition in the Iraqi theater. As emerged from the police investigation, the Pakistani was found very active on social networks and had sought and examined documents on the Internet and movies related to Islamic fundamentalism and jihadi terrorism, taking into virtual contacts with people from the radical-Islamic orientation some of which then hit by precautionary measures for terrorism and expelled from Italy for the same reasons. The cooperation with foreign judicial authorities has allowed to observe his constant interest in the content, particularly violent and bloody, propaganda and published on the web by the terrorist organization training.

the Minister notes

“I have signed the expulsion of a Pakistani, considered dangerous for state security reasons. A major anti-terror operation, led admirably by Ros and the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri in Milan, supported by the magistrates, has allowed, in fact, the identification of the subject of twenty-six, living in Milan, tracked down as a result of a complex activity survey which found a type jihadist radicalization process already in place. ” This was underlined in a statement the Interior Minister Alfano noting that the man “was ready for martyrdom.” “The Pakistani – said Alfano – had repeatedly asserted its ideological affiliation to Isis, praising the heinous acts committed by jihadi terrorists, and his behavior was considered particularly dangerous because, in addition to responding to a radicalized profile, sketched a very active on the internet, in full keeping with the pattern of violence spread by Isis web. ” The Pakistani also expelled, Alfano said in its release, he was “engaged in proselytizing against even his wife, convinced, in so exalted, they want to reach the main theaters of the conflict to make a contribution as a fighter, ready to a act of martyrdom in the name of jihad. ”

July 31, 2016 | 12:44



Mattarella is war, but not religion – Il Sole 24 Ore


“The fears of citizens must be respected, born from seeing the violence of terrorism of Islamic origin, and within our societies: now serves as a serious answer from the State to ensure safety. ” Thus begins the interview that Sergio Mattarella has released the director of Tg1 Mario Orfeo back on reflections of the days past when he spoke of the “risk of an age of anxiety.” So the first responsibility of the institutions is to protect and reassure first with “the preventive activities that can not be seen but it is the most valuable to avoid that fear will prevail.” In the days when the emergence of terrorism becomes more acute Mattarella insists on one point: “If the terrorists were aware that reach the goal to frighten would have an incentive to continue.”

It is therefore necessary that the government also face action of public opinion information so that anxiety is not food. “Citizens must be aware of what you are doing. They are fielding a lot of actions. ” Although gaps remain particularly at European level in sharing information.

But this is not a religious war, on this issue Mattarella has very clear ideas that resemble those of Pope Francis. “It is a war in a different format, without borders. The fact that the vast majority of the victims are of the Islamic religion does not understand that this is a religious war. This terrorism, cynically, trying to use religion in the impossible hope of provoking a conflict between Muslims and Catholics, but this will not happen. “

Yesterday was also the eve of an important day, one in which – after the appeal of the center for French Muslim Faith – the faithful are invited to visit the churches in solidarity. A gesture that has deeply impressed the head of state. “The invitation of the French Islamic community, collected in Italy, because Muslims are to go in Christian churches in solidarity is very significant.” But what pressed Mattarella is to insist especially on what are the duties of the State and the protection of individual rights of each individual. “We can not and we must not distort the principles of our civilization, which are the result of history and, moreover, it would not help. What is needed is an effective anticipatory action, intelligence and police action perfectly compatible with the rights and freedom, overcoming old habits that impede information sharing and operational cooperation. ”

With yesterday’s interview with Tg1 Mattarella wanted to reassure citizens, informing them that the state is working to their safety. But yesterday was also the time when the Quirinale has breathed a sigh of relief at the outcome of the bank stress tests.


Chil post, Gip stores investigation into the father of Renzi – Il Sole 24 Ore

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Saturday, July 30, 2016

It is off the smile of Marchesini, comic talent and brave – BBC

Yet one can not think of Anna Marchesini, who died Saturday morning in his Orvieto to 62 years after a terrible ordeal, without dedicating them one last smile. It was a natural comic force and demonstrate his years with the beloved trio shared with Solenghi and Lopez, the popular national membership parody of Betrothed on television, and the great power of observation on little things that made her beloved by the general public and even petted the niche who enjoyed the imitations, a classic comic war horse, the great female protagonists like Wanna Marchi and Rita Levi Montalcini.

A life that seemed banner of , begun in Orvieto November 19, 1953 that was able to convey the healing power of humor and then, perhaps for a memesi historical, the ‘he caused her to a long and painful endgame. Not only rheumatoid arthritis who had nailed to an increasingly unhappy life but that does not stop her from performing almost until the end, but also the personal complications that led to a stormy divorce by her former husband, Paki Valente. Therefore, near the times of global popularity as an historical edition of “Domenica In”, 40 episodes 40000 laughter, and a “Great,” which remains in the annals for the Khomeini parody that threatened to undermine the relations between Italy and Iran, there were also actress choices aimed at a more limited audience, more cultured, more ready to mix humor with sadness: the irresistible satire of Alan Bennett of the Ceremony Massage , the d ue spinsters by Tommaso Landolfi and Cirino Marilda you can not do , the reading presented last season at the Piccolo Teatro, where he had taken the first steps in a famous Chekhov Strehler.

in the years in which he lived the Trio went on stage two shows best-seller all over Italy: Fasten your seat belts and In the beginning was the Trio , a true miracle of irreverence, intelligence but also communication with the general public, a cabaret that combined the talents of three characters, which then divided to finally reunite 25 years later, in a nostalgic magazine. Marchesini, Solenghi and Lopez had had a beginning “Genoese” signed to Rai for a radio program entitled “Helzapoppin RadioDue”, which continued to rage listeners giving way to the popularity of course destined to flow into the television variety show where the trio was able to give personal touch of irony linked to the culture as in the case of witty parody Manzoni. She graduated in 1979 at the D’Amico, the Marchesini had the opportunity to work with great matadors, including Guazzelli, Maranzana, Scaccia not coincidentally also all masters of rude humor. He had the courage to widen her smile, more and more tinged with melancholy, writing three volumes ( The balcony geraniums timid , On Wednesday , Moscerine ) published with great success.

The actress, one of the few women who have started choosing the taste of laughter, had appreciated the talents and intelligence of Franca Valeri, teacher of all, however, by adjusting the personality not only to living with two other actors from different backgrounds but also managing to touch and neuroses contemporary obsessions without leaving the pathos of the female character. In the last period of his career, the actress has strongly requested the woman, never even a venial sin of vulgarity, a special role that the public, seeing more and more tiny, helpless and alone on stage, repaid her with an enthusiasm in which there were several reasons to say thank you. As he did yesterday Fabio Fazio in tears: “I now miss a friend who made us laugh so much. It is the great privilege of comedians leave a laugh in the memory. “

July 30, 2016 (amendment July 30, 2016 | 20:41)



Rome, waste senators Pd against Muraro. “Other than honesty, it monnezzopoli” – The Republic

Our Rome invaded by waste and un’assessore who claims to be alien to everything but then works for Ama for years. A film: #monnezzopoli. In Rome junk everywhere and un’assessore waste that has interests in Ama. Nothing but honesty. #Monnezzopoli #Muraro. The new councilor # M5S in Rome #Muraro consultant Ama for over 10 years. Not enough direct streaming to be transparent! #monnezzopoli “.

So senators Pd Monica Cirinnà, Rosanna Fillippin and Francesca Puglisi, on Twitter, while not subsiding clash between to Ama resigning Daniele Fortini, and the councilor for the Environment. Fortini in an interview with Republic today reaffirms that during his 12 years in Ama Muraro had a wage ‘ compared to that of an important executive and had positions of great responsibility was designated to environmental control systems of the four loves, including tmb Rocca Cencia where he carried out the raid, and concluded that the facility is in shameful conditions. Muraro also knew the plant leaders, before he took them to the former Franco Panzironi, arrested for Mafia capital, through the selection of the same commission of which some components have been sentenced in the process Parentopoli. “ Then always Fortini SkyTg24 to ggiunge: “Rome is in a condition of extreme precariousness and fragility, which can determine if there are no necessary corrections, the formidable risk of infiltration also of organized crime. I believe that the bicameral committee should raise the alert level. “

The Muraro its part replica :” If I was contacted by the prosecution? No. What I would do if I were to be investigated? I can not think of a thing that is not in my availability. But I ready my dossier, I’ll pull out at the right time. “

And now the thrust of the Democratic Party senators.” In Rome on waste affair is shaping a bleak picture and bleak – adds Alessia Rotta Dem responsible for communication – Around the figure of the neo Muraro councilor in the council Rays are intertwined opaque ties that bring back the capital of at least twenty years old, having relationships with German and those consultations for he loves that lasted for 12 years, that they did collect more than one million Euros thanks to a contract revalued for Panzironi. “hand it adds:” So much for transparency, then if all this is also added the figure of Alfonso Marra former employee of German and loyalist Panzironi and even among the closest collaborators of the rays. Ray has nothing to say about all this or has even forgotten that she was the president of Hgr, of Gloria Rojo owned company, secretariat Panzironi in Love? “.

While president of the Democratic Party deputies, Ettore Rosato asks the mayor to assess whether Muraro can remain. “Transparency is not a home movie on Facebook and honesty is not a campaign slogan. What bothered him was the presumption with which grillini campaigning professed honesty and quick fixes.
Once you get to the government – has sottolineato- the music has changed: Rome is dirty no more or less (rather than more) before the Rays were elected mayor: and she has been to say that it would solve the problem three weeks ago. But in the meantime it turned out that those who should solve the problem, the councilor for Environment Paola Muraro, went away with a million euro in counseling from quell’Ama today on charges of inefficiency and delays. It’s still. The same has never played a useful role in the company while his lievitava salary with former to Panzironi sentenced to 5 years for Parentopoli “

” The mayor is Rays Monday in plenary to report on Julius Caesar ‘Councillor Muraro. The Five Stars put into practice the transparency that so far have only preached. “

To ask is the leader of the Democratic Party in the Assembly Capitolina, Michela Di Biase , which has submitted a question to the mayor for seek clarification on “what role did the commissioner Muraro, before assuming the post of council, compared to Love, which has received compensation from the company and whether it had any professional assignments of any kind, with other public and private companies waste management sector. “
junta rays
waste roma
paola muraro
Monica Cirinnà
Di Biase


Parisi points to the “center” and download Salvini – Il Sole 24 Ore


To mobilize the moderates, riaggregarli to get them back protagonists. It is the mantra that Stefano Parisi continues to repeat since Silvio Berlusconi has entrusted him with the mandate to re-Fi and build a political proposal to bring the center-right government. That’s the goal, which is based on two facts, or rather of two failures: that of the Nation party, which in renziano design should have to attract even the moderate center-right voters, but also Lepenist Salvini, intended – as the numbers show – to remain a minority. To be realized or not, the operation Parisi is already producing results. Not only inside but also in the League Fi where the line of the secretary was openly questioned. Salvini is aware and reacts by mobilizing the base with an unfriendly survey: “Friends, what do you think of Parisi and the proposal to rebuild a center with Alfano, Verdini, Fini, Casini, Flounder and company?”. But click on Facebook will not be enough to curb those in Carroccio believe “losing” the position taken by the leaders of the League.

A watch with interest the operation is rather Angelino Alfano. The Ncd leader and Interior Minister has met in recent days its parliamentary giving the green light to the creation of a new container, an inter-parliamentary group of which will be included in the verdiniani Ala and that part of civic Choosing stayed with Enrico Zanetti and that will have as a common point, the “yes” to constitutional reform. One way to prepare for the post-referendum because in any case – as has been saying for some time Alfano – you will make a “cutting” to the government and they will understand even if the operation Parisi is set to continue.

Berlusconi at the moment it seems determined. “It’s up to the moderate determine the route” and in this area, says Parisi in an interview with the Corriere della night, “there is no room for lepenisti models.” A message that certainly can not please Salvini but that is in tune with the governor of Lombardy Roberto Maroni: “I am interested in all contributions useful to bring together the center to make it competitive, it seems to me that these are his intentions, we will see the next He moves that will, if it goes in the right direction. ” The point is precisely the “competitiveness” that the conditions for the center can go back to being the protagonist of the race for the conquest of Palazzo Chigi. “There’s a huge space to bring people to vote for the center,” says Parisi, who does not seem concerned about the vetoes of Salvini: “If there will be all good, otherwise someone will decide to stay out.”

Parisi, however, has to do also deal with internal resistance. Since the so-called Northern axis led by the governor of Liguria Giovanni Toti, deployed in defense of the relationship with the League of Salvini. At stake are the internal equilibrium of the blue party but also, ultimately, the choices of the “new ruling class” that tomorrow would arrive in Parliament. Berlusconi reassures all in words. But few feel safe. Also because the former prime minister have not escaped the positions taken on the future of WiFi and the leadership of the center that some of those once considered his loyalists, have expressed their own during his time at the San Raffaele.


Friday, July 29, 2016

Rai appointments, M5S against Renzi: “Nothing blitz in view of the referendum” – Il Giornale

Politics fibrillation ahead of the referendum this autumn, which will decide the fate of the country and, above all, those of the Renzi government. And in such a delicate situation the role of information is crucial. In this regard, the president of the RAI Vigilance Commission, Roberto Fico (M5S), puts his hands back and warned the government: “Ahead of a crucial referendum campaign for democracy – writes on Facebook – not proceed to appoint editors in Chief deployed for one or the other field. Until now the data speak for themselves, the Yes is rampant. we must ward off any attempt at authoritarian blitz “.

Chapter salaries. If the roof is not respected, says Fico, “the only ones responsible are Renzi and the majority. Not only have they done nothing to reintroduce the limit, now even pretend to get angry. They are the quintessential ‘ hypocrisy “.

“Moreover – pursues Fico – the general director of RAI in the Supervisory Board has been very clear on this point, stating that it had negotiated their salaries but had accepted the proposal that had been made. For this will ask that those responsible for the government, Renzi in the first place, and Padoan, are in the Supervisory Board to seek full clarity on the issue and on the overruns of the roof to salaries. “

” but what kind of authoritarian blitz raves Fico? – asks the senator of the Democratic Party Francesco Verducci, Vice President of the Supervisory Committee Rai -. but what kind of rampant campaign for the Yes raves? reread the data, and will be able to check the balance between the forces policies in information Rai. and above all stop interfering in the appointments, it is for the Rai making autonomy and certainly not him. Fico – continues Verducci – has an attitude reminiscent of ‘capataz’ of the first Republic. But the reform of ‘governance’ that we wanted that time has erased it, with all due respect to Fig. I expect instead by company leaders to live up to what is always said in these months: that the appointments are made and people are chosen on the basis of projects and plans, and not vice versa. When there will be new appointments, in particular in the field of information – concludes Verducci – so I expect they’re in the presentation of a clear plan, not divorced from it or isolated. “


Appointments Rai, M5s attack. Fico: “No authoritarian blitz ahead of the referendum”. Verducci (Pd): “raves” – The Republic

“Ahead of a crucial referendum campaign for democracy, is used to appoint the head of directors lined up for one or the other field. Until now the data are clear, the ‘yes’ is rampant. We must ward off any attempt authoritarian blitz. ” So on Facebook Commission President supervisory Rai Roberto Fico of the Movement 5 stars, who in his post also attacks the government on the issue salaries: “If in the Rai salaries roof is not respected – writes Fico – the only ones responsible are Renzi the majority. not only have they done nothing to reintroduce the limit, now even pretend to get angry. they are the epitome of hypocrisy. “

But the fig attack decisively rejected by members of the Democratic Party in the RAI Oversight Commission, from vice president Francesco Verducci: “But what kind of authoritarian blitz raves Fico? But what kind of rampant campaign for the Yes raves? reread the data, and can verify the balance between political forces in information Rai. and above all stop interfering in the appointments, it is for the Rai making autonomy and certainly not him. “

the issue of new appointments took shape yesterday during the meeting of the supervisory Commission Rai, when the deputy Dalila Nesci of M5s spoke explicitly of a decision in the next board of directors, scheduled for August 3 and Rai vertices in hearing did not comment in any way. While Carlo Freccero, grillini indicated by the board of directors, has branded the rumors: “A maneuver Stalinist against Berlinguer: the dg bends at Palazzo Chigi”.

“Why the head, the direction and drawing not announced lawsuit against the Rai counselor? “, he writes the deputy of the democratic party and the supervisory Commission Secretary Rai, Michele Anzaldi in his Facebook page.

“we are seeing pitch invasions that take us back to the First Republic,” says Vinicio Peluffo, Democratic Party leader in supervisory Commission. “The spirit of the Rai governance reform – explains Peluffo – commits the manager to take responsibility for their choices, transparency and independence of the company, first in front of the board of directors. This marked a key step in the direction of keep away from politics Rai. it is surprising then, and it is unacceptable that a member of the board of the same company as Carlo Freccero, invoke the intervention of Fico on issues and decisions that relate only to the company, and that the President of the Supervisory collect the invitation and we overs at the time of.

According to the rumors dg Rai Antonio Campo Dell’Orto could present to the board of directors new directors of the news: Mario Orfeo remains to TG1, TG2 is promoted to Deputy director Ida Colucci, while the Bianca Berlinguer TG3 would be replaced by Antonio Di Bella, who has already guided the head from 2001 to 2009 and which would keep Rainews guide, the aim of a unified newsroom. A revolution that reaches the height of the controversy over maxistipendi Rai, even before the dg present the plan for the reduction of fees and that for the solution of the “luxury parked” of Viale Mazzini. Plans that still require “some

But the discontent is bipartisan, and also involve councilors in proportion Democratic Party, who want first to discuss the plan for the information of the editorial director Carlo Verdelli, whose cornerstones they were presented on June 8. “But such guidelines, it was a report from the seminar, we want to first discuss a real piano,” hisses Franco Siddi. Also on the same line Paul Mass, the center area. Guelph Guelph, considered the most renziano, shows many doubts: “We are free people, our liking has a strong weight.” Arturo Diaconale, center area, warns: “I will not be as firm as a milestone”.

Viale Mazzini no official comment: line is that before the names you are faced with the Verdelli plan. But it is possible that floor and nominations come together on August 3. The order of the appointments of the board of directors of the news day does not appear: you should discuss the report on the financial statements and internal audit. But there is time until 48 hours before the meeting to update the odg.

From the organizational point of view, the main change would be the merger between TG3 and RAI News, echoing an idea of ​​the former dg Gubitosi. The merger will bring savings at various levels, from the salary of the Director to the use of post, but above all allow each moment to open windows on RAI-3 with direct Rainews, very dear to the general manager. Bella has doubled the ratings of its canal “all news”, as Orfeo boasts good numbers for Tg1.

Ida Colucci, once considered close to Forza Italy, is the real news. He checked on more acceptable names Dall’Orto Camp as Sarah Varetto (Skytg24) and Gaia Tortora La7. From Palazzo Chigi, with the okay of Alfano, it arrived the stop: “Enough external.” And the centrists led by Colucci. The Dall’Orto Campo road is downhill: Board of Directors with a two-thirds majority can block the appointments of the news. A confrontation with counselors would be a bank for those in the Democratic Party, as Michele Anzaldi, speaks explicitly of “no confidence” towards the manager who had to build Rai renziana.


“Well Parisi, to Sicily I’ll Alfano? Expect the referendum “- Live Sicily

PALERMO- “I met Stefano Parisi. I told him if you want my advice, I am here “. Berlusconi has launched a few days ago, as a new can “re-founder” of the Italian center. And today the Sicilian commissioner of Forza Italy has now had a long talk with what could be the next candidate for prime minister: “But it was a chance encounter, we’ve known for so many years.”

yet she met him in these days. The days of ‘ “investiture” official part of the Knight and the resulting tensions in the party …

“Believe me, the meeting does not have much to do with these issues. I was in Milan for personal issues. We felt, and seen for a drink, nothing abnormal. He wanted to thank me. “


” I have deployed in support of his leadership in Forza Italy. And he loved. “

Beyond the national issues, you also talked about Sicily?

” Very briefly, to tell the truth. All I did was tell him of Sicily I’ll use it. “

And where are we then? Musumeci has heard? It asks you to hurry to the choice of the candidate.

“Musumeci is right to be rushed, to move us to act quickly. But it should also give us the time to take all necessary steps. In view of the race at the Palazzo d’Orleans his name is on the table and discuss. As will be discussed other proposals. “

His reconstruction task is not easy. While Musumeci says “we do soon,” Saverio Romano warns: “It ‘s too right.” How will you get out of this mess?

“The task of rebuilding the center did not tell me the doctor has prescribed. We’ll see how it goes in the next few days. I felt even with Romano, of course. But until we clarify the perimeter of our coalition has little sense to talk about candidates. “

About Parisi, his first moves seem to go into a dialogue with the moderates and a departure from the League. It was a little ‘what I asked you Alfano, do not you?

“One thing must be clear: Alfano wrong if it tries to put stakes and conditions. We currently on a national level we are allied with the League and there we remain. Then, of course we are interested in the reconstruction of moderate and centrist area. But if the assumption is the break with the League, we can close any discussion here. “

According to statements of recent days, the League was not the only problem. But also the fact that Ncd continue to support the Democratic Party in Rome as in Sicily.

“This is a time in which each political force pulls to grind. But since you do not vote in two days, the alliance of Ncd with the PD at the time does not seem a big problem. After all, everything could change abruptly over the coming months. “

The referendum? Everything revolves around what?

“Yes, obviously. After the referendum will change everything anyway, regardless of the outcome. If, as we hope, will win the ‘no’, Renzi will not be able to go home. But then it needs a government that works to a new electoral law before the elections. And we will be protagonists of that government. “

Here then the” holy alliance “: all together, under the pretext of the electoral law?

” No pretext . And every speech is still premature. But certainly, I repeat, the referendum will change everything. And we, whatever happens, we’ll be ready. “


Parisi-Salvini, is breaking. Forza Italy seethes. Help to Renzi Berlusconi –

salvini parisi


 After the words of Parisi of Le Pen and “extremists” the divorce between Berlusconi and Salvini appear granted unless it is a new “auction” to renumber the political weight of the forces.
Parisi has been clear: “I had a dual mandate from the President: FI drive and make a liberal center – the popular”; Salvini has suffered repeated what he had already said: Parisi could be a good mayor, a hole rattoppatore but no more; national politics is another.

 In all this Toti plays the part of an honest girl seduced and abandoned by the usual “scoundrel” fascinating.

At this point, the scenario that goes drawing is a kind of “Romanization” of the center – right National (indeed widely expected after the outcome of the municipal capital) with a clear separation between wing liberal – moderate popular and extreme wing, Lepenist that could also look again at Casa Pound especially in a global scenario of revenge of populist forces .

 The scenario is clear but with these choices, the center – right is destined to disappear from the political scene for an obvious reason, the same as the chorus sang in the movie Captain America: “United we win separate you lose”; Roma docet.

 So it’s difficult to go to the Policies with a Italicum changed by the vote to the coalition and not to the list without being united; it is for this consideration that the current scenario is more tactical than strategic.

 The other strange point of Parisi’s speeches is that Renzi should remain in government even if the referendum goes wrong; which naturally caused resentment in mid Forza Italy and the whole of Italy Fratelli League.

 One wonders: but what’s underneath?

 Two possibilities: a deep unpreparedness to handle the elections and therefore the need to point directly to the 2018 to reorganize or worse a “help” to Renzi in exchange for a favorable law on former Knight industries, as is clearly stated Salvini .

 In each of these cases it is not clear why a militant efforts should be made to the referendum for the “no”, since the result would be the same as the “yes.”



Pa, Renzi: more money for contracts. Forest with the Police –

It ‘s time to “put right an injustice,” and the government is ready to “put more money” for contract renewals in Pa, after “seven years without pay rises.” This was announced by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi at the end of a Council of Ministers which approved definitively a large ‘package’ of decrees of Madia reform, including the Unlock works .

Since the CDM has arrived so the bundling of Forestry in arming the Carabinieri and new mechanisms to untie the appointment of healthcare executives from the influence of the political shift. The opening of Renzi about renewals gives strength to a newly initiated negotiations “must open a new era in relations with employees of the public administration” announces but warns: “it is clear that those who work in Pa must be rewarded and those who make clever It should be punished. ” The unions appreciate the premier outlet and especially the passage on resources: “the figure in the stability law is little more than symbolic,” admits Renzi (have the 300 million allocated last maneuver). Cgil, Cisl and Uil being expressed their satisfaction with the words of the prime minister. For the leader of the UIL, Carmel Barbagallo, “if such a strong commitment to follow the facts, that today will be a significant turning point.” According to the secretary general of FP CGIL, Serena Sorrentino has landed “a response to public workers claim”. A praise comes from the number one of the CISL FP, Giovanni Faverin, emphasizes: Now “want decent” contracts. Still on the P.A. become law “four” measures targati Madia. French experience Italy resumes accelerator process, says Renzi. “Think” for the works and settlements destined to have a strong impact on the economy or employment: half the time for the paperwork and in case of intervention of the Prime Minister stalled. So practices that today have deadlines on average between 30 and 180 days can be reduced to 15-90. In case of expiration of the term may take the replacement power of the prime minister. The process sprint will be recognized only to certain projects, the list will be set up by a decree of President of the Council, every year at the end of March 31. The goal is to attract, and not lose, investments. Become also reads another measure ‘son’ of the P.a reform, the decree that aims to limit the discretion of the appointments of the local health managers. For the selection of doctors you will have to fish from an ad hoc list. “No more health in the hands of the worst policy,” he emphasizes Renzi illustrating the measure. The other measure is cashed on the reorganization of the police force, which rose from 5 to 4, with the incorporation of Forestry in arming the Carabinieri. Operation will not lead to a decrease in “policemen” in “streets” emphasizes the Prime Minister, while the Minister of Agriculture, Maurizio Martina, ensures that will “safeguard the professionalism” of the forest, with the creation of “a specific command” .

Tap the destination also another piece of Madia delegation: the reorganization of the ports. A new map of the airports, you pass “as you pass 57 to 15 port authorities,” said the minister of Infrastructure Graziano Delrio. In addition, the harbor Committee will turn into a kind of streamlined board of directors, with a drastic reduction of the armchairs. In addition to the front P.a, Palazzo Chigi also approved new measures to compensate citizens affected by natural disasters, given that so far proved “difficult to return money to those who had a private harm”, recognizes Renzi.


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Parisi: “We need a federazioneChi there is, stay out” – BBC

“it’s up to the moderate establish the route. It’s up to the moderate return to this area of ​​its central location and its leadership. ” L ” Representative ‘never speaks of “hegemony” but it is clear the political and cultural traces of his liberal-popular project. So Stefano Parisi will abut the idea – “an idea of ​​government, not an idea minority” – and “the input of modernizer” assigns to Silvio Berlusconi: “It is he who is pushing for change, in order to recover at least part of those ten million votes lost by the center. ” To succeed, “serves an alternative to the center-line and competitive with the Five Stars. It needs a new policy, with an honest leadership and quality that moves in transparent decision-making processes. It needs a language of truth on the most pressing issues for the country, out of the political correctness of certain elites who failed. It also serves a political fair play that goes beyond the logic of de-legitimization of power between enemies. Because of these attitudes, the screams on TV, have led citizens to boycott the polls. Or to vote against something rather than for something. ”

First of fair play with opponents, the center-right would need a fair play between allies.
“The quarrels that have occurred over the years, the self-referential mechanisms, linger only discuss internal matters, led to the defeats. But as soon as you give a hope, the ruling class is mobilized and is mobilizing the militancy. The liberal-popular project – to regain the trust of public opinion – some pointing to a dialogue between the structures of the existing parties but also aims to go further: to involve young people in politics, the business world and associations, so to deal with complicated dossier. ”

i guess you know by “charge” you are attracting the suspicions of those who thinks he wants to be the ‘candidate’ at Palazzo Chigi.
“I do not care about my role, we will see later what will be. For now I have assumed this dual role: Berlusconi asked me a project for the revitalization of Forza Italy and at the same time work to the construction of the liberal-popular. At this it will serve the Convention scheduled for September in Milan. ”

Do you think you rely on the General Assembly, as in the days of the junta Albertini?
“The States-General promoted a comparison between institutions and parties. The Convention will serve to collect new useful contributions to build programmatic platform liberal-popular. ”

At the League secretary, Matteo Salvini, this crib already does not like. He says that if in your program there will be the defense of the euro, Angela Merkel and Hillary Clinton, you’ll have to forget about their votes.
‘Meanwhile, our priority now is to establish the route of the moderate government. First are the moderates. And in moderate perimeter of course there is room for lepenisti models. Having clarified this, I think of the questions ask now is a mistake, and that – if he wants to govern the country – the League should ask yourself this question “.

Complicated adopt the “model Milan ‘on a national basis: it is one thing to agree to administer a city, else a program to govern the country.
“The principle is the same. And I believe that through dialogue we can reach an understanding of the program. If we take the need to keep everyone together, by force, it would be wrong. It would seem to Romano Prodi reissue the Union. ”

As the new coalition should be structured?
“Much will depend on the election law. The ideal would be a federal mechanism to bind together the moderate soul and the more radical, allowing everyone a degree of autonomy. Do not forget that the center has undergone various diasporas in recent years and would not be conceivable remitting all suffered together. From this point of view the “model Milan” worked. ”

Do you think that Angelino Alfano and Matteo Salvini can live together or end the parties will be eliminated extreme?
“We are witnessing a serious crisis of the country into a severe global crisis and we plan to bring to a vote attardandoci million voters on the political alchemy? With program solutions we will resolve the problems if there will be all good, otherwise someone will decide to stay out. Also on this scheme have to change along with the commitment to renew in depth the political class. “

Are you saying that would overcome the current political forces?
“It is not said, but there is no doubt that should regenerate, perhaps new organizational forms, adopt a new staff and a language appropriate to the times.”

And maybe would also adopt the primary mechanism to choose the candidate for prime minister …
“There are not only the primary to avoid that the choice is the result of an appointment. Other democratic processes could define leadership. ” How’s the leaders of Forza Italy? “The reception was spectacular.”

There, they know that every commissioned by Berlusconi has always been downloaded from Berlusconi.
“no … We’re working on a big project. The ambition is to regenerate the Italian politics “.

Do not fear that a Yes victory in the referendum could jeopardize his project, since which it was deployed for the No?
“Andrei ahead anyway, because I am convinced that the constitutional reform launched by the government would create chaos and would be due to disputes as was the amendment of Title V, including the one approved by a majority. For this reason, and only for reasons of substance, I hope the victory of No. And it was a mistake to reduce the prime minister all of a plebiscite on his government. We must avoid the logic of blackmail. We must avoid to frighten the citizens and the markets. We must discuss the merits, as rightly pointed out the President of the Republic. ”

If he wins the No said Matteo Renzi should still remain at Palazzo Chigi.
“If he wins the No I said the legislature should continue to allow the Parliament to return to legislate so as to abolish the Senate and allow – in the next legislature – the birth of a Constituent Assembly, which it would be for change in more depth our Charter. Italy needs a strong government with a president of the strongest Council. To do all of this would serve an executive called to set up a Constituent Assembly process again and bipartisan. We should give time to the Houses of work until 2018, also to launch a proper electoral law because the majority of government must reflect the majority of Italians. “

July 28, 2016 (amendment July 29, 2016 | 07:57)



Thursday, July 28, 2016

Alfano: “We are the conditions for a new alliance with FI” – The Republic

“They seem to be born of the new conditions to create a major business combination of the moderate, liberal and popular although we must be clear on programs, designation of the party, because none of the parties who participate can impose its own name and on the leadership which, as I said when I was still in the PDL, should be chosen on the basis of the primary, “the leader said dell’Ncd and Interior Minister Angelino Alfano talking about the future of his party and a possible alliance with FI.

one hypothesis, that of a new alliance on the right, which seems reinforced by the closing Matteo Salvini against Stefano Parisi , grown from managers worked in politics for hindering Beppe Sala in the race to the mayor of Milan to that of man imposed by Silvio Berlusconi at the center of the revival project of Forza Italy

And his aversion to Parisi, Salvini had already expressed on July 21, commenting on the convention center launched in September of the same Parisi: “I will go to the appointment because they are curious by nature but Parisi ask what kind of Europe, where taxes, what justice, what approach to immigration has in mind his center-right “was being said the leader of the League, adding immediately:” If Parisi thinks of an old center, dominated by Brussels, Merkel, banks, is not what I think. “

Parisi, for its part , it waited a few days, probably the time to decant the discontent and the poisons of the old blue guard who muddied the waters of Forza Italy, before you take the plunge and indicate its way: the building, starting with the face-to-face 16 and 17 September, one pole of the moderates, always for Berlusconi majority of the country. “It has been much talk about leadership, when the first problem is the content: I have given my availability to build a concrete and successful popular liberal program, which will be established prior to any speech. We will all meet to make Milan starts the regeneration of the center first and then the country. the yard has just opened. “

Marked by the adjective” moderate “, that program and the site may not be of interest to Salvini. Who live on the Radio Padania does not leave space even to curiosity. “I Parisi I supported – says the League secretary, remembering the League’s support for the center-right candidate for Milan – but a mayor has to metropolitan functional, roads, fix housing. Another thing is to propose an alliance, a jam, a mixed fry and nationally proven to not be functioning. “

” If anyone thinks to involve me or the League in alliance with Verdini, Alfano, Cicchitto, Tosi, flounder, etc. , has the wrong address – cut short Salvini – For me the distinction of the next alliance will be the foreign policy: those who want to Merkel, defends to the hilt is the euro or cattail Hillary Clinton can not stay with the League. If Parisi is a reformer of Forza Italy is fine, but if anyone thinks to digest the indigestible League alliances, I’m in. “

Salvini, then, who does not believe in Forza Italy, in official statements, passes the message a digested, metabolized and especially shared leadership Parisi. The tensions, however, persist. “Right now it’s not clear who’s boss in Forza Italy. Look before you make a judgment. Berlusconi is not so much that I feel it. The distinction is not between liberals and lepenisti, moderates and extremists, but between free men and slaves. And the servants, at this time, there are both right and left. “

the replica of Alfano. With Salvini “the fact of not being together is one of the few things that unites us. Someone like me as it might be with Salvini and Casapound, representing the extreme right of our country? Something that has a location in ‘ European far-right but that has nothing to do with the moderates, with the liberals and popular. and who wants to get out of Europe for policy and Italy to article 1 of the statute of the League, where he wants to go ?, “replied the leader Ncd Angelino Alfano.

” This – he added – is a problem that concerns Forza Italy and the League. view from my point of view it is a positive statement, which facilitates project : moderate aggregation taking the League and Casapound right. “

” An aggregation – he continued – that has the power to draw to itself the moderate people who in part voted M5s “and in part, he did not vote. “If an aggregation of the genre was born – said Alfano – the points that from 6:00 to 7:00 Fi went to the League, would return back in the presence of a moderate project.”

And one of the first steps of this new alliance could be the constitutional referendum: “I groom in full the idea of ​​aggregating all moderate for yes and to have a meeting of parliamentarians for the yes, those are not the Democratic Party, even before the summer break if you can “. Alfano stressed that it “strongly and convincingly for yes” and revealed to be in contact with “many moderates who are not of the Democratic Party and who support the referendum. I am referring to all those members who support the government, and that can really represent that added value to win the referendum that today the polls with an uncertain outcome. “

” if the referendum will win the yes – said Alfano – as I think and hope for Italy, the day after we will be the liberal component of the center who has won and who has been part of a reformist camp who delivered to italy the biggest constitutional reform since the days of the constituent Assembly. Maybe, they will have their own committee, but at this very hour I Ala heard, I heard Tosi, I got to hear the moderates of Portas and some friends who are in the AP group that are from the history of the UDC, I also heard the deputy mininstro Nencini who is the leader of the socialists. “


Pa, CDM approves 4 decrees. Renzi: “More money for contracts, but smart to be punished” – The Republic

Rome – “The ongoing reform Pa. Today, the CDM has finally approved four decrees #passodopopasso”. So the minister of Public Administration, Marianna Madia, announced via Twitter the green light to a new package of measures by the Council of Ministers. Actually have 5 major measures emerged from the meeting, explained after the meeting by the President of the Council Matteo Renzi : “What seemed impossibilesta happening, simplify this country. But we go in that direction, making always easier to govern our country. “

Injustice to heal. Premier Particular emphasis has placed him on an issue which, he said, is an injustice to be remedied. “For seven years, public employees do not have a pay rise, to reopen the contract stage. The figure in the Stability Law is little more than symbolic, we are ready to discuss, we know that we need more money and we are ready to put more money provided it is clear that those who work in public administration must be rewarded and those who make clever should be punished, “said the premier, who added:” it is time to address this injustice. We, however, propose a tall and noble exchange ” , he made it clear: the greater severity towards “scoundrels of the card,” whose dismissal, he stressed, “is not demagoguery, but it’s a cultural thing,” must now be accompanied the release of salaries “for those who work well” because it is an “injustice” to heal.

Investments with fast track. Among the measures approved by the Council of Ministers, there is one that “allows certain administrative processes laden with particular impact of having a fast track. ” For example, clarified Renzi “for an investment that creates 300 jobs there are dies, now if there is consent there will be a fast track.”

Health. A other matters as approved covering health executives: “Even here – said Renzi – we put the definite yes: the theme is transparency, merit and the right people to manage the health, less talk and more concrete facts and never in the hands of the health worst political “. Managers of public hospitals will no longer be appointed by the political, then, but chosen based on merit by a national register. With the approval of the decree implementing the reform Madia, he said the Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin , “Change the way you evaluate and choose the management of the Italian health”, the decree today “changes governance of Health “. With the new decree you choose to “target new selection models of Health managers, general managers and health and administrative directors -has continued eral with merit, impartiality and transparency and with a clear process of identification and selection that takes away an evaluation linked to the political organ discretion and confidence to rely on a technical assessment. “

Forestry. As previously announced, the CDM has approved the decree that incorporates the Forest: “You go from 5 to 4 the police, forest pass inside the police,” said Renzi. Dall’accorpamento of Ranger “will create a specific command, in arming the police,” explained the Minister of Agriculture, Maurizio Martina . The new command “will be one of the most solid in the international arena, with 8,000 units, for a new protection path of forest policies”. It also emphasizes, the reorganization also will be established a “specific direction within the ministry”. With the unification will take place, he added, an “extraordinary regional coverage” going to cover, thanks to the ubiquity of the weapon’s coverage of the Carabinieri, also “rural areas.” In addition, the minister assured that “the professionalism of forest will be safeguarded”.

simpler procedures for ports … reduction and “simplifying procedures of port authorities” is another point approved by the Council of Ministers. “We want the port of Genoa and Savona will become the port of Switzerland and southern Germany, we have already made arrangements for this and we want the North Adriatic ports work together and act as a gateway to Austria and East European, “said Transport Minister, Graziano Delrio , who stressed that the ambition is that of a” strong simplification “,” efficiency “and to” take advantage of the geographical location of ‘Italy to promote economic development. ” He concluded: “It is a reform that aims to make the system more sea that creates new jobs. There is a simplification of the procedure on the one hand and on the other side of simplification of governance. It goes from 57 ports of national interest in 15 port authorities. “

… and compensation for floods and disasters. Although it is not part of the law Madia, said Renzi, the package is also expected compensation for the drought and floods: “It’s hard to compensate and return the money to those who have suffered a natural disaster, but now the compensation mechanism marks a step forward, “assured the prime minister. In essence, those who have had their own home or their business damaged by a disaster such as a flood, will be entitled to compensation. With the resolution passed today becomes in fact operating the organic reform of the post-emergency, designed to enable citizens and businesses, affected by a natural disaster, that it be given an important contribution to meet the costs. They will be recognized up to 80% of the damage to the private property, established on the basis of strict criteria, for up to 150 thousand euro. The maximum is € 450 thousand instead for productive activities, with recognition of up to 50% of the damages suffered by the buildings and 80% for machinery and stocks of raw materials. “With the green light today CDM becomes operational, the rule contained in the 2016 Stability Law that, for the first time, uniformly recognized throughout the national territory a contribution to the citizens and businesses damaged by floods and natural disasters , that occurred between 2013 and 2015. in 2016 stability, in fact, we have allocated a very significant amount (up to a maximum of 1.5 billion euro) to intervene with contributions in favor of those who have been affected “, commented Paola de Micheli , undersecretary at the Ministry of Economy.

Court of Auditors, appointed president of Scarfizzi Martucci. The Council of Ministers has approved the appointment of Arturo Martucci Scarfizzi, former deputy chairman, as President of the Court of Auditors. The CDM also took note of the appointment of the president Claudio Galtieri section of the Attorney General of the Court of Auditors. Proposed by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy Giuliano Poletti it was also launched the procedure for the appointment of Massimo De Felice a President INAIL. The proposal will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Committees for opinion.


Parisi on tiptoe: working at the convention, and look for new faces – the Journal

Stefano Parisi moves on tiptoe. Yesterday, for the new man who has to “regenerate moderate” and return the center at Palazzo Chigi, the Roman trip was a hit and run. Arrival in the morning and depart in the evening. No visit to the party; no taking hold office in Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina; no summit with the big names of Forza Italy; no contact with the blue regional coordinators who will meet next week.

Only a face-to-face with Gabriele Albertini, Senator centrist and former mayor of Milan, which Parisi is very good friend because he wanted his side as a city manager in years to palazzo Marino. Natural that the establishment of Forza Italy look favorably but also with some concern the rise of the former head of Fastweb. The fear is that Parisi proceed with an ax to prune some old branch forzista. But no doubt, inferences and alarms that for now they do not find evidence. Even so, the mayor of Milan entourage candidate, they do know that Parisi is focused on something else. In the first place the organization of the convention on 16 and 17 September in Milan, already renamed “Leopolda moderates.” Will march new people: entrepreneurs, professionals, traders and above all navigated a few politicians. That’s what I want Parisi and that is what Berlusconi wants. Just the direct line to the Knight is the Mister Chili strength that has just received the investiture by the leader himself. The yard has just opened and the plan is ambitious: “I have a project and answer only to Berlusconi – said Parisi – I want to create an alternative liberal Renzi. Otherwise people will think that if the Prime Minister loses the referendum and goes home, then won the 5 Star, or there is the abyss. For this it needs a renewal in its contents. Forza Italy must again become a government force. It has adapted to oppose. “For too many years Here: return Forza Italy to be a government force and not just opposition by writing on paper a very liberal program for the country. Economy, taxation, security, the fight against bureaucracy and against waste, legality and education are the pillars on which Parisi intends to build the house of the center. A center-right that must be inclusive and talk to everyone, including the League.

On this front Parisi does not seem worried about the reactions a bit ‘broken Salvini who hardly cheered for the drop in official field manager . A quiet perhaps due to the fact that one of the enemies to defeat Parisi is the centralism of a iperburocratico State. Theme, this, which is in the DNA of members of the League of all generations. Parisi, in fact, will vote ‘No’ in the referendum on constitutional reforms Renzi but not for sinister reasons conservatism; but because the bill Woods buries that bit of federalism that Italy had conquered with the center-right governments.

alliances, however, it is still too early to speak. Also because there is the belief that the electoral law is set to change, presumably after the referendum. And if Renzi were to lose and keep his word, the post Italicum will be written by this Parliament but at Palazzo Chigi another premier. In short, the elections will not appear on the horizon but the center-right, with Parisi director, is already organizing to win it now.


Parisi goes to Rome, tense atmosphere in Fi – Il Sole 24 Ore


The event is scheduled for 16 and 17 September. It is there, in two days in Milan, which will be revealed the liberal-popular project that Silvio Berlusconi has entrusted to Stefano Parisi. An event – confirmed yesterday by the former to Fastweb – which will be held on the same weekend of the gathering of the League of Matteo Salvini in Pontida. Whether or not a coincidence, will be two appointments that will provide an important contribution to understanding what will be the center of the future.

Parisi yesterday was in Rome. But not at the site of the fi but in his home Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina where he met members of the party from some loyalists of former premier as Sestino Giacomoni and Gregory Fontana. Probable that the choice of making the Rome residence also his political office, is only temporary and due to organizational reasons. At the same time, however, is also a way to mark the distance. Moreover, it is certainly no coincidence that the former CEO of Fastweb has received from Berlusconi a mandate to be invested, however, from a position of coordinator of Forza Italy as the Knight had originally proposed.

The goal of Parisi, and of course Berlusconi, is to go beyond Fi. At least the current one. A decision that continues to fuel the discontent among the blue interior. “Organize well as its convention. I, however, I worry of terrorism, migration, the economic and social crisis, the banks, “he commented sarcastically Renato Brunetta, the parent company of Fi Room. The climate is tense. A big part of the party (by the Romans in Toti through Matteoli and Gasparri) have not sent down what they call yet another ‘top investiture. ” A resistance that is also based on the discontent of the allies, and in particular of Salvini and Meloni. Yesterday the leader of FDI in an interview with The time has warned that any support for a Renzi bis would preclude the possibility of “any alliance.”

A hypothesis that on paper at the moment does not exist but that the recent statements of Parisi have not excluded. The goal, says former candidate for mayor of Milan, is “to create an alternative government ‘Renzi. Alternative to Berlusconi can only be achieved by strengthening the moderates of the center. And here comes Fi.

As Parisi wants to look like an “external” called to give his ‘contribution’, it is clear that it can not ignore Fi. That’s why yesterday established a first series of meetings starting next week. The first will be with Alfredo Messina, recently named by Berlusconi to replace the role of Treasurer Maria Rosaria Rossi, to check the status of the blue party accounts. Then comes the turn of the meetings with regional coordinators. The reorganization of the territory is an essential piece, and all obvious, given the internal wars in different regions. It will also be a way to test the response of Parisi party, to see if the Roman resistances have also made inroads in the suburbs. Berlusconi in each case is determined to keep going. What interests the former prime minister in the coming months is to verify the effect on the electorate entering the field of Parisi. Il Cavaliere, contrary to his colonels, is convinced that the Milan model is winning and therefore the starting point is – as he wrote in the note on Tuesday – the regrouping of the moderates.