Sunday, July 31, 2016

Pakistan expelled from Italy: “He had sworn allegiance ISIS ‘- Il Sole 24 Ore

he was a “would-fighter ‘, which has already lent oath of submission to the Caliph, the Pakistan of 26 years of which hung an expulsion order by the interior minister executed by the police of Ros in Vaprio d’Adda, in the province of Milan. Among his potential targets, according to investigators, there would be a liquor store. “He was ready for martyrdom, his behavior was very dangerous,” said the Minister Alfano.

The Pakistani, married to a compatriot, arrived in Italy in 2003 with his family, he attended Italian schools and had a steady job. The measure – say the investigators – was taken after a long investigation coordinated by the District Attorney of Milan anti-terrorism in accordance with the National Anti-Mafia and anti-terrorism, which has allowed us to verify a “growing process of radicalization in key jihadist ‘man on several occasions, had expressed their adherence to the Islamic State and the sharing of the actions committed by various terrorist organizations jihadist galaxy.

the man, in fact, in addition to having expressed a desire to reach theaters war to join the militias of the Islamic State, trying to convince other countrymen, including his wife, showed “signs of progressive ideological exaltation in support of the Islamic State”, declaring
be willing to join the jihad with an act of martyrdom. He thought the Paris attacks a “legitimate” reaction to the operations from France and Isis anti-Syrian coalition in the Iraqi theater.

As emerged from the police investigation, the Pakistani was found very active on social networks and he tried and tested in Internet documents and videos related to Islamic fundamentalism and jihadi terrorism, taking into virtual contacts with people from the Islamic-radical orientation, some of which then affected by precautionary measures to acts of terrorism and expelled from Italy for same reasons.

the cooperation with foreign judicial authorities allowed him to observe his constant interest in the content, particularly violent and bloody, propaganda and published on the web training organization

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